North Scituate Elementary School
June 2024
A Note from Mrs. Soccio
The last month of school is here! It has been an enjoyable and memorable school year. Students and staff have been hard at work learning and collaborating with their peers. I am beyond proud of our students' success and family commitment to learning. Each teacher, staff member, and student has risen to the challenge of navigating through this school year.
Report cards and summer packet information will be sent home on the last day of school. Next year's classroom teacher WILL NOT be on your child's report card. You will be notified in August who your child's teacher is.
As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent please send a note, call the Front Office or email our Secretary at jennifer.foster@scituateschoolsri.net.
**Our school office will be open normal hours on June 17th & 18th. Please contact 647-4110, kaitlin.soccio@scituateschoolsri.net, or jennifer.foster@scituateschoolsri.net to ensure the office is open in the summer. Our summer schedule will be posted on our website.
I hope you have a wonderful and memorable summer!
Kaitlin M. Soccio, Principal
A Kick Off to Reading Week with Len Cabral
Announcements & Reminders
- As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent please send a note, call the Front Office or email our new Secretary at jennifer.foster@scituateschoolsri.net.
If you have a change in dismissal for your child, please alert the Front Office before 2:00pm, if possible. This allows us time to inform the teacher and student of the change.
- Please date notes that are sent to school with students. If you are writing a note about dismissal, please write the full name of the person picking up your child.
- Clearly mark water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. with student's name.
Light the Night Fundraiser
Stay tuned for more details about our annual "Light the Night" fundraiser. Mark your calendars for May 15 - June 16 and start saving your coins and dollar bills. For more information about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night fundraiser visit- https://www.lightthenight.org/.
Arts Night 2024
What a wonderful night! Students showcased their artwork, our Chorus performed, STEAM activities were on display, and the book fair was open. Thank you to everyone who joined us! Our Book Fair sales were over $5,000.00
Our STEAM Showcase included:
Kindergarten Drums Alive
Drums Alive is an evidence-based program that applies fitness, drumming, music, and educational concepts.
Grade 1 Six Bricks
Six Bricks challenge activities are short, simple exercises or games designed to wake up the brain and get the child moving, thinking, and remembering.
Grade 3- Coding
Sphero programmable robots help kids learn fundamental STEM concepts through play-based learning and educational STEAM activities. Students used coding to drive their Sphero through an obstacle course.
Grade 4 Showcase GIS
GIS (Geographic Informational Systems) connects data to a map providing a foundation of mapping and analysis used in almost every industry. In class students have been researching a state and created a slideshow project.
Grade 5 Scratch Projects
Scratch allows you to program your own interactive stories, games, and animations AND share them! In class students have been researching a space topic.
High Five Friday
What a morning- High Five Friday and Glory (Therapy Dog in Training) visits us at North Scituate. Students were thrilled to see adorable Glory! Thank you to SRO Sgt. Parenti and the SHS sports teams for making our Friday mornings.
Spring Break Challenge Finishers
Students had the opportunity to earn extra recess or a homework pass for completing a certain number of reading steps and math work over April vacation. Check out all the fun they had outside! Well done!
Positive Office Referrals
Classroom Highlights
Kindergarten celebrated a year of learning and growth by writing and illustrating their own class books. Families were invited to attend an evening even where each student showcased his/her page to the audience, and families had their own copies autographed by the authors. What a wonderful night to celebrate an incredible first year of learning. Thank you to Mrs. Slaughter and Ms. Murphy for making this event so special.
Kindergarten students visited the Biomes Marine Biology Center in North Kingston this month. Here is a little bit about the center from their website "The Biomes Center is New England's only private marine education facility and the most hands-on aquarium in the region. We've been providing interactive marine biology programs for schools and families since 1989. We specialize in teaching children and adults about the marine animals of Narragansett Bay and the Atlantic Ocean." Thank to you our teachers and parent volunteers for making this trip possible.
Grade 1
First grade had a fantastic field trip to the Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge where students engaged in activities classifying mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds and were even able to meet a corn snake named Winnie!
Grade 2
Mrs. Bettez' class is eager to share their Jobs in the Community projects. Students researched a specific job in the community that they were interested in and wrote about it. Their class welcomed three parents into their class to learn about their jobs. Thank you to all of the parent visitors for sharing the importance of your jobs.
Grade 3
Part 2 of grade three's Water Festival experience was a visit from Todd Le, the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District's Education Coordinator, who taught students how all water ends up flowing down towards a reservoir. They learned how to keep water clean for future generations.
Congratulations to Casey, Lily, and Violet who received a certificate of recognition for their submissions to the 28th Watershed's Annual Poster Contest. We are so proud of you!
Grade 4
Last month, Ms. Cuttle's class had a career day guest visit their classroom with a focus on nursing. The students did stations rotations where they got a chance to try our some nursing tools, make a model of the lungs, and do a demonstration of how easily germs spread, and how important it is to wash your hands properly. Students were eager to ask questions and learn more about nursing from an actual nurse.
Grade 5
On Friday, May 31st, fifth graders visited the CT Science Center in Hartford, CT. Inside the Science Center, you can experience an ever-changing variety of more than 165 interactive exhibits that involve you in everything from race cars to rocket ships, from strength in your muscles to wind in your sails, from brainwaves to butterflies to missions on Mars. Explore Our Changing Earth, watch a lively 3D movie and discover your own inspiration with friendly, knowledgeable staff in live science demonstrations. Our traveling exhibits and permanent exhibits evolve and change, which means you will always find something new to explore and enjoy. Thank to our PTO for providing snacks and a drink for the bus ride. Thank you to our fifth grade teachers and parent chaperones for making this trip possible.
Physical Education with Mr. L
To end the year, PE students are playing games related to chasing, fleeing, and dodging. Additionally, students are playing manipulative skill games. All students are very excited for field day on Tuesday, June 4th!
A Note from the school nurse
Important Dates
- 06/02: Scituate Lions Club Annual Scholarship Breakfast 7:30am-noon
- 06/03-07: Reading Week
- 06/03: Len Cabral Visits 6-7pm on the front lawn
- 06/04: Field Day (rain date 06/06)
- 06/06: Grads Walk the Halls
- 06/07: Magic Show to wrap up Reading Week
- 06/07: Scituate High School Graduation
- 06/10: 800 Step Pizza Party with Mrs. Soccio
- 06/11: Kindergarten Celebration 9:30am
- 06/12: Grade 5 Celebration 9:30am
- 06/14: Kona Ice Visits (sponsored by PTO) & Obstacle Bounce Course
- 06/14: Last Day of School
North Scituate Elementary School
Email: kaitlin.soccio@scituateschoolri.net
Website: https://nses.scituateschoolsri.net/
Location: 46 Institute Lane, Scituate, RI, USA
Phone: 401-647-4110
Twitter: @NScituateSchool