LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

January 27th, 2025
Hello Levelland Lobos!
This is a critical period for school districts at both the local and state levels. Upcoming local
elections and statewide decisions will significantly influence schools. Both will have a profound
impact on the quality of education Levelland ISD students receive.
Levelland Independent School District (ISD) will hold its annual School Trustee Election on
Saturday, May 3, 2025. The general election will include positions for Single-Member District 1
and Single-Member District 3, each with a three-year term. Additionally, a special election will
be held to fill an At-Large Position for a one-year term, necessitated by a vacancy.
Applications for a place on the ballot for both the general and special elections must be
submitted by Friday, February 14, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. Application forms are available at the
Levelland ISD Central Office, located at 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX 79336. District
administration staff are available to assist with any questions related to the election process.
For those interested in the role of a school board member, the Texas Association of School
Boards (TASB) outlines the primary responsibilities of a trustee as providing local citizen
governance and oversight of education within the district. Levelland ISD Board Members are
dedicated to serving all students and upholding our commitment to "Expect Excellence" in all aspects of education. Additional information pertaining to the role of a trustee can be found in
Levelland ISD Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline?key=664 and on the TASB
website at https://www.tasb.org/.
The 89th Texas Legislative Session is currently underway, running from January 14, 2025,
through June 2, 2025. Statewide discussions have focused on key issues such as public school
funding and school vouchers for private institutions. The public school accountability system and
student state assessments are additional focus areas for our legislators. While the specifics of
new legislation remain uncertain, Levelland ISD is hopeful for increased funding to support
essential needs, including employee raises and operational expenses.
Levelland ISD’s mission is the Relentless Pursuit of Excellence for Our Students. Our students
are our highest priority, and we are committed to providing an education that prepares them for
both current and future success. As new legislation is enacted and additional requirements are
placed on schools, Levelland ISD will remain flexible and proactive, striving to make a
meaningful and positive impact in the lives of all our students.
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent of Schools
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
All Things LISD..................
Hockley County Junior LiveStock Show
Congratulations to all of our FFA and 4-H Exhibitors in the stock show last week. It was a buy week and lots of medals were taken home!
For a list of accomplishments please see https://www.facebook.com/groups/604309009762690.
DNA Study
How much do you understand about DNA? These LHS students in Mrs. Sandy Billington's Biology classes were caught in a DNA Lab today. They were experiencing a hands-on activity to show DNA translation and transcription, which are the processes cells use to express their genetic information. Transcription is the process of copying DNA into RNA, and translation is the process of using RNA to create proteins. This high level engagement is awesome!
All-Region Band!
We send out a huge congratulations to the Lobo Band members who made the ATSSB All-Region Band! Our students auditioned against peers from the Lubbock area to earn their spots in the band. Along with our Honor Band members from the previous auditions, these 15 students will perform at the All-Region Band concerts on Saturday at the Lubbock Civic Center.
Flute: Lily Alvarado, AnnaLee Napier, and Rosa Servin
Clarinet: Valentine Esparza, Daira Bejarano, Cadence Trevino, Sophia Koubek (Not pictured Joleen Caballero & Anaylis Aguilar)
Bass Clarinet: Abril Perez
Trumpet: Jose Bejarano, Brayden Perez and Jayden Moreno
Bass Trombone: Michael Arriaga
Euphonium: Adden Luna, Araseli Torres, Diego Franco and Max Chapa
Bass Trombone: Michael Arriagean Brothers, and Alexius Quezada
In the News!
