Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
Finding us online
Just a reminder that updated information can always be found at our website: https://colrain.mohawktrailschools.org/ and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/colraincentral
December 20, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- I hope you all have a wonderful, restful, joy-filled break! Whether you celebrate the holidays or not, I wish you days of laughter, love, and peace.
- There are a lot of opportunities for athletic events coming up this winter. Please see the options below.
Ski/Snowboard Club registration
Upcoming Events
12/23-1/1: Winter Break: No School
1/3-1/27: Hillside Pizza fundraiser
1/8: 6pm School Committee meeting
1/14: 3:30 LEC meeting
1/20: No school
1/31: Vernon Tornado Jumprope Performance
1:50 dismissals: 1/15, 1/22
5/6 grade Calendar Raffle Fudraiser
Buy a ticket for the calendar raffle. There's a chance to win every day!
January Lunch Menu
Amy Looman
Amy is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters