College and Career Readiness
with At Promise Populations
The Context
JCM CTE Program
Stories with Style
Stories with Style teaches students to analyze songs and poetry for style, tone, word choice, and audience/message, and provides them with an outlet to express their own stories through rap music, spoken word poetry, or visual arts design. Additionally, it teaches students the history and impact of Hip Hop in the United States. The lesson series is designed through culturally responsive instructional practices and Hip Hop pedagogy. The lessons embed media arts standards to provide 21st Century skills to students. The foundation of Stories with Style is authentic social-emotional learning support for students through opportunities to use writing as an emotional outlet and to connect and collaborate with others. The project has been featured on several education podcasts, which are linked below. The lessons are available for free use and educators are encouraged to make them their own. It's Not 2 Late was written by two JCM students during the 21-22 school year. It was nominated for a Princeton Race Relations prize and recently won a Davey Award. A supplementary lesson written by Kings County Office of Education consultant Jessica Womack analyzes The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. The unit was designed around Dr. Gholdy Muhammad's HILL Framework and is featured in Dr. Muhammad's new book Unearthing Joy.
The Stories with Style team used two frameworks during lesson design. The first was the Ignite, Chunk, Chew, Review model from Zaretta Hammond's Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain and the second was Dr. Raphael Travis' Individual and Community Empowerment Framework from his book The Healing Power of Hip-Hop. Both frameworks can be seen below.
Multimedia Production Course
Imagining Possibilities
Visioning Tools from Stanford d.School
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