Capitol GT students in Mrs. Alexander's and Mrs. Utley's 3rd grade GT groups went on a field trip Friday to learn about news production. Students took a tour of KLBK(KAMC) to learn about the process of developing a live news broadcast. Students were then featured on the 11am KAMC news and again on KLBK at 6pm and 10pm. Following a lunch at Capital Pizza where students used their creative skills to form wicky stick creations, they visited the campus of Texas Tech University Davis College of Agriculture Education and Communication and were educated on editing and producing their own videos. Students will use the knowledge gained to help prepare them to write, format, edit and produce a news broadcast as their Spring GT project. This News Show Production project teaches students about the 5 "W"s in news writing, understanding the difference between editorial pieces and news content, culture and citizenship, pursuing interests, data analysis, developing essential skills for communicating, creative problem solving, and logical thinking. We are so thankful for Mrs. Utley and Mrs. Alexander #expectingexcellence and for keeping our students engaged and challenged with wonderful learning opportunities.
The Wallace Brings Ballet Lubbock
We thank The Wallace for bringing Ballet Lubbock Dance Connect to Levelland ISD. Through this extracurricular program, students will learn ballet, modern, jazz, and creative movement. Students will perform at the Buddy Holly Hall in April! We are so thankful to The Wallace for bringing opportunities to our students that they might not experience otherwise!
Winter Wonderland
Brrrrr, it was cold outside last week! South Librarian Mrs. Harkins hosted a Winter Wonderland in the library and there was a packed house. Parents and students made winter igloos, constructed snowmen, & read books about winter and snow, all while earning AR points! It was a great evening of winter fun! We appreciate the parents that came out to spend winter with their kids!
Moon Phases Lab
What better way to remember a great science lesson than with a hands-on activity? Mrs. Gina Randol #expectsexcellence and her LMS classes wrapped up their study of the moon phases with an Oreo Cookie Lab. Students took the cookies apart and used the icing to recreate the appearance of each moon phase. What a yummy way to learn about the orbit of the moon and how it looks at each phase!
TTU Rawls College Visits LHS
Mr. Russell Hill's LHS Business Classes were visited today by Megan Acevedo from the Texas Tech Rawls School of Business. Students learned about programs of study offered, admission requirements, opportunities for study abroad, as well as many interesting facts about the Rawls School of Business. Students were especially interested in the 94.6% successful placement rate for graduates. Thank you, Ms. Acevedo for teaching our students more about college and careers!
Musical Chairs for Books!
ABC Librarian Abi Swain #expectsexcellence and engaged students in a game of musical chairs to introduce them to new books in the library! ABC Littles were caught in the act and were excited to view various genres of new books, hoping to check them out next week! The new books in the ABC Library include books about football, vehicles, fiction, nonfiction, funny, sensitive, popular TV characters that students love, and more. We appreciate that our LISD Librarians are always thinking of ways to turn kids on to books!
Ag Youth of the Month
Congratulations to LHS Senior Clayten Edwards for being chosen as an Ag Texas Ag Youth of the Month! We are proud of the leadership you put forth!
NHD Invitation
Mark your calendars! The LHS and LMS National History Day students #expectexcellence and invite you to their NHD Showcase at the Brasch-Mitchell Building on February 3rd at 6 pm! Come see these amazing projects and quiz our students to help them prepare for their competition!
Our Loboettes take the wins again this week! They are in a three way tie for first place!
Tourney Champs!
Congratulations to the 8th Grade A Team, Andrews Tournament Champs!!
Neon Night Tomorrow Night!
Get out your NEON for tomorrow night! Tomorrow night our Lobos & Loboettes have big games here against the Lubbock Cooper Patriots. The boys and girls teams need you there! Let’s Light Up the Patriots!
Wear all of your neon gear! The lights might even go off! The Cheer Parent Club will be giving away a $75 gift card to the craziest student!
Come show your spirit, act crazy, and have fun! We hope you can come support our Lobos & Loboettes!
Powerlifting Coach Mike Brogden sends out congratulations to our Powerlifters for a job well done at the Frenship Meet over the weekend. Our Lobos finished 3rd place as a Team, and our Loboettes came in 2nd as a Team! Zaden Carrillo, Avani Lopez, Emmina Collins, and Naylea Saucedo all brought home first-place medals. You can see that there is a lot more hardware too! Congratulations to these amazing athletes!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is............
cereal cups.
BBP is always accepting donations.
Make a lasting memory........
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict