Essential Bulletin for Educators
July 2024

Hello, Pennsylvania Educators!
This bulletin will provide you with tools and strategies for classroom use and professional development opportunities.
If you have questions or content recommendations, email us at bsebulletin@pattankop.net.
With appreciation for all you do,
The Pennsylvania BSE and PaTTAN Staff
10 Powerful Community-Building Ideas
Use these strategies to ensure that students in every grade feel like they’re part of the classroom community. One of the ten ideas is linked in the video below:
Using Anchors for Emotional Regulation
When given the space to regulate themselves with simple practices, students learn how to soothe their own nervous systems in moments of stress — and contribute to a sense of calm in the classroom.
From Edutopia
Challenging Your Thoughts and Beliefs: An Activity for Educators
Teachers use a list of questions to explore their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions about a difficult experience in order to gain a more positive perspective. This activity can be done on your own or in a group setting, such as a staff meeting, and takes less than 15 minutes to complete.
From Greater Good in Education
National Teacher of the Year’s Advice for Building "A Legacy of Strong Teachers"
The 2024 National Teacher of the Year is an English-as-a-second-language teacher in rural Tennessee whose role involves a lot more than just teaching content.
Missy Testerman sees herself as a community resource for the students and families she serves. Here, she offers advice for all educators on continuing to find the joy in education despite the challenges, and on building a legacy of strong educators.
Science PASA DLM Moves to Grade 5
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, Pennsylvania will transition administration of the science PSSA and PASA from grade 4 to grade 5.
While revised science essential elements (EEs) will be released this year, a PASA science assessment aligned to revised EEs will not be administered until 2026-2027.
More information will be shared through the newsletter for PASA Assessment Coordinators (ACs) and online at the Pennsylvania DLM website in the new school year.
Do You Know Someone Interested in Becoming a Special Education Teacher?
Check Out This New PaTTAN Publication: Steps to Obtaining a Pennsylvania Special Education Teaching Certificate
Are you interested in earning a bachelor’s degree and becoming a special education teacher? This infographic explains the steps to take in order to obtain a Special Education Instructional I certification in Pennsylvania.
Student-Led Decision-Making in Schools
Educators, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and families must engage students with disabilities in secondary transition services.
Secondary transition is more successful when students take part in the planning process. Successful secondary transition planning includes:
- High expectations for students,
- A student-centered approach,
- Social emotional behavioral learning supports,
- Supported decision-making, and
- Respecting the student, family, and their informed decisions.
From the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Digital Well-Being Lessons for Grades K-12
Support students' digital well-being with this set of free, evidence-based lessons.
Each lesson is designed to help them build agency, reduce anxious thoughts, and increase mindfulness related to their tech habits. A Digital Well-Being Pacing Guide for implementation tips, curricular connections, and FAQs is included.
From Commonsense Education
Looking for Math Resources? Check This Out!
Find an extensive collection of resources for math. Curated lists are based on NCTM standards and divided by grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Topics include Numbers & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data & Probability. Each reviewed resource includes a description and technology integration ideas for your classroom.
From TeachersFirst
2024-2025 A-P-R Mentoring Project
Join Us for Year Three!
The Pennsylvania Bureau of Special Education is calling on current and retired special education professionals to share their expertise to serve as mentors. If you have five or more years of experience, you can make a lasting impact on novice educators and shape the future of special education.
To date, over 300 novice special education personnel have benefited from participating in the APR Mentoring Project.
Mentors needed:
- NEW! Orientation & Mobility Specialists
- NEW! School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists
- School Psychologists
- Special Education Administrators
- Special Education Teachers
- Teachers of the Deaf
- Teachers of the Visually Impaired
All selected mentors will:
- Be paired with a mentee in a similar role.
- Receive training and ongoing support from PaTTAN consultants.
- Earn a stipend upon completion of the project.
Join in the effort to retain special education personnel across the commonwealth! To learn more, visit the APR Repository – APR Mentoring Project page.
Complete your application today. The application deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
- Returning mentor applicants – click here
- New mentor applicants – click here
Attention All Novice Special Educators: The mentee application window will open in mid-July. While an announcement will be forthcoming, check the APR Repository – APR Mentoring Project page often for updates.
Contact Information:
For information, contact Christine Moon, APR Lead at cmoon@pattanpgh.net.
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.