Padbury Newsletter
Issue #10 - 2 July 2020
Mon 20 July - Students return: start of Term 3
Sat 25/Sun 26 July - First Communion Commitment Masses @OLM Parish
Please check the community calendar for future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
Dear Parents
It is hard to believe we are at the end of Term Two! I would once again like to express my heartfelt thanks to all in the Padbury CPS community for your continued support and encouragement during this very interesting COVID19 journey. The children, in particular, have been sensational during this journey and on Friday we are having a Winter Woollies dress up day for the children as a fun way to celebrate the term. The recent announcement by Premier McGowan of Phase Four and the upcoming Phase Five of the WA COVID19 Roadmap will see schools adjust accordingly and information will be shared with families regarding any changes to Term 3 at the beginning of the term.
The Sacramental Programme for the parish is now underway except for Confirmation. Please keep the Year Three and Four children in your prayers as they enter into this very special spiritual journey of receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist later this year. Please continue to check the newsletter for further details.
NAIDOC Week has been postponed til later in the year due to COVID19 however on 5 July we will still celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday with the theme ‘Together in the Spirit’. The theme came about this year due to the COVID19 situation and its widespread effects and concerns throughout our communities. The NATSICC Team has stated that ‘Whether we are able to come together physically in Churches, or via a digital platform, we feel enriched by the fact that, as Australians, will be ‘Together in the Spirit’ on 5 July. The Gospel of the day calls for those of us that are weary, to share our burdens with God. Communities around Australia, both First Nations and non-Indigenous, have endured bushfires, droughts and now a pandemic, it is only natural that our spirit also becomes weary. There are already many burdens that exist in our communities. With the new challenges presented in times like these, it is important that we continue to place our trust in God, and try even harder to embody the spiritual gifts of empathy, friendship and love for one another. This Sunday, ‘Together in the Spirit’ let’s celebrate the gifts of spirituality and culture.
Padbury CPS is a school of choice in the area and as such we want to tell everyone about our amazing school community. For the past two years we have been running school tours twice a term and encourage prospective families to come a take a look at what we have to offer. If you know of anyone looking to start school or someone who wishes to change school, please encourage them to visit our school website and book into one of these school tours.
Usually we add a second day of Pre Kindy (3 Year Olds) in Term Two however due to COVID19 this has been delayed to commence in Term 3.
Once children turn 3 years of age they can attend Pre-Kindy. In Pre-Kindy we nurture creative and active minds, healthy bodies and happy hearts all in a safe and secure environment. Our little ones learn through imaginative, cognitive and sensory play, in both indoor and outdoor learning environments. Our little ones learn to socialise, take turns and are introduced to basic routines and rituals. We focus on the three key concepts of the Early Years Learning Framework of Being, Becoming and Belonging. There is always lots of fun to be had including activities such as cooking, story and singing time and our 'Walk of the Week' through the school, where our little ones visit the chickens, the prayer garden, the library and other areas of the school. This helps our little ones to develop that sense of 'belonging' to a larger community. If you have a child who is 3 years old or soon turning 3 years of age or have friends, neighbours or relations with children ready for Pre-Kindy, please contact the school office for further information. Click on this link for further Pre Kindy information
Padbury Cares coordinators Marnie Cooper and Ruth Tan continue to work hard behind the scenes with the Leadership Team to ensure that families within our own school community, who are in need, are being looked after. Thank you so much Marnie and Ruth. Padbury Cares is a group of parent volunteers, who provide assistance to families in our school community during a time of need (either short or long term) due to illness, bereavement, family crisis, birth of a newborn or any type of change.
If you can offer assistance in any way throughout 2020 we would love to hear from you. Please head to our school website. Some examples of help that we offer are:
Providing a simple family meal that is delivered to the school office; transport of children to and from school; ironing, cleaning, shopping, baking, gardening, dog walking etc. Generally, we would ask people to help once a semester. Many hands make light work and your help really does make a difference.
If you are in need of some assistance or know of someone who requires some assistance, please contact Marnie or one of the Leadership Team. This is a very confidential pastoral care programme and no details are shared.
If a family would like to place a note in the Pastoral Care section of the newsletter in relation to a birth or death, or if a family would like the whole school community to pray for any special intentions e.g. a family member who is ill, please send a message to please let your child’s class teacher or Mrs Ellen at the front office know or send an email to
We had such a perfect day last Thursday for our school Cross Country. Big thank you to Mr John Hignett for organising the day. It was wonderful to see the children enjoy the day and have lots of fun and participate to the best of their ability. I was also very proud of our children supporting and encouraging each other, such a great display of sportsmanship. Our Year Six students assisted in many ways on the day as we could not have parents assisting and I was extremely proud of how they took on their responsibilities.
