Bulldog News
August 9, 2024
September 27, 2024
A note from Mr. Dubinsky
This afternoon, our students participated in the annual lockdown drill with the Wheaton Police Department. The students practiced staying safe in the classroom while an officer walked the building with me. All of the students were well behaved and the police officer commended the students for their calm participation. We concluded the drill at about 1:30 p.m.
These drills are a critical part of our school’s most important job: keeping your children safe. They can also be an opportunity to have a conversation at home about school safety and staying calm during an emergency.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Please remind your child that they should not be using the playground before school. We have noticed parents dropping off their children during arrival and, in some cases, students are heading to the playground to play. We do not have staff supervision at the playground before school. Supervision begins at doors 1, 2 and 3 only at 8:30 a.m.
Unless you are with your child at the playground, students should remain at their assigned doors starting at 8:30 a.m. For students who are dropped off, please remind them to go directly to their assigned doors and wait for the bell to enter the school.
🚨 The Briar Glen Bulldog Fun Run | Save the dates!
We're excited to introduce this year's main fundraiser: the Briar Glen Bulldog Fun Run. Our goal this year is to raise $35,000 for a new primary playground structure to benefit all students at Briar Glen. This will be an ongoing fundraiser for the next few school years.
We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers three important things to our school community:
1️⃣ User-friendly fundraising platform
2️⃣ Character-enrichment program
3️⃣ Fitness-focused event that includes all of our students
As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s Donation Page at MyBooster.com. The best part is, you can still support our school just by sharing about the fundraiser!
Students will also experience an amazing character-enrichment program called “Castle Quest”, teaching students about how to be brave and live with character.
Key dates to remember:
💻 Sign up online at MyBooster.com – ASAP
🎉 Fundraiser kickoff in school – September 30
👟 Event Day – October 10
🚨 Help wanted: Preschool classroom aide
Looking for great hours, excellent benefits, and helping preschool students learn? Email Mr. Dubinsky (mdubinsky@ccsd89.org) expressing your interest and apply below.
Click here to apply today to be a preschool assistant!
If you have not signed up for a parent-teacher conference
yet, the teacher links are below:
🦋 Monarch Award Challenge Grades K-2
This week, our Kindergarten through second-grade students were introduced to the Monarch Award nominees! The Monarch Award is a literacy-based kids' choice award that encourages primary students to discover fantastic books.
A group of librarians and teachers from across Illinois carefully selected 20 titles for this year's list, which includes a diverse mix of picture books, nonfiction books, chapter books, and beginning readers. The goal is to provide students with a variety of engaging and meaningful reading options that can serve as both windows and mirrors for their experiences.
To inspire our students to explore these wonderful books, Briar Glen is launching a reading challenge for students in grades K-2. For every 5 Monarch books students read and document on the attached form, students will receive a special reward.
Please find a copy of the reading challenge form attached below. Paper copies will also be sent home with your child.
We encourage you to support your child's reading journey by reading together, visiting the library, and discussing the books they enjoy. Let's make this a fun and exciting experience for everyone!
Do you want to join WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)?
WATCH D.O.G.S. will begin Monday, October 7, 2024! If you would like to get your name on the calendar now, please email both Mrs. Ricci (ericci@ccsd89.org) and Mrs. White (vwhite@ccsd89.org) with the date(s), and if you are available for a full day, AM only or PM only. We will be utilizing a new method for sign up this year. More information will be sent via email in the coming weeks. As always, thank you for your continued support of this amazing program.
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a national program that provides an opportunity to get fathers and father figures in the school to serve as positive male role models for the students. The purpose of WATCH D.O.G.S. is to engage men, inspire children, reduce bullying and enhance the educational environment. WATCH D.O.G.S. are fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles, and other father figures who volunteer to serve a ½ day or a full day during the school year.
presence at school entrance,
assisting with unloading and loading of buses and cars,
participate in the lunchroom/during recess,
working with small groups of students on homework, flashcards, or spelling,
read aloud,
assist in library/computer lab,
participate in specials (P.E., art, music).
You can sign up for Monday or Friday for a:
- full day (8:30am – 3:45pm)
- ½ day AM (8:30am – 12:40pm)
- ½ day PM (11:40am – 3:45pm)
👻 Monster Mash, 6-8 p.m. October 26 at Glen Crest
When: Saturday, October 26
Where: Glen Crest Middle School gym
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Who can attend: All Briar Glen students, parents and siblings are welcome to attend. Please note that this is a family event, and each child must have a parent or guardian present at the dance.
Activities: DJ, dancing, photo booth, costume contests and more! (Water and drinks will be provided at the dance.)
Costumes: Halloween costumes are encouraged but not required for Monster Mash Dance. We ask that all costumes please not include scary/gore themes or masks, weapons, or any violent imagery. Please be mindful of young children.
Cost: $8 per person prior to the event, $10 at the door
Please fill out the early entry form on My School Bucks by Friday, October 18. If payment by cash or check is preferred, fill out the form that came home with your student and return to school. Please make checks out to Briar Glen PTC. Label envelope "Monster Mash".
Individual entry tickets may be purchased at the door on October 26, with the entry fee of $10 (cash or check only). Please make checks out to "Briar Glen PTC".
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Kristin Payne, the school social worker, who will speak to you confidentially regarding the possibility of financial assistance.
