12 Days Before Winter Break
A way to show you our holiday spirit and gratitude!
On the 12th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
A donut delivery! No need to go anywhere! Admin will be delivering donuts to all staff this morning!
On the 11th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
A Feliz Navidad with chips and salsa in the staff lounge!
On the 10th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
Reeses Peanut Butter cup in your box! "Have we told you 'reese-ently' that we appreciate you?!"
On the 9th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a Christmas Explosion dress up day! Wear your favorite Christmas attire and accessories! Some will be available to borrow in the Principal's Office.
On the 8th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
The gift of time! No meetings today. School is out and the time is yours!
On the 7th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
Hot Cocoa Bar in the staff lounge. Come warm up with a cup of hot cocoa and an assortment of garnishments!
On the 6th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a "Duck" the Halls fun gift! Check your box for some silly ducky Christmas fun.
On the 5th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a day to exchange your favorite baked goods! Bring your favorite dessert for everyone to try, but don't forget the recipe to share!
On the 4th day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a candy cane gram station! Write a sweet note to a colleague and attach a candy cane. Place it in a colleague's box to wish them a very happy holiday!a
On the 3rd day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a white elephant gift exchange party! Find a fun gas station, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Discount Store, no more than $5 gift, wrap it, and bring it to the library after school for a fun white elephant gift exchange. (Optional, but highly encouraged because the more the merrier!)
On the 2nd day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a personalized Christmas card from us to you to let you know how much we appreciate you!
On the last day before winter break my admin gave to me...
a chance to win a gift card! In your box, you will find a raffle ticket. Put your name on it, come find the Christmas decorated container in the office, and put your ticket inside! Winners will be called every hour and the grand prize winner will be called at the very end of the teacher workday!