Counseling News from Mrs. Butler
Happy Fall!
Reminders from Mrs. Butler
I hope you are all having a great 24-25 school year so far!
* Seniors- If you have not yet created your Parchment account, please do so ASAP! This is how you will request transcripts for any reason (personal copy, college, military, job, etc.)
* Seniors- If you have not completed your senior survey sent to you at the beginning of the year, please click here to do so now. I am in the process of setting up individual meetings with all Seniors to talk about transcript, future plans, etc, and I need your survey before we meet.
* If you need to make an appt to see the counselor, please schedule via my new appt/calendar set up- SCUTA - School Counseling App (myscuta.com)
{This will devote that specified time frame to you, but I don't mind talking to you any time if I can}
* If you have any question about a previous class (failed, transfer, etc.), please check on those things asap. I would much rather check for something multiple times than everyone assuming it's fine and it not be.
* Please feel free to email me at any time. I try to respond within a 48 hour time frame (most of the time sooner).
AO Sessions with Mrs. Butler
9/3/24-9/19/24 Transcript reviews
9/24/24 -SEL Game- "So Many Distractions"
10/8/24 - PSAT Readiness check (only for those students signed up to take PSAT)
10/17/24- Relationship Skills
10/22/24- Responsible Decision Making
10/24/24- Self Awareness
10/29/24- Self Management
10/31/24-Snead State Community College -dual enrollment
Mrs. Butler's Virtual Office (click on the pic to take you to document w/links)
9 Fun Facts About Fall
- Only America Calls it Fall.
- Pumpkin Pie Spice Doesn't Taste Like Pumpkin.
- More People Fall in Love in Fall. .
- There are More Than 7,500 apple Varieties.
- There's a Candy Corn Day. .
- You Can See the Brightest Full Moon in Fall.
- Bobbing for Apples was a Courting Ritual.
- It's Pumpkin Carving Time.
- Fall Leaf Colors are Caused by Sugar
Upcoming Events
* Monday, 10/7/24- Friday, 10/11/24 - College Application Week (more details below)
* Monday, 10/14/24- Tuesday, 10/15/24- Fall Break - no school in session
* Tuesday 10/15/24- UWA Leadership Day (see below for more information).
* Thursday, 10/17/24- PSAT (Juniors who signed up to take PSAT will take in PD room)
* Monday, 10/22/24- Testing Day {Sophomores will take PRE-ACT, Juniors will take Practice ACT, & Seniors will take ACT Workkeys. Freshman will have remote learning}
* -Tuesday, 10/29/24 - ASVAB (Students that signed up for this will take ASVAB in the auditorium)
University of West Alabama Leadership Day
OHS Students to attend University of West Alabama Leadership Day
University of West Alabama is hosting their Leadership Day on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. We are excited to have 7 OHS students planning to attend this event!
They will get to participate in exciting events combining fun with crucial leadership development. Students will have the opportunity to interact with other student leaders, learn about what makes a great leader, and hear from professionals who are leaders within their workplace and community. Students will also get the opportunity to earn leadership scholarships for their attendance.
Let's congratulate the following students and wish them luck on this day:
Desalee Frederick
Lily Taylor
Zoey Trombley
Mary Ellen Richey
Dylan Dunn
College Application Week events-- 10/7/24-10/11/24
During College Application week several colleges and universities waive their application fee. For a complete list of those click the image to the right.
* 10/8/24- The following College Representatives will be in the auxiliary gym to help Seniors apply for admission: Huntingdon College, Gadsden State Community College, Snead State Community College, Mississippi State University, University of North Alabama, & University of Alabama (and possibly more)
* 10/11/24- Wallace State Community College representative will be in Mrs. Butler's office
* 10/11/24- Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Hastings will be in Senior History classes to assist with college applications.
College/University Websites
You can click on the picture below to take you to a pdf, then click on each pennant to take you to that college's website page. This list is not exhaustive by any means; however, ALL websites to the colleges participating in the college application week can be found on the link below (Alabama College Application Campaign Waiver Codes).
Alabama College Application Campaign (Waiver Codes)
Please click the link below to access a list of all the waiver codes (with contact info, etc.).
*** These codes will only be active during College Application Week (10/7/24-10/11/24)
Co op Students
Students in 11th and 12th grades who co-op should make certain that they have joined Mr. Ganus' Schoology group. Co-op students are responsible for ensuring their employment information (hours, etc.) are uploaded to the group monthly.
*** If you are a co-op student and you have not yet joined the Schoology group, please see Mrs. Butler so she can help you!
College and Career Readiness Indicators- How can I earn one?
College and Career Readiness Indicators can be earned through a variety of ways such as:
* ACT Benchmark- if you score benchmark
* Score at least at Silver level (at least 4 or higher on all 3 sections) on the Workkeys Assessment
* Earn a passing score on an Advanced Placement test
* Successfully earn a Career Tech Credential
* Earn dual enrollment credit at a college or university
* Be a Career Tech Completer (earn 3 career tech credits in same area)
* Complete an approved apprenticeship program
* Enlist in any branch of the US Military
All Seniors are in my Class of 2025 Schoology group. This is where I will post all Scholarship announcements, etc. Seniors should receive an email that I've posted in the group, but they will need to go into the group to see details.
In an emergency, please call 911.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Domestic Violence/Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Drug Helpline: 1-844-289-0879
YouthLine (Under 18 Focused) : 1-877-968-8491 Text: teen2teen to 839863
Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
Samariteens: 1-800-252-TEENS (1-800-252-8336) From 3:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Alabama Resources:
The Crisis Center (Central Alabama)
Main Line: (205) 323-7777
Teen Line: (205) 328-LINK (205-328-5465)
Kids' Help Line: (205) 328-KIDS (205-328-5437)
Senior Talk Line: (205) 328-TALK (205-328-8255)
Local Resources:
JBS Mental Health Authority 205.625.6797
Blount County Children's Center 205.274.7226
Hope House 205.625.4673
Eastside Mental Health Center 205.625.3882
**** Can provide a detailed list upon request
Red Ribbon Week- October 23-31, 2024
What can I do?
Family Table Time
Did you know that teens who eat dinner with their families are less likely to use drugs and alcohol? Family Table Time is an innovative, all-in-one, 52-week family activity kit that establishes lifelong healthy habits, rituals, and traditions. The materials will get you up to speed on having weekly family meetings including new character/value topics, creating memories from the week, and staying organized. It also includes a weekly fun activity - ideal for school-aged families - that promotes values, ethics and principles. Learn more by visiting their website: www.FamilyTableTime.com
Celebrate Living Drug Free
Print out the Red Ribbon Theme sign, add your name, hold it up and post a photo that shows us you’re committed to living drug free. Use the hashtag #LiveDrugFree.
Facebook & Twitter: @RedRibbonWeek
Instagram: @RedRibbonCampaign
Red Ribbon Theme Contest
Did you know the theme changes each year? Your theme could be the next one to represent the Red Ribbon Campaign. Send us your ideas for the 2025 Red Ribbon Theme Contest today for a chance to win $500 in Red Ribbon Theme Merchandise in 2025. Visit www.redribbon.org/theme/contest for details. The deadline to enter is December 6, 2024.