Berthoud Community Library District
June 2024
In This Issue...
- Letter from the CEO
- Hours
- Summer Learning Initiative
- 6/19: Juneteenth Closure
Family Events:
- Tuesdays: Bouncing Baby Storytime at 10:30AM
- Wednesdays: Terrific Toddler Storytime at 10:30AM
- Fridays: Perky Pre-K Storytime at 10:30AM
6/3 & 6/17: Musical Moments at 4:00 PM
6/5: Kaleidoscope Music at 2PM at New Freedom Outreach Center
6/7: Come Paint with Author Lulu Beck at 2PM
6/12: Polar Connections at 2PM at New Freedom Outreach Center
6/26: Mad Science at 2PM at New Freedom Outreach Center
Teen Events:
6/6: Don’t Look! Team Challenge at 2PM *Registration Required
6/13: Book Tasting with Tom at 2PM *Registration Required
6/20: Werewolf in the Village: An Original Puzzle Room at 2PM *Registration Required
6/27: Right on Target! at 2PM *Registration Required
Adult Events:
- Mondays - Writer's Group from 10:30-11:45AM
- Saturdays - Saturday Sketch Hour from 11AM - 12PM
- 6/13 - Philosophy Reading & Discussion Group with Philosophy Outreach Program of Colorado (POPCO), University of Colorado, Boulder: “Echo Chambers & Epistemic Bubbles” at 6PM *Registration Required
- 6/20 - “Intro to Invertebrates” with Butterfly Pavilion at 6PM *Registration Required
- 6/28 - Knit & Crochet Drop-in from 1-3PM
- Podcast: New Episode!
- Virtual Storytime with Miss Christy
- Contact Us
CEO Note
Summertime, and the reading is easy.
It’s June, and that means it’s time to kick off our annual Summer Learning Initiative.
Babies, kids, teens, and adults, there’s something for all of you. Kids and teens, set
your reading or project goals to earn prizes or drawing tickets throughout the summer.
Adults, grab a punch card and fill it up by reading books for your own chance at prizes.
And we have events for everyone. We have performers scheduled for our Family
Events every Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 PM. Since we can’t pack all of you into our
building, the Wednesday Family Events take place at the New Freedom Outreach
Center, 250 Mountain Avenue. All those events are drop-in, no registration required
and no charge. (No event on Wednesday, June 19.)
Teens, your events happen in the Library every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 PM. Some
events do require registration, so check the event listings for full details. We need to be
sure we have enough supplies for all of you. (No event on Thursday, July 4.)
Adults, look for visiting invertebrates from the Butterfly Pavilion, visiting philosophers
from the University of Colorado Boulder philosophy outreach program, Sketching Hour,
and Writers Group.
Will there be Storytime? There absolutely will be lots of Storytime. We’re keeping
everyone busy all summer long.
Find all the details you need in this newsletter or on the library’s website,
www.berthoudcommunitylibrary.org. We’ll see you all soon!
Amie P.
Library CEO
We have extended our Browsing Hours on Wednesday and Thursday!
We are now open for browsing Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10AM - 6PM. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - 8PM, and Saturday we are open from 10AM - 4PM. We are no longer closed for lunch on Saturdays (yippee!).
Curbside hours remain constant every day, Monday through Saturday, from 10AM until 5PM. Please email us at curbside.bcld@gmail.com or give us a call and let us know what we can gather for you. We'll arrange a time to pick up for contactless delivery.
Summer Learning Initiative
We are so excited to welcome you in the Library for our Annual Summer Learning Initiative. Whether this is your first year participating, or one of many, we are so grateful for your participation.
This year's Summer Learning theme is "Adventure Begins at Your Library". Summer Learning officially begins today, June 1st.
For more information visit: https://www.berthoudcommunitylibrary.org/summer-learning-2024
Closure Notice
The Library will be closed on June 19th for Juneteenth.
Family Events:
Bouncing Baby Storytime
Join us for Bouncing Baby Storytime on Tuesdays at 10:30AM. This story time is tailored to babies under two. Short books, bounces, songs, finger and foot play rhymes will be fun for babies and their grown-ups alike!
Terrific Toddler Storytime
Join us on Tuesdays at 10:30AM for Terrific Toddler Storytime. Let your toddler move and wiggle at this fast-paced story time with books to grow on, as well as plenty of singing and dancing!
Perky Pre-K Storytime
Join us on Fridays at 10:30AM for Perky Pre-K Storytime. We will be reading and interacting with longer stories in this group, but don’t worry we will still have songs and movement. We will wrap up with a craft.
Musical Moments
Every other Monday!
Let's play at the library! Musical Moments is especially designed for preschool children. Stop by every other Monday at 4PM to learn, play, and sing at the Berthoud Community Library.
June's Musical Moments dates are the 3rd and 17th.
Kaleidoscope Music!
