Mrs. Schwartz's Class News
A Simple Story of our Week: October 17th - October 21st
What we learned this week
- Language Arts: Throughout the week, students read and wrote all about pumpkins. We practiced the different comprehension skills learned up to this point (eg. sequencing, classifying and categorizing, etc) using our pumpkin stories! We also review and practice with nouns, rhyming, and beginning sounds!
- Phonics: Students learned all about the shape, sound, and use of the uppercase and lowercase letters M and N. We worked with these letters throughout the week as we practice manipulating and listening for their sounds throughout our weekly reading.
- Sight Words: This week, students reviewed all sight words learned; a, to, the, little, I, am. Students practiced reading, writing, and identifying these words in our weekly writing and reading activities.
- Mathematics: Students continued to work with numbers 1-10 and how to show them using ten frames, fingers, counters, etc as we continue to work on our Number Sense. Students will also be taking their Chapter 2 Test on Thursday, October 20th.
- Science: PUMPKIN WEEK IS HERE! Hoorah! Throughout the week, students examined, experimented, touched, explored, and inquired all about pumpkins! We did a full pumpkin investigation as we carve our very own pumpkin for our school's Parade of Pumpkins. Students also have the chance to work with their five senses as we explore the taste of pumpkins, their seeds, the smells used with pumpkins, and the different textures of pumpkins.
Pumpkin Investigation
Throughout the week, students took time to learn, examine, sequence, and explore pumpkins!
Classroom Reminders
- Please send your child into school daily with a HEALTHY, quick snack.
- All paper work is due to Ms. Lauren at the front desk.
- Take your Daily Communication Folder home daily. As the year goes on, there will be more papers and assignments being sent home.
- Our school day begins promptly at 8:25 am
Do You Like Pumpkin Pie?
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, October 24th to Thursday, October 26th
- Friday, October 28th: PAC Halloween Party and Parade
Mrs. Marissa Schwartz
Email: Marissa.Schwartz@nlcinc.com
Website: http://www.chesterbrookacademy.com/elementary/philadelphia/west-chester/parents/our-faculty/teacher/marissa-schwartz/
Location: 1190 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA, United States
Phone: (610) 719-0240
Twitter: @CBAWestChester