Allen Eagle Escadrille TWIB Notes

This Week In Band
Required Movement Camp Begins on Tuesday (April 16)
All 2024-2025 Band students are required to attend our two movement camps beginning this Tuesday, April 16. Attendance will be taken since this is a required event. Marching spot and part assignments are directly related to attendance. Poor attendance will lead to alternate spot status in the show.
- April 16 Movement Camp 1: 5pm-6:30pm (AHS Competition Gym)
- April 23 Movement Camp 2: 5pm-6:30pm (AHS Competition Gym)
Movement camp is taking place at the AHS Competition Gym. Enter Door 88 by lower eagles nest (gym entrance on the tennis court side) beginning at 4:30pm. All MS & HS students must wear School ID when coming entering the building.
Banquet: Saturday, May 4
Only 2 days left to purchase your Banquet tickets at the Early Bird price! After April 16, ticket prices increase! The Banquet is set for May 4 from 5:30 – 10pm. For more info and to get your tickets, go to
Help us make this a night to remember for the students as they celebrate a fantastic year. Band Banquet volunteer sign-up is now open at
**Attention Seniors! It’s time to submit your info for the Band Banquet Senior Slides! You should have received an email with more information. Don’t be just a name on a slide! Go to to submit your info and optional pictures. Questions? Email Tracy Walker at
Required Band & Guard Registration: April 25
All 2024-2025 Band & Guard students are required to come to registration on Thursday, April 25th. This is one time every year where students pay required fees for the year. In addition to fee collections, we fit students for uniforms and update contact information in our records. We will have another required uniform fitting day in the summer (Saturday, July 27). See specific fee information for band and guard below.
Band Fees Required on April 25: All items are required for all band students. You do not need to buy them if you already own them and still fit. These are the only fees we charge for the entire year. Optional trips and Region/Solo & Ensemble entries are separate fees. Every student will need to provide their T-Shirt size at registration. If you expect you will grow over the summer, you might want to increase your shirt size.
Please know that 2024-2025 Band Fees payments are expected at registration. Outstanding obligation balances must be paid prior to registration. You can pay using check, cash, or credit/debit. There will be no change available for cash payments made at Registration. Any overage will be carried as a credit on the student's account to be used at a future date. Also, If you plan on paying with a credit/debit card, you will be using SchoolPay. SchoolPay has a 2%-3% finance charge added to the cost of the purchase.
- Refreshment Fee - $85
- UDB App Pro - $30
- Dri-Fit Shirt - $20
- Uniform Cleaning Fee - $55
- Marching Shoes - $50
- Uniform Undershirt (Blue) - $55
- Uniform Show Shirt - $65
- Uniform Gloves - $5
- Show Shako Wrap - $50
- School owned Instrument Usage Fee - $125
- The school owned instrument usage fee applies to all percussion , oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, horn/mellophone, bass trombone, euphonium, tuba/sousaphone.
Guard Fees Required on April 25th
Approximate total for a NEW member is $1168 (the fee is not finalized as of today) and approximate total for a returning member in the fall (with no new items) is $597.00. Minimum payment at registration is $500. All fall fees will be due on OCTOBER 1, 2024.
There will be plenty of volunteers to guide you and signage to help out. Students, please wear fitted clothing so we can get accurate measurements for uniforms.
Returning members: Traditional Uniform tights ran small last year; you may want to purchase a new pair.
Note: If you plan on paying with a credit/debit card, you will be using SchoolPay. SchoolPay has a 2%-3% finance charge added to the cost of the purchase.
Looking Ahead: Spring Band Concerts
- May 8: LFC Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert
- May 9: AHS Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert
- May 13: Recording Concert, AHS Wind Ensemble Only & Select Percussion Ensemble (Time TBA)
- May 14: Jazz Ensemble @ LFC (6:30pm)
- May 15: Spring Concert 1 (6:30pm Start)
- AHS Concert
- AHS Symphonic 3
- LFC Wind Ensemble
- AHS Wind Symphony
- May 16: Spring Concert 2 (6:30pm Start)
- Saxophone Ensemble
- LFC Concert Band
- AHS Symphonic 2
- LFC Symphonic Band
- AHS Symphonic 1
- AHS Wind Ensemble
2024-2025 AHS Concert & Jazz Placements
CLICK HERE to see next year's Concert Band Placements (winds only). CLICK HERE to see next year's Jazz placements. YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED INTO YOUR ALLEN ISD ACCOUNT TO VIEW DOCUMENT. The AHS master schedule is being constructed based on our band classes. There will not be class conflicts with Dual Credit and STEAM classes. Do not assume that next year's band, Dual credit, or STEAM classes are the same class periods as this year. Please let Dr. Obado know if your name is not listed and planning on being in band next year.