Join us for this Summer Learning event on June 5th at 2PM! Located at New Freedom Outreach Center.
Come Paint with Author Lulu Beck
Enjoy a reading and paint with the author of "Sue's Sky", Lulu Beck, on June 7th from 2-3PM.
Registration required. Call (970)532-2757 to register.
Polar Connections
Presented by CU Boulder. Is a polar bear really white? How much snow does Antarctica get? How many layers of clothing do people need to wear to stay warm? Students learn about the polar regions and how animals and people suit themselves for survival. The location and climate of both the Arctic and Antarctic regions are studied. Focus is on adaptations including physical and behavioral changes. Participants discuss how people gear up to live in these harsh areas.
Mad Science! Dinosaurs!
Investigating the habits, needs and characteristics of dinosaurs facilitates the exploration of the fossilization process. Hand-on activities assist participants with their understanding of fossils and dinosaurs. This lesson provides an opportunity to develop scientific skills through inquiry based instructional materials.
Teen Events:
Don't Look! Team Challenge
For these blindfold challenges you'll be attempting to high five your partner, draw images and more... For all of these activities you'll be relying on just four of your senses.
Join us for this event on June 6th at 2PM. Registration is required. Call (970) 532-2757 to register or come in to the Library.
Book Tasting with Tom
This event is for teens to come and explore new books and genres. It will be set up kind of like speed dating (but with books), where every few minutes they will rotate. The books will be highly rated or award winning books in a few different genres. Light snacks (something that isn't messy, like cheese cubes) will be provided. Participants will also be given a sheet of paper to write down books that they particularly enjoyed. The community room will be set up as if it were a fancy restaurant, with tablecloths and classical music playing on the tv.
Join us for this event on June 13th at 2PM. Registration is required. Call (970) 532-2757 to register or come in to the Library.
Werewolf in the Village: An OG Puzzle Room
Find out who among your group is a werewolf, and figure out how to cure the afflicted with a ritual!
Join us for this event on June 20th at 2PM. Registration is required. Call (970) 532-2757 to register or come in to the Library.
Right on Target!
We'll use mini bow and arrows, swords/lightsabers, and pool noodle javelins to hit targets (not other people).
Join us for this event on June 27th at 2PM. Registration is required. Call (970) 532-2757 to register or come in to the Library.
Adult Events:
Writer's Group
Join us as we free-write, critique, and hone our craft together.
All genres of writing welcome. We meet Mondays from 10:30AM to 11:45AM.
Saturday Sketch Hour
Join us for Saturday Sketch Hour each Saturday from 11AM-12PM! This is an hour for artists of any age and skill level to come and practice, and to learn from each other. Paper and pencils will be provided, however, if you have your own sketching supplies feel free to bring them. (Activity is drawing-specific!)
Echo Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles
Registration is required for this event.
What is an "echo chamber"?
How should we interact with, listen to, and trust people we disagree with?
Why are conspiracy theories attractive?
This month we explore issues in social epistemology and the kinds of social structures that affect how we explore our beliefs. These two essays are “popular philosophy,” versions of articles the authors have published in professional philosophical journals, and are chock-full of subtle and substantial points about how we form our beliefs about the world and how these beliefs can be affected by our social networks.
C. Thi Nguyen, in "Escape the Echo Chamber," thinks there is an important distinction between epistemic bubbles—social structures in which we don’t hear contrary information—and echo chambers, which are social structures which diminish our trust in sources that disagree with us. In his essay, he explores how this distinction affects how we should think about engaging with those whom we disagree.
In his essay, "The Warped Epistemology of Conspiracy Theories," Maarten Boudry explores why we believe in conspiracy theories and how conspiracy theories are unique kinds of theories.
Register for this event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/philosphy-reading-discussion-group-at-berthoud-community-library-tickets-874097558327?aff=oddtdtcreator
For more information and reading guide: https://sites.google.com/view/berthoud-philosophy
Intro to Invertebrates
Come meet live invertebrate guests and learn about them from Butterfly Pavilion educators on June 20th from 6-7PM!
Registration is required. Call 970-532-2757 to register.
Knit & Crochet Drop-In
Knit & Crochet Drop-in will meet this Friday the 24th of May from 1-3PM.
This is not a class, just a place for fellow crafters to meet and knit/crochet together. This is a drop-in event.
This is Berthoud Podcast
This podcast is not just about library 'stuff', but about the wonderful community we live in. Straight from our CEO, Amie!
We're here for you, to support you, to inform you, and to care for you the best way we know how.
Most Recent Episode:
Virtual Storytime Vault with Miss Christy
View all of Miss Christy's virtual story times from the past years. Watch the ones you missed or re-watch your favorites over and over again.
Stay Up to Date
Please keep checking our website, our Facebook page, and/or our Instagram page throughout the month to see the events we are hosting and any updates we may have!
Click here to visit our website.