Wristbands (entry ticket) and one drink ticket (per person) will be given out the week of October 21 to the oldest students of families who registered ahead of time.
If you have any questions, or would like to help with this event, please contact Sarah Frega (630-464-3684) or Sarah Palazzolo (630-800-8912).
Scan or click the QR code below to sign up to donate or volunteer at this event!
FirstView app helps families keep up with bus travel
Many CCSD 89 families can now track their student’s bus trips to and from school through the free FirstView busing app. Parents can download the FirstView app, which will show an estimated number of minutes until the bus will arrive at a bus stop and when buses arrive at school. Families should search for “FirstView” on the app store. (Note: there is also a “FirstView 1.0” app that will not show CCSD 89 bus routes.)
The app is not available for special education (Hopewell) transportation, early or late buses, or student field trips. Learn more: www.ccsd89.org/busapp
Upcoming Events
September 30: Parent Series: A new term for ADHD, noon and 7 p.m.
September 30: Boosterthon Fun Run kickoff
October 1: Parent Series: “બાળકોને શારીરિક અને માનસિક રીતે મજબૂત બનાવવા માટે ના માતા પિતા ને માર્ગદર્શન, 7 p.m.
October 2: Parent Series: Criar al niño pequeño a través de crisis, noon and 7 p.m.
October 8: Parent Series: Who gets into college and why, noon and 7 p.m.
October 9: D89 Music Boosters fall fundraiser online meeting, 6 p.m.
October 10: Evening conferences, 4-7 p.m.
October 10: Boosterthon Fun Run, 10: a.m. (preschool-5th) & 12:45 p.m. (preschool)
October 10: Parent Series: El proceso de solicitud de ingreso en la Universidad, 7 p.m.
October 11: No school (conferences 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
October 14: No school (Columbus/Indigenous Peoples’ Day)
October 17: PTC meeting, 7 p.m.
October 17: Parent Series: Solutions to our disaffected youth, noon and 7 p.m.
October 21: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
October 26: Briar Glen's Monster Mash at Glen Crest, 6-8 p.m.
October 30: Preschool Halloween parties
October 31: Kindergarten-5th grade parties, 2:30 p.m.
Parent Series: The new science on ADHD (September 30)
Parent Series: વીષય: “બાળકોને શારીરિક અને માનસિક રીતે મજબૂત બનાવવા માટે ના માતા પિતા ને માર્ગદર્શન (October 1)
વીષય: “બાળકોને શારીરિક અને માનસિક રીતે મજબૂત બનાવવા માટે ના માતા પિતા ને માર્ગદર્શન
બાળકોને માનસિક રીતે મજબૂત અને શૈક્ષણિક રીતે સફળ બનાવવા એ ઘણા માતા પિતા ઓ માટે ટોચની પ્રાથમિકતા છે. આ માહિતીપ્રદ સત્રમાં તમે આરોગ્યકારક બાળ વિકાસ અને તમારા બાળકના સમગ્ર સુખાકારી માટે ની માહિતિ જાણવા મળશે.
મુખ્ય વિષયો માં સામેલ છે:
- શારીરિક અને માનસિક વૃદ્ધિના આધારો
- સ્થિતિસ્થાપકતા અને માનસિકતા મજબુત બનાવવા માટે નો અભિગમ
- શૈક્ષણિક સફળતા અને સામાન્ય પડકારોને સંચાલિત કરવાની માહિતિ
- બાળકોની સમાસ્યાઓનો સફળતા પૂવૅક ઉકેલ લાવવા માટે નુ માર્ગદર્શન
આઓ અને જોડાવ આ મિશન મા તમારા બાળકોને શારીરિક અને માનસિક રીતે મજબુત બનાવવા, અને તેમનો વિકાસ કરવા માટે નુ માર્ગદર્શન મેળવો અને એક સુખી પરિવાર બનાવો. https://bit.ly/4dg3yqp
Parent Series: Criar al niño pequeño a través de crisis, mala conducta y rabietas (October 2)
¿Está usted luchando con las rabietas, las crisis emocionales y el mal comportamiento de su hijo pequeño? Manejar la decepción o la frustración puede ser una tarea difícil para los niños, especialmente para los niños sensibles o decididos. Durante un arrebato emocional, ¿tiende usted a ceder, a reaccionar de forma exagerada, a hablar demasiado, a regañar o a castigar? ¿Quieres responder de manera diferente? ¿Qué otras alternativas tenemos? Únase a nosotros y aprenda consejos y estrategias que funcionan durante estos momentos difíciles. https://bit.ly/4ezlIo5
Follow Briar Glen on X!
Students, families can report crises and threats through Safe2Help
Briar Glen online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
Safe Kids Class (September, October)
Butterfield Park District Fall Fest (October 5)
History Center presentation on Chicago Fire (October 9)
Back-to-School After School Bocce Ball event (October 18)
Fish Re-Stocking Event (October 19)
Mommy and Me mother support group (October-December)
Support group for families of children with autism
Metropolitan Family Services free preschool
Programas gratis educación preescolar
Free groceries through Northern Illinois Food Bank
Briar Glen Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 545-3300
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/briarglen
Location: Briar Glen Elementary School, Briarcliffe Boulevard, Wheaton, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 545-3300
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @briarglenschool