Ashland High School Weekly Update
March 8, 2024
August 19, 2024
Dear students, parents and guardians,
It has been wonderful to see more students around as we gear up for the school year. Athletic try-out's kick off this week and we are excited to see new teachers as well as our peer leaders in the building on Thursday.
A reminder that all current Ashland Public Schools students, grades 9-12 can view their schedule on iStudent and iParent. If you can not access your account email the main office at to have the account password reset (Members of the Class of 2028 and other new students will receive their iStudent log-in information at New Student Orientation as well as a hard copy of their schedule in the mail.)
Our counseling staff will return to the office on August 20. If you would like to set up a meeting with your counselor regarding schedule changes, we will be offering 15-minute appointments from 8:30–11:45 a.m. and 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Aug. 20, 21 and 23. Counselors will be available on Aug. 22 after 11 a.m. You may call the high school counseling office at 508-881-0177 to arrange an appointment.
We welcome several new staff members to the AHS community this school year. Please make an effort to introduce yourself!
Carolyn Lee - Dean of students of the Classes of 2026 and 2028
Classroom staff:
John Ciampaglia - wellness
Emily Ferrucci - Spanish
Polly Healy - BCBA
Raeanne Jacobsen - ESP
Gianna Krovocheck - BRYT social worker
Donald (DJ) Livermore - history
John (Jake) O'Connor - history
Heidi Kampersal - Nutrition Services Manager
Key Dates:
First Day of School (A day)
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
All-school PBIS activity/Convocation (B day)
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Our school start time is 8:20 a.m. The first bell will ring at 8:10 a.m. Students gather in the back lobby/cafeteria area until that time. The building will be open and the cafeteria will begin serving breakfast at 7:40 a.m.
All students go to homeroom on the first day of school to receive new copies of their schedules as well as important health/emergency form information. Homeroom lists are posted in the halls.
Please visit for information from all schools about the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
I look forward to welcoming everyone back on Wednesday, August 28.
Kelley St. Coeur
All students in grades 9-11 will receive a new Chromebook this year. Chromebooks will be exchanged prior to class meetings during the 2nd week of school. Students must bring their old Chromebook in order to receive the new one.
Class of 2028: Tuesday, September 3
Class of 2027: Wednesday, September 4
Class of 2026: Thursday, September 5
Students are reminded to bring their Chromebook and charger to school each day.
Cell Phone expectations
Per the AHS Handbook cell phones and other personal electronic devices (iPods, cameras, smart watches, etc.) may only be used during non-instructional time such as passing time, break and lunch.
At all other times, devices must be turned off and put away. This year, in an effort to have consistency across all settings students will be asked, upon entering all learning spaces (classrooms, library, gym, etc.), to store their cell phones in a dedicated space in the classroom. Students will not be able to access their phone without explicit permission from the teacher and will be expected to leave their phones when leaving the classroom for the restroom. Teachers may allow the use of cell phones when appropriate for classroom instruction.
Parents/guardians are asked to call the main office for any emergency needs and expect their student will not answer a call or text during class. We appreciate your support in providing our students with a learning environment that is focused and free from distractions.
A Message from the High School Health Office Nurses
The High school nurses will be available to collect student medications and required forms for the upcoming school year on the following dates/times:
When: Tuesday, August 20th - Thursday, August 22nd
Time: 10 am to 1 pm
Where: Ashland High School
Parents/Guardians should bring in the following:
Medication inside the pharmacy labeled container with student's name and appropriate instructions
Physicians order dated for the 2024-2025 school year (a new order is needed every school year). Physicians orders can be on physician's own paperwork, or they may use the top portion of the parent consent form. Forms may be faxed to 508-881-0187. Students with life-threatening allergies should also have an Allergy Action Plan signed by their physician.
A newly signed parental consent form to administer the medication (a new form is required every school year)
Necessary forms are attached to this email
Examples of medications that may be required for the school setting:
Epipens/Auvi-Qs for life threatening allergies
Respiratory inhalers that are needed during the school hours
Diastat or Valtoco for seizure management in the school setting
Daily medications that need to be administered during school hours
Thank you for your help in getting ready for the upcoming school year!
Ashland High School Nurses
Arrival & Dismissal Expectations
To ensure a safe and orderly start to the school day, please adhere to the following drop-off procedures. Parents/guardians should use the back entrance for student drop-off, as bus students are dropped off at the front of the school. Parents should pull up as far as possible in back of the school, close to the sidewalk, to assist with the flow of traffic. Students exiting cars should check for oncoming traffic. Students should never exit the car in the right lane. Students with a permit who are driving to school should pull into the back parking lot in order to switch drivers.
At dismissal parents picking students up will pull to the far corner of the back of the building. Cones will mark the front of the line. Student drivers will be dismissed for 5 minutes after dismissal, then the parent drivers will be released. No students should be picked up on East Union Street.
Student drivers interested in purchasing a parking pass may do so at any time during the school day. Passes must be purchased by September 13 for anyone currently driving and displayed in the car each day. Students may purchase a parking pass at any time during the school year once they obtain their license or a car. All students are reminded to follow the rules of the road while on school grounds or risk losing parking privileges.
New Student Orientation
Thursday, Aug. 22, 4-6 p.m.
Join the AHS administration, counselors and student peer leaders for fun activities, including an AHS Amazing Race, so you can get to know the building along with our culture and expectations. This event is for students only. Students who are not able to attend are welcome to stop by and orient themselves to the building at other times between 8 a.m.-2:45 p.m. any time after Aug. 22. Stop by the office and introduce yourself!
Class of 2025 parking spot painting
Seniors can purchase and paint parking spots as we approach the new school year. This fundraiser will be held on August 23rd, 9 AM-6(ish)PM (Hours Extended!). The deadline to submit your design for approval is Monday, August 19th and your parking permit must be paid for ahead of time. The price to paint a spot is $30. You also must bring all your supplies! The parking permit is $100 and can be purchased in the main office any time this week or before painting on Friday.
Class T-shirts will also be sold during this event for $20! Even if you are not painting a spot, come by to purchase a T-shirt to wear on the 2nd day of school during convocation.
The form to submit your design can be found at this link:
Information is also on the class website:
Summer Work
Summer assignments for Ashland High School students can be found on our website here.
All students must choose one selection from the grade appropriate list for English. All other work is class specific.
Other important reminders
AHS does not have a school supply list. Teachers will share with students what is needed for individual classes throughout the first couple of days. Students should plan to start the year with their Chromebook, a notebook and writing utensils (pens and pencils).
Students are allowed to carry backpacks at AHS, and all students are assigned a locker. Students can rent a lock for their locker through the front office for $5 or bring their own lock and provide the office with the combination or copy of the key.
Important Reminders
- Please remember that if you have a concern about your child in class, contact the teacher first. They will be able to speak best to the situation at hand.
- Students are reminded to bring their Chromebooks and chargers to school every day. Loaners are only be available to students who have a broken Chromebook or charger.
Save the Date
- First day of school: August 28
- Back to School Night for parents/guardians: September 12, 6:30pm
Community Bulletin Board
Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out our Community Bulletin Board at