Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
Friday, November 15
Sidekicks at 10:50 a.m.
Monday, November 18
7:30-8:30 pm
Thursday, November 21
PTA Spirit Night at Donato's
Friday, November 22
- Walk and Roll to School
- Community Circle - 2nd Grade Hosting - Winter Performance
- Parent Coffee Chat - 9:15-10:00 am
- Early Release Day at 12:50 p.m.
November 25-29
Thanksgiving Break
(No School)
SLT Parent Input Request
Do you have a question, comment, or concern? Let your SLT know here on this form. We will review the input in advance of each meeting. Your voice as Glennwood families matters to us!
November Design Principle: Service and Compassion
“Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.”
Hello Glennwood Families,
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our very special Thanksgiving luncheon today. I know our students were so excited to share this tradition with their families. A HUGE thank you goes out to Ms. Angela, our school nutrition manager and Ms. Julissa for serving and accommodating so many visitors today. We appreciate you so much!
Please be sure to check the newsletter carefully this week to note important upcoming dates for parents. We will host our first of three winter performances during Community Circle next week under the direction of music teacher, Ms. Kathryn Pierce. Immediately following, we will offer a Parent Coffee Chat from 9:15-10 a.m. Please see more details for each below.
Our SLT is looking for your input. Do you have a question, comment, or concern? Let your SLT know on this form. We will review the input in advance of each meeting. Your voice as Glennwood families matters to us! This will link will be included in our Eagle Editions going forward. It will be posted next to the calendar link.
Next Friday is our last day of school before our Thanksgiving Break, and it's also an Early Release Day. Students will dismiss at 12:50 p.m.
Warmest regards,
Holly Brookins, Ph.D
Thank You for Coming to Our Thanksgiving Luncheon!
We Invite You to Our Upcoming Winter Performances!
A.W.A.R.E. Wildlife Supply Drive
First grade is collecting supplies to donate to A.W.A.R.E. Wildlife Center as the Service Learning component of their Fall Expedition. We will be collecting the following items from Monday, November 11th until Friday, November 22nd. Collection boxes will be at the front office and by the 1st Grade entrance door. Please help make our drive a success!
Items Needed:
Cat Food (wet or dry)
Dog Food (wet or dry)
Towels (all sizes, but PLEASE NO HOLES OR FRINGE)
Parent Coffee Chat - Friday, Nov. 22 - 9:15-10:00 am
Read-A-Thon Design Contest
We can't wait for our Read-A-Thon in January! To make it extra special, we would like to invite all of our Glennwood Elementary students to participate in a drawing contest to create the main design we use to market the Read-A-Thon.
Theme: Ready, Set, Read
Requirements: Student-drawn outside of class; must include "Ready, Set, Read" theme; must include "Glennwood Elementary" in the design; write student's name and teacher on the back
Submissions should be sent to school via class folders. Please place them in the PTA mailbox in the main floor break room.
Submission deadline: Nov. 22
The Read-A-Thon is an important PTA fundraiser that encourages all students to enjoy and excel in reading while participating in a friendly competition for prizes while having fun! The Read-a-Thon is one of our top fundraisers, so we hope to have amazing participation. Funds raised by the PTA’s Read-a-Thon will help support Glennwood, including supplies needed for teachers, staff and students, teacher innovation grants, school improvements, teacher appreciation events and gifts, school supply kits Kindergarten t-shirts, and much more!
If you have any questions, please email Karen Pearl at readathon@glennwoodespta.com.
Staff Appreciation Snack Table Hosted by 1st Grade
For November, we're asking FIRST GRADE Families to help show gratitude to our staff on Wednesday, November 20th. Please review the available slots and sign up HERE! Items can be dropped off with Ms. Reynolds at the front office November 18th-19th during school hours. PTA will assemble the snack table for our staff to enjoy on Nov. 20th. We are also requesting clean up volunteers, so please sign up if you can to help clean up.
If you are unable to purchase items for the table, but would like to donate funds towards the event or to restock snacks in the teacher lounge, the PTA is also collecting monetary donations. Donations can be made here with a note that it is for the November Snack Table and we'll take care of it for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs: Samantha Bryan or Hui-Chuan Hodges (staffappreciation@glennwoodespta.com).
Feedback Wanted: Fall Carnival & Chili Cook Off
We would greatly appreciate your participation in this quick feedback survey so that we can continue to make our community events even better.
Yearbook Tribute Ads
Honor your child with a Tribute Ad in this year’s yearbook. This is a great way to celebrate your child’s growth as a Glennwood student. Follow this link and enter school code 24818 to design and purchase your ad.
Join the PTA Committees
We are still looking for volunteers for the following roles:
Committees (sign up to volunteer or email President@Glennwoodespta.com)- Events Volunteer Coordinator
- Fundraising Chair
PTA Spirit Night at Donatos - Thursday, Nov. 21 - 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
We’re excited to announce that we’re partnering with Minted to help us fundraise! Please support Glennwood Elementary by ordering your cards & gifts from Minted using our promo code [FUNDRAISEGLENNWOOD]. You’ll get 20% OFF your order and 15% of every purchase made using our code will be donated back to us at the end of the year.
**Note: This promo code can be used year-round! Not limited to holiday season. Baby announcements, wedding announcements, party invites -- all are welcome!