Allen Band Booster Association
Volunteer Opportunities
Log in to sign up! Questions, email Cindy at
- 4.25 Band Registration
- 5.4 Band Banquet
Band Banquet Tickets
Band Banquet tickets are now on sale! Don't miss this Celestial event! May 4 from 5:30 - 10p, come out and celebrate with your friends and reminiscence on a year that went by way too fast! Dinner... awards... dancing... games... you don't want to miss it. Get your tickets by April 15 before the prices increase. For more info and to purchase tickets visit
UIL Patches
CLICK HERE to order/purchase UIL Concert and Marching Patches from the online store. Last day to purchase is April 26th. Patches will be available for pick up at the spring concerts in May. Bands that earned a Sweepstakes rating are: AHS Wind Ensemble, LFC Wind Ensemble, AHS Symphonic 1, and LFC Symphonic.
Volunteer Opportunities
Log in to sign up at Contact Cindy with any questions at
- 4.25 Band Registration
- 5.4 Band Banquet
2024-25 ABBA Committee Applications
If you are interested in serving as an ABBA Committee Chair or on a committee please complete and submit the following form here. Committee Chairs will be appointed at the May Board Meeting.
2024 Leadership & Required Marching Band Events
The band staff is already preparing for the 2024 marching season. See image below for the required Spring and Summer required events.
If you are interested in trying out for drum major or SLT, we will begin our training/workshops after Spring Break. They will be held (mostly) on Wednesdays from 4:30pm-6pm in the AHS Band Hall. The first 45 minutes will be general leadership/SLT training and the second 45 minutes will be specific training for drum majors. AHS & LFC Wind Ensembles will be required to attend the first 45 minutes of the SLT workshops as part of their Musicianship Class.
SLT/Drum Major Workshops
- Wed, March 20: 4:30-6pm
- Wed, March 27: 4:30-6pm
- Tues, April 2: 4:30-6pm
- Wed, April 10 4:30-6pm
- Wed, April 17: 4:30-6pm
- Wed, April 24: 4:30-6pm
Drum Major Tryouts
- Mon, April 29 (Phase 1 - After School)
- Wed, May 1 (Phase 2 - After School)
SLT Tryouts
- Mon, May 6 (Woodwinds - After School)
- Tues, May 7 (Brass - After School)
- Guard & Percussion Tryouts will be scheduled by Mr. Camp/Mr. Locke
Additional Required SLT Dates
If chosen as an SLT, you are required to go to all spring/summer band events and SLT training. Summer SLT training will be on the following dates:
- Thurs, May 30 (after music camp): SASI Leadersnip Training (time TBA)
- Fri, May 31: SASI Leadership training (time TBA)
- Mon, July 22: Summer Leadership Camp and Setup (time TBA)
The Next Three Weeks
April 15-21
- Tues, 4/16: Movement Camp 1 (5:00-6:30pm)
- Wed, 4/17: SLT/Drum Major Training (4:30-6pm/Band Hall)
April 22-28
- Mon, 4/22: Student and Staff Holiday (No School)
- Tues, 4/23: Movement Camp 2 (5:00-6:30pm), Freshman Parent Meeting (6-7pm)
- Wed, 4/24: SLT/Drum Major Training (4:30-6pm/Band Hall)
- Thurs, 4/25: Registration (5-8pm), Band Letterman Jacket Fittings before school (juniors)
- Fri, 4/26: Band Letterman Jacket Fittings before school (juniors)
April 29-May 5
- Mon, 4/29: Drum Major Tryouts: Phase 1
- Wed, 5/1: Drum Major Tryouts: Phase 2
- Sat, 5/4: Band Banquet
2023-2024 AHS/LFC Band Staff
- Dr. Philip Obado, Director of Bands, Allen ISD
- Dr. Steven Knight, Associate Director of Bands & Marching Band Director
- Joshua Blankenship, Director of Bands, Lowery Freshman Center
- Miles Locke, Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Andrew Camp, Colorguard Director & Assistant Band Director
- Alex Baczewski, Assistant Band Director & Jazz Studies Director
- Neil Hicks, Assistant Band Director (LFC)
- Jeremy Rohr, Assistant Band Director
- Susan Fulk, Performing Arts Administrative Assistant