What's Up @ West
December 6, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
This week, I had the pleasure of welcoming several of our West parents to the building for a meaningful conversation. We discussed how the school year has started and the intentional steps we've taken to ensure that every scholar feels supported and set up for success. We walked through the strategies we’ve implemented to foster a positive and engaging learning environment, all of which were highlighted in our Parent Presentation (linked here). For those who were able to join, your feedback was incredibly valuable, and we plan to host similar gatherings throughout the year to continue these open dialogues and strengthen our connection as a school community.
One of the key topics we explored was the use of our IB learner profiles to guide social, behavioral, and academic expectations for our students. These profiles emphasize traits like being principled, reflective, and open-minded—qualities that we are integrating into daily classroom practices. We will be sharing more about each profile, including how you can reinforce these attributes at home. By using the same language and encouraging these values both in school and at home, we believe we can support our scholars in becoming well-rounded individuals ready to succeed in all areas of life. Your continued engagement and support mean the world to us, and together, we can help every scholar achieve their fullest potential.
With gratitude,
Principal Mattei
In this newsletter:
- Principal's Message
- Important Dates
- Shout Outs
- Annie Jr. Performing now
- Counselor's Corner
- Literacy Acceleration: Power UP
- Student Early Release
- West Supply Needs
- Caregiver Group
- Mental Health Groups
- Winter Weather Reminders
- lots more
Important Dates
Please mark your calendar:
Dec. 5-7: Annie Jr. performances
Dec 6: No School (PD)
Dec. 12: Early Release
Dec. 16: Choir Concrt
Dec. 18: Orchestra Concert
Dec 23 - Jan 3: No School (Winter break)
Shout Outs
Student Council Food Drive a HUGE success!!
A big shout out to Westies for all of your food/item donations to the food shelf during Spirit Week. In total we collected:
- 216 pounds donated to our school’s food market
- 323 pounds donated to ICA Food Shelf
- Last year we donated around 200 pounds total
ICA was SOOOOOO thankful when the items were delivered to them.
This was a huge success because Westies rock!!
Lunar New Year T-Shirt Contest
7th grade Digital Design students were given the opportunity to design this year's Lunar New Year shirt, in celebration of the Year of the Snake, for XinXing Academy. They were given particular text and graphic design parameters to follow when creating their own unique t-shirt design. Congratulations to our two finalists!
WMS Things to Know
Please consider joining us to cheer on our incredible students during one of the Annie performances. If you’re interested in volunteering during a performance, please take a moment to check out our sign-up form.
Tickets are on sale for Annie Jr! Remaining shows are:
- 12/6 at 7p
- 12/7 at 2p
If you’re interested in helping, sign up here.
Counselor's Corner
We have been hearing about an uptick in students at West participating in self-harming behaviors. While we are actively working with students and families who have come to our attention, we want to open this conversation as an opportunity for families to check in with their students as we all work together to support kids.
It is important to know that self-harm behaviors are not suicidal behaviors. Self-harm behaviors (cutting, burning, scratching) can lead to temporary relief from emotional pain and need to be replaced with more positive coping skills.
Our Counselor Corner this month is focused on how to best keep open lines of communication with your student. Please read the attached flyer for more info, and check out these links for further information about self-harm.
Literacy Acceleration @ Hopkins West
This year all students will be using a digital app on their iPad called Lexia PowerUp. This program is designed to accelerate literacy skills through a personalized online experience that tailors instruction to your students' specific skills and prepares them to meet the demands of secondary curriculum. The activities in PowerUp support and build on our Language & Literature curriculum and focuses on three areas: word study, grammar, and comprehension.
Here is how PowerUp works:
Students take the placement assessment.
Students engage in 60-135 minutes of learning a week within the lessons.
Students earn streaks and set goals.
Language & Literature teachers track student progress and assign ATL grades.
Parents can support students by setting PowerUp homework expectations.
This targeted approach allows each student to make literacy gains quickly and supports overall academic success.
If you are wondering how to support your child with Power Up at home click on the link below or reach out to Amber Kloster at amber.kloster@hopkinsschools.org.
Student Early Release
On Thursday, December 12, 2024 ALL West students will be dismissed at 12 pm. Early release days are an opportunity for our teachers to engage in collaborative professional learning, enhancing their skills and strategies to better support our students. Please take a look at the truncated early release day schedule HERE. All students will be picked up by buses or parents no later than 12 pm.
Additional early release dates will be February 20, 2025 and April 17, 2025.
West Supply Needs
We are in need of the following supplies and hope that families can help:
- White board eraser refills
- white board cleaner
- reams of copy paper
- Scotch tape refill rolls
- Facial tissues
You can find our List on Amazon and donations can be dropped in the Administration office with Miss Joyce.
Thank you!
District-wide Parent and Caregiver Group for Supporting Gender Expansive Kids
We are doing a panel discussion for our December Caregivers of Gender Expansive Kids Group! Young adults share their perspectives and experiences of identifying as gender fluid, non-binary or gender queer. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, family members and kids are all welcome.
Smudge has been busy working in classrooms and loving every minute of it. In Ms. Ireland's class, Smudge got to show off her artistic side and completed her first painting! She even picked the colors herself. Smudge hopes everyone has a safe and relaxing break!
A big thank you for all your donations so far for Smudge's treats and gear! Your generosity is greatly appreciated by dog and humans alike!🐶"
Mental Health Groups
WMS is fortunate to work with Relate Counseling Center to provide opportunities for growth for our students! Please see the attached flyers and connect with your students' counselor or social worker if you are interested in your student participating in a small group on one of these topics.