First semester reports were sent out electronically on Wednesday. The children have been working extremely hard and parents should be very proud of their achievements throughout the first half of the year. A reporting brochure of how to read the reports will be included with the report. Please do not hesitate to see your classroom teacher should you have any difficulties interpreting the report.
Michael Grose is one of Australia's leading parenting and educational writers and speakers. He is the author of nine books for parents and he shares some reflections on report time…
Student reports bring mixed feelings for parents. Pleasure and pride if they are performing well but considerable angst when children are not progressing as you hoped. Reports can mean anxious times for children too. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Kids of all ages take their cues from their parents, so your reaction to their school report can affect the way they see themselves as learners and as people.
Before you rip open the sealed envelope containing the report do a little self-check to see if you are in the right frame of mind:
1. Are your expectations for your son or daughter realistic and in line with their ability? Expectations are tricky. If they are too high, then kids can be turned off learning. Too low and there is nothing to strive for. Pitch your expectations in line with your child’s abilities. A quick check of your child’s last report cards may provide you with a good yardstick.
2. Do you believe that children learn at different rates? There are slow bloomers, late developers and steady-as-you-go kids in every classroom, so avoid comparing your child to siblings, your friends’ children and even yourself when you were a child. Instead look for individual progress.
3. Are you willing to safeguard your child’s self-esteem rather than deflate it? Self-confidence is a pre-requisite for learning, so be prepared to be as positive and encouraging as possible. Reports should provide you with an idea of your child’s progress in all subject areas, their attitude and social development.
Here are some ideas to consider when you open your child’s report:
Focus on strengths - Do you look for strengths or weaknesses first? Take into account your child’s effort and attitude to learning. If the report indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that, regardless of the grading.
Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child’s progress as a member of a social setting- How your child gets along with his or her peers will influence his happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to his future. The skills of independence and co-operation are highly valued by employers so don’t dismiss these as unimportant.
Take note of student self-assessment- Kids are generally very honest and will give a realistic assessment of their progress. They are generally very perceptive so take note of their opinions. Discuss the report with your son or daughter talking about strengths first before looking at areas that need improvement. Ask for their opinion about how they performed and discuss their concerns. After reports are read and discussed celebrate your child’s efforts with a special activity or treat. In this way you will recognise progress and remind them that the holidays are just around the corner when they can forget about assessment, tests and reports for a while.
I would like to wish all children and staff a very well-deserved holiday break. Please travel safely and enjoy time with your family and friends. If you are travelling over east or overseas for extra special reasons please ensure that you notify the front office immediately as there are COVID19 protocols that need to be adhered to.
I look forward to seeing you all again in Term Three.
Kind regards
Mrs Margaret Williamson
religious education
Further updates - Sacramental program
Further to Fr Cyp's update on the Sacraments contained in last week's Newsletter (and in brief again below) - Commitment Masses are back on. Commitment Masses for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion (Year 4) will be held over the weekend of the 25th/26th July (end of Week 1, Term 3).
Sacramental Masses as follows:
First Holy Communion:
PCPS - 29th & 30th August at 6.30pm, 11am and 5.45pm
First Reconciliation
PCPS & PREP - 28th October at 7pm
Remains on hold.
* Class teachers will forward further details to you closer to the dates.
Due to uncertainties and tight timeframes, there will be no workshops for all the three sacraments. There will now be Commitment Masses as normal.
Keep an eye on our parish newsletter and communication from PCPS or from our sacramental coordinator.
- Fr Cyp
* If you are yet to drop off your Sacramental Enrolment Forms, please do so ASAP to the Parish.
End of term Free Dress Tomorrow
Thought for the Week
It has been quite the term, so we hope that all in the PCPS community experience a relaxing and enjoyable school holiday break! As always, thank you for your support and positive feedback throughout what has been a challenging Semester One! We look forward to seeing you in two weeks for the start of Semester Two.
Mr Ryan von Bergheim & Mrs Loretta Hutcheson
Assistant Principals
LEgo Masters - Donations
Mrs Deb Barry
Lego Masters Co ordinator
Padbury Cares - Thank you!
