The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
What a beautiful stretch of sunny weather we have had! The warm sunshine keeps making me doubt that we are actually into the month of November already! Lots of news came out on Friday as Governor Brown adjusted the metrics for returning to school in a hybrid fashion. Please see HSD's message below for more details.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is a survey we need filled out which lets us know if want your student to remain in comprehensive distance learning (CDL) for the rest of the school year OR if you might be interested in hybrid, on site class, if that becomes an option. We will be using this data for planning purposes.
The survey is linked below!
Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Yours in Eagle Pride,
Principal McCalley
Going Hybrid? A Message From HSD!
October 30, 2020
Hillsboro School District Students, Staff, and Families,
Today, Governor Kate Brown released updated health metrics and guidance - developed in conjunction with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) - for the return of students to in-person learning. We are still reviewing this new information and evaluating what it will mean for our district; however, we wanted to share this announcement with you right away.
Ready Schools, Safe Learners (RSSL) Press Release
We also wanted to provide you with an update on our preparations for students’ eventual return to the classroom.
First, to clear up any confusion about Q2: all students will begin quarter 2 in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL). There are a very small number of students who will begin accessing limited in-person instruction opportunities in Q2 to support a language or learning need, and staff have already communicated with those families.
Starting Nov. 9 at the high school level, we are allowing a modified reopening of the outdoor spaces on our campuses for limited activities by athletic and activity groups. This reopening will meet all required and recommended criteria that have been set forth by ODE, OHA, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and Governor Brown’s orders. In addition, HSD will take all precautions and safety measures and endeavor to go above and beyond to ensure our students’ wellbeing. Students who would like to participate are encouraged to sign up on their school’s Family ID site (CHS, GHS, HHS, LHS) to indicate their interest, so that coaches and advisors can connect with them to share additional information. (Please note that our campuses will remain closed to the public, including playing fields and playgrounds, until further notice.)
Our goal, of course, is to get students back into our buildings for in-person learning as soon as it is safe to do so. We anticipate there being a more attainable path to that return in these new metrics and guidelines, especially for our youngest learners and students who are at-risk under the current model.
To that end, teachers will be sending out surveys to families of students in grades PreK-3 on Monday, Nov. 2. The purpose of the survey is to get a sense of how many students might come to school in person when the opportunity is available. Having this information will help our staff prepare our classrooms and other instructional spaces accordingly.
We anticipate needing four to five weeks to transition entire grade levels of our youngest students back to in-person learning, in a manner roughly following this timeline:
Week 1: Refine transition plan, communicate with Health Authority Week 2: Notify staff and community; continue safety protocol training Week 3: Communicate transportation plan and schedules to impacted families Week 4: Transition week for staff Week 5: Transition week for students
Throughout the transition, we would need to be meeting the required health metrics and following advice from our state and local health authorities. As of today, we have not yet entered Week 1.
When we do return to in-person learning, we will follow all recommended health and safety precautions such as:
- All staff and students wear face masks (current guidance states that face shields should not be worn alone unless there is a need for the person’s mouth to be seen for communication purposes or there is a medical reason the person cannot/should not wear a face mask)
- Physical distancing of 6 feet is maintained
- Students have 35 square feet of space in their learning area
- Health screening questions are answered daily
- Heating and ventilation systems are circulating air continuously and are drawing in more outside air during occupied times; they are also running at least two hours before and two hours after occupied times, and doing “night purges” - pushing air that’s inside the building to the outside
- Health hygiene practices are followed: using hand sanitizer and washing hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, staying home when sick, and avoiding close contact with people who are ill
Detailed information on our health and safety protocols and procedures for managing situations where students begin to feel ill at school will be provided prior to a return to in-person learning.
Please note that even when students are able to return to in-person learning opportunities, whether those are full-time or part-time in a hybrid model, we will continue to offer CDL and will need to be prepared to return to CDL by cohort, school, or district if the health situation warrants the change.
Our Board will have a special session on Monday, Nov. 9, to take action on a plan for returning students to in-person learning based on the new metrics and guidelines that were released today. We will communicate that plan with you on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we have worked to keep students and staff safe, while providing them the best education possible through CDL. We know this has been difficult for everyone and will work as quickly and efficiently as possible to facilitate a transition back to our physical schools.
Hillsboro School District
Parent Survey for Returning to Hybrid or Remaining in CDL--TO DO!
Dear Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grade Families,
As the District announced on October 12, all students will continue in the Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) model for the beginning of Quarter 2, which starts on November 9.
It will likely require approximately five weeks to transition from CDL to in-person learning for students in grades Kindergarten through 3 once Washington County begins meeting the required health metrics - two to three weeks of meeting the health metrics to qualify, and up to two weeks of preparation time (while still meeting the health metrics).
It is important for us to have a sense of how many students would return to school in person if it is offered and how many students would elect to continue in CDL. As a reminder, the District has guaranteed access to CDL for the entire 2020-21 school year for families that may not want to take advantage of in-person opportunities if they become available.
Please know that with in-person learning - either in a full-time or hybrid model - the District would follow all state-required safety protocols including face coverings for all staff and students, social distancing of six feet, and reduced classroom capacity to ensure 35 square feet of space per child. Also, please know that regardless of your choice, Nutrition Services will continue to serve meals to all students, whether they are attending in-person or via CDL.
To help us plan, please answer the questions in this survey. If you have multiple children, please complete one survey per student Kindergarten-3rd grade. Please note that the HSD Student ID is optional to fill out.
Additional information about a return to in-person learning for Kindergarten-3rd grade students will be communicated as soon as it is available; at this time, we are gathering information from Kindergarten - 3rd grade families to assist in planning.
Thank you very much for your assistance and ongoing patience. If you have any questions, please reach out to Principal McCalley.
Child Care Support for Essential Workers
Washington County recently awarded a grant to the Hillsboro School District to support childcare for the children of essential workers, and to support childcare providers as they serve school-aged students—ages 5 to 12—as they access Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) during the school day. We are now able to reimburse families of essential workers and families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic for school-age childcare in licensed facilities. This grant is available through the end of December of 2020.
Below are links to the application, feel free to share this information with other community members that have school age children. Please apply, even if you are unsure that you will qualify for this program. Your application is confidential, and we will support you in the process! If you have any questions, please contact Alma Hernandez at
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Imlay Specific Tech Help
Here is the phone number for parents & students if they need tech support, especially locked accounts and password issues. It will go to voicemail if we are outside school hours or on another call. Please leave a message with lots of details if you get voicemail!
Imlay Tech Support Helpline : 971-231-9141
Family/Tech Support in Spanish: 971-208-7972