Patton 7th Grade Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Important Dates
- September 11: Freedom Walk
- September 13: School Pictures
- September 20 : Early Release Friday (1 PM )
- October 4: Early Dismissal 1:00pm
- October 11: No school
- October 14: No school
- October 17: 8am - 7pm Parent/Teacher conferences
- October 18: 8am - 12:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please Remind Your 7th Grader!
Please remind your 7th grader to check their Google Classrooms when they are absent due to illness or sports activities. Teachers post daily agendas that outline the activities for that day and the assignments on Google Classroom. It is the best first stop to check on for their missing work.
Thank you,
The 7th Grade Teaching Team
Core Classroom Updates
English Language Arts
This week the students had a quiz over the short story genre, the story “Heartbeat”, and adjective clauses. In addition, we returned to our regular schedule for the LMC to check out books. Typically, we visit every other Tuesday to return, renew, and or check out books. We finished the week with an introduction to “The Flight of Icarus”. This myth will be our focus next week.
Ms. Paradies
Ms. Behrens
Reminder that we have an early dismissal tomorrow, dismissing at 1:00. Students are doing great with our studies. I am learning a great deal about their English-speaking ability and designing lessons to challenge them.
Ms. Hewitt
7th grade math students took a test on Wednesday, solving problems involving the addition and subtraction of integers. Grades are posted in Skyward. On Thursday, we learned to multiply positive and negative whole numbers. We'll continue this work, including the division of integers next week. Have a great weekend!
Mr. Ragan
This week in Science as we finished with lesson two, we focused on the functions of different organelles in both plant and animal cells. Students will have a short lesson assessment on Tuesday. They have a choice to either take a test or create a model of a cell to demonstrate their knowledge. The rubric for the cell model will be posted on Google Classroom.
Next week we will begin lesson 3, learning how material moves in and out of cells.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Raymond
Social Studies
Next week we will be covering Topic 1 Lesson 2-Our Planet , Earth. Topics are Earth in Space, Why Are There Seasons? ,Earth Structure and What forces on Earth's Surface Shape the Land? I hope you have a safe and healthy weekend.
Mrs. Johnson
Ms. Nelson
Elective Class Updates
6th grade artists are creating name designs in the style of their choice and preparing for “Crazy Hair Day,” a mixed media project. 7th, 8th and 9th grade artists are experimenting with collage techniques and learning how to combine unrelated images to create new meaning in a work of art, including digitally. Next, 7th grade artists will focus on negative space and patterns, while 8th and 9th grade artists will draw from life.
Ms. Miller
Automation and Robotics
Plan a program using appropriate strategies such as flowcharting.
Create appropriate event handlers to respond to runtime events, such as the push of a bumper switch.
Demonstrate successful collaboration within a team to meet development goals.
Create algorithms that use loops.
Generate ideas or build upon other ideas to innovate.
Mrs. Bargmann
All seventh-grade students now have an AVID binder. Students need to have the binder with them for every class throughout the day. This has been an adjustment, and we are thankful for everyone’s flexibility to a new organizational system. In AVID this week we learned about Focused note taking that can be used in all core classes. The students used Cornell notes and made annotations. Students are continuing to work on a KWLA chart which stands for know, wonder, learn and apply. Next week we will have our first binder check. This is only for students currently in the AVID elective. Please, remind students to organize their binders. :)
Mr. Hunter
Ms. Bessette
Drama 7
This week we mixed rehearsal of reader’s theater scripts with a little improv time. The improv activities help students to think on their feet in case the situation arises during a performance. Next week we will work on polishing the reader’s theater performances by focusing on characterization and performance skills like enunciation and rate of delivery.
Ms. Paradies
Energy and the Environment
We have tested our first iteration of turbine blades. The students are making changes to their designs and will test again to see if they can improve their results. We are also calculating work, force, and power.
Mrs. Rolf
Magic of Electrons
Students will learn and be able to explain the role of an electromagnet in the function of a DC motor and generator. Students will build and identify the primary parts of a DC motor and demonstrate how it functions.
Mrs. Bargmann
Medical Detectives
We are postponing our antibiotics experiment until next week so the volleyball girls and cross country runners do not miss out. In the meantime, we are doing a short research project on a disease-causing microscopic agent. Ask your son/daughter about their topic of research and presentation! Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Elder
Physical Education
All is well in PE! We’ve had a great week of Ultimate Frisbee and Frisbee Golf. This next week, Mr. Turner’s classes will be doing Frisbee Golf. Mr. Amon/Mrs. Dreiling classes will be playing Ultimate Frisbee. All students in Sports Conditioning have been doing great with their workouts. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have for your student!
*We will look to go outside as much as possible for PE (weather permitting). Please help us in reminding our students to bring water bottles and tennis shoes every day they have PE.
Coach Amon
Coach Dreiling
7th Grade Spanish is moving into our second trilogy from our Señor Wooly curriculum.: Guapo, La Confesión de Víctor, Feo.
Students have taken their countries and capitals quiz and have completed two Dichos.
Mrs. Ford