Mrs Megan Woodall
Reach Out With Love Co ordinator
Pre Kindy News
This term in Pre K we have had loads of fun exploring ideas around autumn and winter, through nature play, arts and crafts, music making and imaginative play. We love our outdoor play just as much as indoor play, so we've also been for walks around the school to develop our sense of 'belonging' and to explore the 'wider' world! We are growing so much in our independence, resilience and social skills, which are our main focus in Pre Kindy... learning through play!
Next term we will be running an additional day in Pre Kindy every Thursday, as well as our current Tuesday. Please come and join us!
Mrs Megan Finlay and Mrs Heidi Mullen
Pre Kindy Team
Online Talent Show Results
Milan S for her heart warming song that she wrote herself.
Gabriel B for his outstanding singing and guitar playing.
Indi D for her fabulous singing.
Congratulations to all the Year 3 entrants.
Mrs Sylvia Grigoroff-Cusack
Music Teacher
Data Collection Form
Padbury Catholic Primary School is required to collect information on behalf of the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA). The student background information is incorporated into the Socio Educational Advantage (SEA) model which contributes to school funding. Parents and guardians will already have provided this information when you enrolled your child. All results will be reported in terms of the total number of students in various ranges and categories. No personal information will be reported and as a consequence no individual or individual school will be identifiable in the analysis.
More information on the collection of student background data is available at:
If you haven't already done so, please like/follow/share us!
padbury cares
social worker's corner
What a year this has been. So much change and upheaval, many challenges and unfortunately much loss. Most children (especially, the younger ones) will remember the overall sentiment around them during these times more than anything specific about the virus or other events.
So for us, this time presents a great opportunity to create a sentiment of resilience, encouragement, and hope—both at home and in our local community. It's also a great opportunity for us to show our children that no matter what's happening in the world, all of us (including them!) can make a positive difference in the lives of others. We rise by lifting others.
Perhaps make one of your holiday activities a discussion of this statement and how it can look in everyday life. What can they do to lift others especially as they return to school for term 3. Imagine a community where we lifted others instead of putting people down.
Have a wonderful holiday period. I hope your days are full of sunshine (or puddles to jump in) and playdates with friends.
mRS Ali Fisher
Social Worker
Sustainability corner
Battery Recycling at PCPS
Do you know that you can recycle old batteries here? The Mindarie Regional Council has provided us with a special bin to collect batteries that can do our environment harm if they end up in landfill with our other waste. The bin is currently located in Miss Wilson’s classroom near the sports shed. We would love to have less batteries put into landfill.
Which batteries can be collected?
Dry cell batteries include AA, AAA (single use or rechargeable), C, D, button batteries, 9V, 6V and cordless power tools.
Which batteries cannot be collected?
Lead acid batteries, such as car batteries, cannot be collected. Please contact your local council for details of how to dispose of these batteries.
Plastic Free July
From ditching plastic straws, using cloth shopping bags, and purchasing loose vegetables there are many ways to reduce plastic use. Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions find alternatives to single use plastic.
You can get involved in Plastic Free July by making small swaps in your daily life such as using containers instead of cling film or saying no to plastic cutlery. Next time you go to the beach or your local park, you can ‘Take 3 for the Sea’ and pick up a few pieces of litter, preventing it from entering rivers and oceans and protecting wildlife who may mistake it for food.
The best changes are the ones that that you can make for life, with no change too small to make a difference.
Think Green Living Guide
To encourage residents to Think Green and take steps to minimise their environmental impact, the City of Joondalup has developed the Think Green Living Guide.
This Guide provides information and helpful actions that can be taken across the topics of energy, water, waste, transport and biodiversity.
Check out the Think Green Living Guide and take action to reduce your environmental impact, save money and protect and enjoy local biodiversity.
Ms Stephanie Wilson, Mrs Rachel Wood, Mrs Natalie Millar, Mrs Kathryn Carter
Sustainability Team
Parish Update
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish
Website :
24:7 Whitfords Youth Group ONLINE
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays 7pm-8:30pm @ 24:7 Whitfords Online (Messenger Group Chat).
Coming up: 24:7 Whitfords Online Youth Group: Mental Well-being, THIS FRIDAY! (Last Online Youth Group)
2020/21 RCIA Program: Would you like to become a Catholic or know more about our Catholic Faith? Please come join us on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the parish centre, starting Thursday 30th of July 2020. Contact Mrs Ann Cunneen on 0410 616 517 for more information or you are welcome to just come join us.
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy will return on the first Sunday of Term 3.
community news
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000