Tiger Times
Some thoughts for the starting school year
Tiger Times is a monthly newsletter from the administration of Table Rock Elementary to families of TRE to keep them updated on the monthly learning and events at school.
From Principal Hamilton and Assistant Principal Donsarski
Dear Parents, Families, and Guardians,
As we are settled into our school year and are ending our first quarter (9 weeks), we encourage ALL families to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences. It is so important to have the a partnership with families as you are the vital key component of your child's education. Please look for communication coming home from your child's teacher to set up an appointment for your conferences. Conferences may be held before 7:30am and after 3:30pm on Nov 21 and 22; and all day on the days of Nov 25 to 27. Please know that your child's teacher's availability for days/times will vary.
Our goals for this year are to:
Provide a safe place for students to feel welcomed and that they have a sense of belonging
Provide a high quality education for all students
Maximize student achievement
Ensure students behave responsibly and respectfully
We are committed to ensuring that all students are safe, are learning, and are valued.
Thank you for all you do!
Ms. Hamilton and Mrs. Donarski
Calendar of Events for November
Nov 1 - EPHS Homecoming Parade and Football Game
Nov 4 - No school for students (work day for teachers)
Nov 5 - Election Day
Nov 5-7 - Dental Sealant
Nov 11 - Veterans’ Day Holiday - No school
Nov 11-15 - School Psychologist Appreciation Week
Nov 12 - 14- Dental Sealant
Nov 12 - 3:30pm - PTO Meeting - please join!
Nov 13 - Picture Retakes
Nov 25 - 27 - Family Conferences
Nov. 28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
Every Friday is TRE Tiger Spirit Day! Wear purple or TRE shirts. (TRE shirts are for sale in the front office)
Announcements and Important Events/Topics
November Community Newsletter
Please take a moment to read the November Community Newsletter
Dental Program at TRE with the Student Based Health Center (SBHC) - Parent Permission requested
Please fill out the Permission to participate in RCH Dental Program for your child to participate in the upcoming dental days (Nov 5-7 and 12 - 14) for the Dental Sealant Clinic. ALL grade levels are included.
Character Trait of the Month: Gratitude
Our school, and district, follow the guidance and systems from PBIS - positive behavior interventions and supports. Teachers work with students to set up expectations for and support behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health (PBIS Lessons). When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives. Please see www.pbis.org for more information.
Our Character Trait for the month of November is: Gratitude. Check out this link for more information on Purposefull People's Gratitude overview. At home, you could discuss what gratitude looks like at home (ie- what are we thankful for) and what it looks like at school (ie- thanking others when we are grateful for what they have done).
We use Purposefull People's Character Strong Traits to assist our students in learning social skills and interacting with others. Here are our topics for the year:
- Be kind: respect, empathy, cooperation
- Be Strong: responsibility, perseverance, courage
- Be well: gratitude, honesty, creativity
PTO = Parent Teacher Organization
We are looking for some awesome (you!) families to join PTO. PTO helps to organize events at school, support and honor staff (teacher appreciation week), and sponsor fundraisers for the school such as Boo-grams, Valen-grams and other such events.
If you are interested in joining this fantastic group and helping out students and staff, please email Brandi at tablerockpto@gmail.com
iPad Protection Plan
EPSD9 offers an optional iPad Protection Plan to students and families. This annual Protection Plan is effective from the first day school starts to the day before school starts the following academic year. The cost for the Protection Plan is $25.00. The Protection Plan will provide coverage for repair or replacement on and off school grounds for incidents described below. Without the Protection Plan, parents will be responsible for all repair or replacements costs. You can pay in the front office.
If your student did not have the Protection Plan during the prior school year, their school will need to verify the condition of the iPad prior to accepting the Protection Plan fee payment. Before the iPad is covered under the Protection Plan, the device must be inspected to ensure it's:
- Operational: Demonstrate that the device powers on
- Free of cracks on the screen: best to see this with the screen illuminated by an external light source with the screen powered off
- The case is in fair condition without writing or pen marks and can protect the device (flap/keyboard attached during inspection)
For more information, visit the iPad Protection Plan Information page on our website.
Items worth Repeating
Yearlong PTO Fundraiser
Please see the following for a year long fundraiser for TRE:
Hello Parents, Be on the lookout for a colorful Parent Information Envelope coming on September 16! You will find important information about a safe and easy way your family can help our school get the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. It will also let you know how your child can win fun prizes just for helping! For more information about this fundraiser you can check out the link below.
Thanks, Table Rock Elementary PTO
Hola padres, ¡esté atento a un colorido sobre de información para padres que llegará el 16 de septiembre! Encontrará información importante sobre una forma fácil y segura de que su familia pueda ayudar a nuestra escuela a obtener las herramientas esenciales que nuestros estudiantes y maestros necesitan para tener éxito. ¡También le permitirá saber cómo su hijo puede ganar premios divertidos solo por ayudar! Para obtener más información sobre esta recaudación de fondos, puede consultar el siguiente enlace
Gracias, PTO de la Primaria Table Rock
Eagle Point School District is proud to announce that we have been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) by the USDA and Oregon Department of Education. This provision allows eligible schools to serve free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income. CEP has been shown to increase participation in school and supports a whole-child approach to learning.
EPSD9 will again provide a complete school meal to all enrolled students at no cost to the family. Please note that second servings and à la carte servings are not included with the free Community Eligibility Program and will be charged to the students’ mealtime account.
Sweatshirts and Tshirts are for sale in the front office
Share your story of your student achievements!
Follow D9 on Instagram!
Stay informed!
Are you interested in after school care? Please reach out to the YMCA!
¿Está interesado en el cuidado después de la escuela? ¡Comuníquese con la YMCA!