Counseling and Career Connection
School Counseling/Career Center News October 2024
Falling Into a Routine
South Windsor High School is a very busy place right now. Our classes are closing in on the end of first quarter, and sports and activities are well underway. We hosted our annual college and career fair on Thursday when representatives from over 120 colleges, military branches, and career programs filled our gym to speak to students in grades 10 through 12.
Students in grades 9-11 have had School Counseling preparation to take grade appropriate forms of the PSAT on October 24. Many of our 12th grade students have begun college applications. There are still a few weeks of college visits remaining for students who want to take advantage of the opportunity to meet directly with admissions counselors.
This issue of our newsletter features the following:
- Upcoming College Visits
Connecticut Automatic Acceptance Program (CAAP)
- College application fee waivers
- Career Day opportunity at Travelers
- UConn Full Scholarships
- Upcoming programs
We hope you find the information on these and other topics useful, and always encourage you to reach out to our School Counseling department with your questions and needs!
College Visits Continue in the Career Center
A complete list of scheduled visits with registration links can be found on the Naviance Student home screen under "What's New". New schools are added daily, but here is a sample of schools visiting in the final weeks of visits:
Brandeis University
Babson College
Fairfield University
New York University
University of Vermont
Johnson & Wales University
Lafayette College
Tufts University
University of Miami
Tulane University of Louisiana
Case Western Reserve University
Boston College
University of Rochester
Lasell University
American International College
Sacred Heart University
Northwestern University
Rivier University
Vanderbilt University
University of Hartford
Providence College
Smith College
Springfield College
Lincoln Technical Institute - New Britain
Central Connecticut State University
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Hartford Job Corps
Albertus Magnus College
Rhode Island College
Seton Hall University
Connecticut Automatic Acceptance Program (CAAP) Updates
Admission to some programs within these schools may require additional student information or demonstrated student success in the first semesters of attendance.
The CAAP program waives the application fee, student essays, and recommendation letter portion of the application process.
There are many other application details, deadlines, financial aid requirements, and eligibility policies that correspond to this program. Please visit ct.edu/autoadmit and this CAAP/Common App slideshow for those specific details. The slideshow is especially important as it outlines how students can access their automatic acceptances within the Common Application.
For any program or application questions that you still may have, please email CSCU-CAAP@ct.edu
Participating Colleges & Universities
Central Connecticut State University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Western Connecticut State University
Southern Connecticut State University
Mitchell College
University of Saint Joseph
University of Bridgeport
University of New Haven
Goodwin University
Albertus Magnus College
Apply to College FREE (with these great opportunities)!
Fee-Free Application Day for University of Connecticut and ALL Connecticut State Colleges and Universities - Friday, November 1st. On that day, when students complete and submit the Common Application for UConn, Eastern Connecticut State University, Western Connecticut State University, Central Connecticut State University and Southern Connecticut State University, they will receive a waiver code to enter at checkout. Additionally, Southern Connecticut State University extends its free application window from November 1 through November 15.
The following schools have shared fee waiver codes with the Career Center during recent visits or via e-mail:
- Bryant University - Use code: TUPP63
- Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) - Use code: PROS2425
- University of New Haven - Use code: GoChargers25
- SUNY (State University of New York) - get FIVE free SUNY applications from
Monday, October 21 - Sunday, November 3, on either ApplySUNY Application or Common App
If you already qualify for other waivers such as test fees through College Board (SAT, AP) or for the Free and Reduced School Lunch program, you may also qualify for fee waivers through the Common App. Reach out to your counselor to find out if you qualify.
Lastly, some colleges will give out free application codes to students when they visit campus or demonstrate other interest during the college application process. Other schools will offer free applications to students who apply early. It never hurts to call an Admissions office and ask if they offer any application waiver codes.
AP Fees Due November 1
As noted in a recent e-mail from Mr. Wry, students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses and intending to take AP exams, must pay exam fees by November 1. Please review the following payment information:
- The payment deadline for the May 2025 AP exams is Friday, November 1, 2024
- Payment fee is $99 per exam
- The late payment deadline for the May 2025 AP exams is Friday, March 7, 2025
- Late payment fee is $139 per exam ($99 + $40 late fee)
- After March 7, SWHS does not have the ability to order AP tests for students who have not paid
If payment is a hardship, students or parents should speak to their school counselor. Options may include payment plans or fee waivers based on the Student’s Free/Reduced Lunch Program - Addendum A status
If a student informs their School Counselor after November 15 that they will not take an exam already paid for, there will be a $59 refund per exam.
Payments may be made by check, payable to SWHS, in the amount of $99 per exam. Checks should be accompanied by the payment form attached below and hand delivered to the Career Center or mailed to:
SWHS - Attn: AP Testing
161 Nevers Road
South Windsor, CT 06074
Those wishing to pay by credit card may do so using MySchoolBucks.com.
Please note there is a 4.95% associated with this method.
Any student intending to take an AP exam, without taking the corresponding course at SWHS, must state this intention to their School Counselor and pay for the test by the same schedule noted above: (November 1st for regular testing fee $99 and March 1st for late testing fee $139 total). SWHS must already be offering that course/test. SWHS cannot administer any tests for classes not already offered. For additional information please connect with your school counselor.
Next WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY - 10/30 Career Exploration
23rd Annual Travelers Actuarial & Analytics High School Day Offered to SWHS Students
Travelers Insurance has once again extended an invitation to South Windsor High School for a free, virtual event via Zoom. It will include detailed overviews of the actuarial profession, job shadows, an interactive insurance game, and a number of other activities designed to expose students to how the math they learn in the classroom can be applied to real-world examples - hopefully answering that all-too-common question, “When are we ever going to use this?”.
