Crossroads Monthly Newsletter
September 2024
Message from the Administration
Dear Crossroads Families,
We are off to a fast start, and it’s hard to believe that October is almost upon us! The school year has been full of excitement, and we’re looking forward to all the activities we have lined up over the next month at Crossroads.
First and foremost, we want to remind you that Back to School Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. From 6:00 - 6:30, you will have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and meet their teachers. Then, from 6:30 - 7:00, we will gather in the conference room to meet with the administration and discuss plans for the year ahead. We’re excited to see everyone there!
Looking ahead to October, we will be celebrating the Week of Respect from October 7 - 11. Throughout the week, we will have spirit days and themed activities that focus on improving school climate, bullying prevention, and fostering kindness and respect across our community.
Following that, School Violence Awareness Week will take place from October 16 - 20, with activities designed to promote a safe school environment. On these days we will focus our attention on conflict resolution, celebrating diversity, and teaching tolerance. October is also Fire Prevention Month, and we are excited to welcome the Westfield Fire Department to Crossroads on October 18th. The students will have the opportunity to explore the fire truck and learn about fire safety.
Lastly, we know Halloween is just around the corner on October 31! We will be sending out additional information soon with details about the day’s festivities.
We look forward to partnering with you for another successful school year and appreciate your continued support.
Warm regards,
Matt, Danielle, and Stacey
Upcoming Dates
September, 26, 2024 - Back to School Night (6:00PM - 7:00PM)
October 3-4, 2024 - School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
October 7-11, 2024 - The Week of Respect
October 14, 2024 - School Closed for Students - PD Day for Staff
October 16-20, 2024 - School Violence Awareness Week
October 18, 2024 - Fire Truck visit to Crossroads Schoo
October 31, 2024 - Halloween (information to be sent home soon)
Crossroads Staff and Student Spotlight
Student of the Month - Logan
Staff Spotlight - Lynn Ferrante - School Nurse
1. How long have you been working at the commission?
I’ve been at Crossroads for 9 months.
2. What would we be surprised to find out about you?
It may be a surprise to hear that, prior to my present nursing job, I worked in graphic design and photojournalism. I spent two years doing mission work in Mexico and nine months living in a homeless shelter in Brooklyn to document powerful, real-life experiences that demonstrated the need for assistance and action. My job did not end with photography; my photographs were published, used in public awareness and marketing efforts, and eventually helped children find better lives and opportunities.
3. What is your dream vacation?
Traveling to Tibet is my ideal vacation destination because it is a holy land full of revered temples and monasteries. For a brief time, I would want to live in a monastery to regularly practice meditation, chanting, and mindfulness. It would be a transformative journey, a life changing adventure to detach from the outside world.
4. What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal is any meal that I don’t have to cook; a meal where I can just sit down and enjoy without all the effort of cooking and cleaning up.
5. What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishments are my kids! As a parent, raising children is one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences. It’s about nurturing, teaching and guiding them through life, providing a stable and loving environment so they can grow to their fullest potential. Each milestone—whether it's their first steps, school achievements, or simply the way they develop into compassionate individuals—reflects the love and effort I've put into being their support system.
Staff Spotlight - Daniel Figueroa - Teacher's Assistant
1. How long have you been working at the commission?
I’ve been working with crossroads since January of 2023.
2. What would we be surprised to find out about you?
I enjoy playing video games.
3. What is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation would have to be Santorini, Greece.
4. What is your favorite meal?
2 amazing chicken sandwiches, 1 amazing burger, and a side of some amazing mac n cheese!
5. What is your greatest accomplishment?
My daughter is my greatest accomplishment.
Classroom Spotlights
Ms. Peggy's Classroom
We hope you had a wonderful summer break! The preschoolers in 102 have been busy establishing daily routines to help them feel comfortable and secure. A major component of our routine is developing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) skills. These essential skills include tasks such as dressing, unpacking personal belongings, feeding, toileting, and personal hygiene. Learning these skills fosters independence and confidence.
Another part of our daily routine is morning circle time. Our circle time integrates language development, socialization, conceptual learning, fine and gross motor development, cognitive skills, attention span and focus, cultural and diversity awareness, and emotional development into a fun, structured, and engaging daily routine.
Sensory exploration is a fundamental part of our classroom curriculum. The students have had opportunities to engage with different textures, sounds, and sensory experiences tailored to their needs. This helps build sensory awareness and regulation skills crucial for learning and everyday life.
Play is an essential part of our preschool day. Through play-based activities, the students are learning social skills, problem solving, and creativity. The preschoolers are encouraged to play cooperatively, and they are provided a variety of stimulating activities to foster growth in all areas of development.
Ms. Anna's Classroom
Specials Spotlight - Ms. Grace - ART
Welcome back to Art with Miss Grace! I am super excited to kick the year off focusing on back-to-school and the start of fall crafts! We have changed art rooms, but the students have been working hard to transition into the new space while staying CRAFTYYY as ever! They continue to work on their fine motor skills by practicing cutting, ripping, gluing, and drawing. I can’t wait to see all they create this year!
As a reminder, although we use temporary paint, art can get messy! Please consider sending in an old t-shirt to use as a smock during our painting days. I do supply some disposable smocks, but it would be greatly appreciated to have a more permanent solution so your kids can be limitless with their creativity!!!
Nurses Corner
Flu Season is Here!
The period of time when the influenza virus is most contagious is commonly referred to as "flu season” which typically starts in October and peaks between December and February. Getting the flu vaccine is the first step in protecting yourself. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has designated Oct. 5 as the start of flu season and say most people should get vaccinated between mid-September and late October.
NJ law mandates that children 6 months up to 5 years old attending school shall annually receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of each year. So, Crossroads will need documentation for students 5 and under indicating that they received the flu vaccine. Please contact your child’s physician as soon as possible to schedule an appointment and forward the documentation to the School Nurse.
And here’s just some simple tips to help stay healthy this flu season:
September at Crossroads
About Us
Website: https://www.ucesc.org/schools/crossroads_school
Location: 45 Cardinal Drive, Westfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-233-9317