Winter Weather Reminders
As winter approaches, Hopkins Public Schools wants to ensure families are prepared for potential weather-related adjustments to our learning plans. When severe weather occurs, we prioritize safety while striving to minimize disruptions to learning through eLearning days, late starts, and early releases.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to review our Inclement Weather Plan, available on our website. The plan outlines:
eLearning Days: PreK-12 students will learn virtually when schools close due to hazardous weather. Teachers will provide support via Google Meet, email, and phone.
Late Starts: Buses will run on a two-hour delay, and specific adjustments will be made to preschool and extended day programs.
Early closures primarily impact secondary schools, while we aim to keep elementary schools on their regular schedule.
Families will receive notifications about weather-related changes through email, text, and phone calls, as well as updates on the Hopkins Schools website, social media, and local TV stations. Please ensure your contact information is up to date in Infinite Campus.
myHealth Clinic at West
How To Access West Middle Schools Market
Click the link below for information about how to access the market at West Middle School.
West Middle School Market and Resources info.docx
Please do not hesitate to contact West Middle School Counselors, Social Workers or Administration if you have any questions about accessing the Market on site.
Activities / clubs
Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Club Info
Is your scholar part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or an ally looking for a way to get involved with advocacy? Recommend that your scholar signs up for GSA to learn more! GSA will meet once per week during What I Need time (students sign up during CREW for these sessions each week) - students can sign up to attend for just one week, or can attend weekly for the rest of the year.
IB Family Education
IB Curriculum: Concept-based Inquiry
Concept-based learning is not new or exclusive to the International Baccalaureate (IB)). It's a teaching approach used to deepen students' understanding and help them apply their knowledge in different areas.
Concept-based inquiry combines two approaches: inquiry-based learning and concept-based learning. This method supports student agency (the ability for students to take control of their learning), develops important skills for the 21st century, and encourages deeper understanding that can be transferred to various subjects. For example, instead of simply memorizing historical facts about World War II, students might explore the concept of "conflict" and apply it to different historical and current events. This helps students understand the patterns and causes of conflict, allowing them to make connections across time periods and topics.
In contrast to traditional learning, which focuses mainly on memorizing
For more information, check out this video, which WMS students viewed at the beginning of the school year, or contact Jen Poncelet, our IB coordinator (jennifer.poncelet@hopkinsschools.org).
Hopkins Athletics
Winter Sports – Registration is Open!
Read here for the most recent details from the email sent by the Athletics Department.
Alpine Ski Club: For scholars grades 3-6, No race experience is needed, all you need is the ability to ski in control and our coaches will teach you the foundations of racing. Community education sign up is now open, so please use this link: Hopkins Alpine Community Education Program - Hopkins Community Education.
Questions? Contact coaches Jason Langlie (JasonLanglie@gmail.com) or Maria Eaton (Mariachristine2@gmail.com)
District Information and Opportunities
2025-26 kindergarten registration is now open!
- Open-enrolled families (families who live outside the Hopkins School District): if you have a fall 2025 kindergartner, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment Application for your child by January 15, 2025.
- Hopkins School District resident families: please submit a K-12 Student Enrollment form for your fall 2025 kindergartner — even if you are already attending Hopkins Preschool.
- Find enrollment forms online, visit HopkinsSchools.org/enroll.
District-wide Parent and Caregiver Group for Supporting Gender Expansive Kids
Are you the caregiver of a child who transcends traditional binary gender roles?
We are offering a supportive, ongoing group for parents and caregivers to ask questions, share ideas, and support one another. Some children may identify as transgender, gender fluid, non-binary, gender queer, gender expansive, or simply move through the world in a much more gender free type of way.
This is for all grade levels (elementary, middle, and high school, and beyond). Laura Jensen, Hopkins Schools LGBTQ+ Community Liaison will facilitate the meetings. This is not a group to debate the issue, rather for parents looking to support their child.
Questions? Email Laura.Jensen@hopkinsschools.org
Dates for Remainder of 24-25 School Year:
Dec. 19; Jan. 23; Feb. 27; Mar. 27; Apr. 24; May 22; June 26. 5-6:30 p.m
North Middle School, 5-6:30 p.m. Room 506 (use side parking lot, Door R)
Questions? Email Laura.Jensen@hopkinsschools.org
Beyond School
Items or activities not administered or sponsored by the district but might be of interest to your family.
My name is Erika Manley. I am the parent of a 5th grade student at Glen Lake Elementary and 7th grade student at West Middle School. If you are the parent or caregiver of a child with a disability, we wholeheartedly welcome you to our next coffee event.
ALL families at any educational stage in The Hopkins School District (pre-school to high school) are welcome.
Date: Friday, December 13
Time: 9-10:30am
Place: Basecamp Coffee & Provisions
14635 Excelsior Blvd, Minnetonka
Topic(s): “Surviving” The Holiday Break
For parents, “Holiday Break" can bring both JOY & angst.
Kids are home and off-schedule, expectations are high and sometimes emotions are, too. We’ll discuss as a group — and maybe have THE BEST “Breaks” our families have had yet!
Questions? Contact Erika at 612-840-7900.
Next meeting date is Dec 13. (2025 dates coming within the week.)
Useful Links
Hopkins West Middle School
Principal email: serita.mattei@hopkinsschools.org
Website: https://west.hopkinsschools.org/
Location: 3830 Baker Road, Minnetonka, MN, USA
Phone: (952) 988-4400
Facebook: facebook.com/hopkinswjh/