The invitation is open to all sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have an interest and/or potential in pursuing careers in mathematics or statistics. This will likely be about 4 hours on the morning of Friday, November 15th, with the specific times still to be determined. It will be held in the Career Center, and students will utilize their own Chromebooks to log in to the Zoom.
Any students interested in attending will need to see Mrs. Carty by the end of the school day on Friday, October 25th.
UConn Full Scholarship Opportunities
Each year, the University of Connecticut honors the exceptional accomplishments of Connecticut secondary school seniors by awarding three full cost-of-attendance scholarships to some of our most talented Connecticut applicants.
The applications for the Day of Pride Scholarship, Nutmeg Scholarship, and Stamps Scholarship are now live. As a reminder, applicants may only apply to and be considered for one of these three highly competitive awards. The recommendation of a school counselor is no longer required.
Application deadline for scholarship applicants to complete and submit the Common Application or Coalition Application.
Application deadline to complete and submit the Day of Pride Scholarship, Nutmeg Scholarship, or Stamps Scholarship Supplemental Application, along with all required scholarship documents. Supplemental Applications will be available through a student's applicant portal once the application for admission is received.
The resources below are designed to better support students who wish to apply for full scholarship consideration. As always, the number of applications received will exceed the number of available scholarships, but high achieving students are encouraged to apply.
Stamps Scholarship Information
Day of Pride Scholarship Information
Nutmeg Scholarship Information
If you have questions about these scholarship programs, you may contact Associate Director of Admission Jayson Hodge directly by emailing jayson.hodge@uconn.edu.
Tufts University Invites Prospective Students to "Fall for Tufts"
Tufts University hosts a series of virtual workshops throughout the fall to help introduce students to a variety of topics. Upcoming programs include:
What’s the Tea at Tufts? A Conversation with the Diversity Admissions Team
October 24th, 8:00PM EDT, Register Here
What's the Tea at Tufts? A Conversation with Diversity Admissions Team is a panel in which Tufts students from a variety of backgrounds will speak about their experiences. Learn more about the student ambassadors on our Diversity Admissions Team here.
Pre-Health Advising at Tufts
October 28th, 4:00PM EDT, Register Here
Learn about the curricular and extracurricular ways Tufts undergraduates prepare for a wide array of health professions. The pre-health advisors will discuss their program and answer questions.
Student Experience Panel: Life as a Jumbo
October 28th, 6:00PM EDT, Register Here
Join current students to learn more about the Tufts experience! Our students will share their stories about getting used to a new environment, their favorite parts of being a Jumbo, balancing their responsibilities, and much more. Bring your questions, too!
To register for these programs or learn more about other panels and workshops offered, visit the Tufts University site.
Boston University Offers Merit Scholarships for Top Applicants
- Trustee Scholarship: Boston University's most prestigious full-tuition scholarship recognizes extraordinary academic performance and leadership ability. Students must submit one additional essay with their application for admission.
- Presidential Scholarship: This four-year, $25,000 scholarship is awarded to students with exceptional academic achievements. No additional application materials are required—all students need to do to be considered is apply for admission by the scholarship deadline.
College of Engineering FIRST Robotics: This $25,000 scholarship is for College of Engineering applicants who have participated in at least one season with a FIRST Robotics team.
The application deadline for Trustee and Presidential scholarships is December 1, 2024 and the FIRST Robotics scholarship deadline is February 1, 2025. More information can be found on the Boston University website.
Financial Aid Help Available
If you would like one on on assistance with FAFSA, please consider reaching out to our closely linked partner at CONNTAC, whose mission is is to promote and expand equal educational access and opportunity for Connecticut residents.
Our local contact is:
Kaitlyn Parker, Educational Counselor
CONNTAC, Inc. – Educational Opportunity Center
Manchester Community College
Great Path, Manchester, CT 06040
Here are the links to her individual booking page and the CONNTAC Service Request page:
Service Request - Conntac Inc. (students should select "Site 3: Manchester/East Hartford" under Service Area and I will reach out to them directly!)
For information about CONNTAC, visit www.conntacinc.org
Now Hiring!
Throughout the year, part-time job opportunities can be found on a bulletin board in the Career Center. These positions will also be noted in daily announcements, and added to the electronic sign outside School Counseling.
No new jobs have been posted in the Career Center this month, but students are always encouraged to reach out to a variety of local businesses and ask if they are hiring.
The Freshman Focus
Ms. Keleher and Ms. Iuliano will conduct lessons with Grade 9 students in December to create a College Board account as well as share some helpful tips on preparing to take mid-term exams for the first time. Students are asked NOT to create a College Board account until this time as crucial errors can occur without proper guidance.
The Sophomore Scene
The Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership seminar is an opportunity for high school sophomores to realize their leadership talents and apply them in becoming effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace, and community. South Windsor High School will select two 10th grade students to attend a three-day program at Southern Connecticut State University from May 30 - June 1, 2025. During the program, they participate in hands-on leadership activities and explore how their own personal leadership skills can make an impact in their local community. Faculty have been invited to nominate students, but self-nominations are also welcome. Interested10th graders can see Ms. Carty in the Career Center for application details.
Grade 10 parents should take note of the upcoming parent/guardian night on November 20. See the calendar note with details (above). We hope to see you there!
School Counseling & Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of assistance to students and parents preparing for post-secondary opportunities. It is located in the School Counseling office and can also be accessed from the hallway outside School Counseling.
Website: https://highschool.southwindsorschools.org/departments/school_counseling
Phone: 860-648-5003