Skyrocket Newsletter
Launch Virtual Academy - Summer School 2024
Administration Offices have moved
Welcome Center [Next to San Ysidro High School]
5376 Airway Rd. San Diego, CA 92154
At this location, we offer the following services:
- In-Person Informational Meetings by appointment
- Onboarding of new students/parents
- School Library
- Student Device Exchange (laptops, chargers, and hotspots)
- Parking is available.
Mission Control
1355 2nd Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91911
At this location, we offer the following services:
- SpaceHub (In-Person tutoring)
- Counseling Center
- School Psychologist Office
- Associated Student Body Office
- Administration Office (Principal and Assistant Principal)
- Parking on the street is available but limited.
Hi Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
We have closed the summer school registration interest form. We are no longer enrolling students into summer school. Students that have not attended or attempted to communicate with their teachers were dropped yesterday. Please communicate with your teachers for support and join the support sessions with our tutors that are available for extra assistance. Finish strong everyone and please join your Teams sessions on a daily basis.
Thank you,
Launch Academy Summer School Team
Mr. David Cobian
Summer School Principal
Student Class Schedule
Period 1: 9:00am - 11:00am
Lunch: 11:00am - 11:30am
Period 2: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Online Tutoring Schedule
- Monday - Friday (9:00am-12:30am) and (1:00pm - 3:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Monday (2:00pm - 9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Tuesday (2:00pm - 9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Wednesday (2:00pm - 9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Thursday (2:00pm - 9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Friday (5:00pm - 6:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
Support -including bilingual (Spanish) for English, Math, Science, and History.
Holiday June 19th - No Tutoring
Click HERE for a visual that shows the two ways parents and students can view their Summer school schedule. Schedules will also be emailed to students on Sunday, June 4th in the evening.
Counselor Support During Summer School
If you would like a counselor to contact you during summer school, please complete THIS FORM.
Grading Information
Progress Reports will be communicated to parents and students on Thursday, June 20th.
Wednesday, June 19th is a Holiday. Classes will be open for students to work in, but there will be no live check in that day.
Final Grades will be available on Infiite Campus and emailed to studets and parents on Friday, June 28th.
Download School Phone App "LaunchPad"
Tech Support
Are you experiencing issues accessing your school systems? Here are three different ways to get support:
Option 1) Contact your Summer School teacher by email or TEAMS message to let them know that you have a tech issue related to their class. Most likely, the teacher will be able to resolve the issue.
Option 2) Call IT Help Desk Monday- Friday between 8:00am and 3:30pm (619-585-7995 ext.3)
Option 3) Complete THIS FORM and a member of our team will contact you.
We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
Launch Virtual Academy Support Team