PaTTAN BVI Newsletter
March 2023
Table of Contents
- In the News
- Special Addition! CVI Resources
- It's That Time of Year
- PaTTAN's Desk
- New Section! Family Corner
- On the Horizon
- Leisurely Learning
In the News
New Blindness/Visual Impairment Family Consultant!
Tess is a welcome addition to our BVI Team! She has a sibling with a visual impairment and has a background as a TVI/COMS.
Financial Literacy Course for High School Students
- July 12-30, 2023; 2 hours per day for 3 weeks
- Application deadline: May 15, 2023
To learn about requirements and access applications refer to the flyer (Professional Google Drive - Flyers).
Survey, Anyone?
PaTTAN BVI Needs Assessment
If you haven't yet, please complete this 8-question need survey by April 10, 2023.
*This needs assessment was highlighted in the last newsletter.
CVI Resources
CVI for the TVI
Check out past webinar topic areas, such as:
- Understanding CVI
- CVI: Impact on Vision
- CVI & The Environment
- CVI Assessment
- CVI & The ECC
- CVI Services & Programming
- CVI and other disabilities, including hearing loss
Teach CVI
TEACHCVI is a partnership that aims to create collaborative tools for teachers and healthcare professionals. It is meant to build a bridge between teachers/educators and health care professionals so they can work together to benefit the target group: children with Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI).
Check out their database of resources in the areas of:
- Guidelines
- Screening Tools (Use as part of your FVA to help refine aspects of your assessment)
- Assessments
- Teaching Materials
PIMD-CVI Assessment
Royal Dutch Visio's PIMD-CVI Assessment is designed for professionals with thorough pedagogic/therapeutic knowledge and with specific comprehension of the development of visually impaired children and of persons with multiple intellectual and visual impairments.
Google Classroom CVI Self-Paced Short Course
AER: Neurological Vision Impairment Division
Designing an Accessible Academic Experience for Students with Cortical Visual Impairment: A Virtual Four-Part Workshop with Matt Tietjen hosted by Columbia Regional Inclusive Services and Northwest Regional Education Service District.
Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment: A foundational overview and understanding online course from Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins School for the Blind Course: O&M through the CVI Lens
TSBVI - Coffee Hours - A wealth of great content in CVI and other topics as well.
It's that Time of Year
2nd Annual PA Cane Quest - April 15, 2023
The Veering Cane has partnered with Kutztown University to host the SECOND PA Regional Cane Quest! Get ready to again showcase the incredible Orientation and Mobility skills of PA's blind and visually impaired youth.
Cane Quest is a challenging orientation and mobility contest that provides students (grades 3-12) with visual impairment/blindness an opportunity to showcase their skills as white cane travelers. Contestants are divided into three categories:
- Scouts: grades 3 to 6
- Explorers: grades 7 to 9
- Trailblazers: grades 10 to 12
Student’s Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS) will determine the skills of interested students, and complete the form connected to categorical grouping buttons on the website. Parents will complete a form and sign a permission slip for their child to participate.
To learn more, refer to the Veering Cane's website.
Penn-Del AER Conference - Registration Open!
Registration is open for this nationally recognized conference. Find the conference brochure, pre-conference at-a-glance, and other information on their website under Professional Development - Annual Conference.
When: April 19-21, 2023
Where: Best Western Premier Central Hotel, Harrisburg, PA
From PaTTAN's Desk
New Short Term Loan Additions!
- Onyx Pro (not available due to warranty repair)
- HIMS BrailleSense 6
- Onyx Deskset HD 20”
- Ruby XLHD w/ High Contrast (not available)
- Ruby 10HD with Speech
- ClearView Go 17” (identical to the APH Jupiter but with a LARGER screen)
- Brailliant Bl 40x
- Blaze ET
The Framework for Access & Belonging with Supplementary Aids and Services (FAB)
FAB is a structured method to analyze a general education classroom's instructional, physical, and social environment from the perspective of an individual student with a disability. The intended outcome of using the FAB Process is for the team to identify specific obstacles or instructional barriers that may interfere with meaningful access and belonging within an educational environment. Once barriers are identified, the team will select tools, strategies, and/or resources to reduce and/or eliminate these barriers to enhance participation and learning for the student with a disability in the general education classroom.
For more general information check out FAB on the PaTTAN website and on the initiative's google site.
Website Changes
Family Corner
BVI Family Newsletter
Family Resource Group
The goal of this group is to send out resources, event information, and contacts that can benefit your family and child. It is an easy way for you to get updates and take advantage of any available opportunities.
For more information:
- Watch our 2-minute video
- Contact us by email: FamilyResourceGroup@pattankop.net
- Check out the PaTTAN website for additional information!
- Sign up today: Blind-Visual Impairment Initiative and Family Resource Group Sign up
Resources to share with families:
ParentConnect: A Family Support Group
On the Horizon
Time to sit back and unwind..." (DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, 1991)
Leisurely Learning
APH Offerings
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
APH is also hosting many live events, including a focus on transition. Visit the APH Connect Event page to register for live online learning opportunities and earn ACVREP credits.
AER eLearning
Perkins eLearning
- Daily Living
- Recreation
- Braille
- Adjusting to vision loss
- Technology
- Vision loss
Sign Up for Access to our Google Drives
Sign up for Access Today!
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
- Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tess Nasehi - tnasehi@pattan.net - Family Consultant
- Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tim Knight - tknight@pattanpgh.net - Educational Consultant
- Greg Lazur - glazur@pattan.net - Educational Consultant