Birth to 5 Community Coalition News
June 2024
SAVE THE DATE for "Let's Play Fall Fest" 2024
SAVE THE DATE for our third annual CCSD93's Let's Play! Fall Fest. Our event is sponsored by the CCSD93's Birth to 5 Community Coalition, CCSD93's Early Childhood Center, and CCSD93's ECC PBIS team. The event will be on Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 10-12 at Heritage Lakes School and is open to our partners and community. Rain date is Sunday, October 27, 2024.
Our event will include "trunk or treat", face painting, music, story times, pumpkin patch and so much more!
More information to be shared in the coming months!
Summer Fun Activities for June
Are You Looking For Fun Sensory Bin Activities This Summer?
Sensory bins are simply plastic tubs filled with a variety of materials to help stimulate the five senses (touch, taste, sound, smell, sight). The bins are a great way to provide young children with a variety of sensory play opportunities to explore the world around them and develop language as they engage in imaginary-pretend play. There are not rules to how to make a sensory bin...just use your imagination and explore!
WIC Illinois : Growing Healthy Families
WIC offers FREE, nutritious foods, for anyone with child dependents, including parents, grandparents, foster parents, and stepparents, as well as parents who are pregnant, postpartum, or suffering the loss of a recent pregnancy.
WIC does not require proof of citizenship or immigration status.
Check out our income guidelines and contact them today!
You can call the automated office locator line: 1-800 323-4769 (voice) 1-866-295-6817 (TTY)
Women and Children (1-5 years): Whole Wheat Bread, Tortillas, Cereal, Milk, Eggs, Yogurt, Tofu, Cheese, Juice, Peanut Butter, Beans, Fruits and Vegetables
Breastfeeding Infants: Infant Cereal and Jarred Infant Meats, Fruits and Vegetables
Non-Breastfed Infants: Formula, Infant Cereal and Jarred Infant Fruits and Vegetables
JUNE Summer Fun Activities At the Carol Stream Public Library
June/July/August: https://tinyurl.com/Summerpreschoolactivities
The Sensory Garden Playground is a combination of sensory-integrated playground equipment and amenities along with gardening areas. The playground is a playground without limits; without boundaries; that makes play possible for all.
The play dates are June 15th, July 20th and August 17th from 10 AM -12 PM and it is FREE.
Please click on the link for more information.
EXPLORE...TOUCH...PLAY...Throughout the summer months!
As you know, play is the child's work! It is through play that children, at a very early age, begin to explore and interact with the world around them. Through play, children begin to develop a sense of who they are and what effect they have on their world.
Below are some ideas on how to explore with new food textures, tastes, and smells.
Click here for additional information on HEALTHY EATING HABITS from zerotothree.org
Infants: Birth to 1 year
During mealtime,
you can name the foods that your baby eats. During meals, ask your baby “Would you like some banana? How about more carrots?” Even though your baby may not always understand your words, by talking about these objects over and over you are helping your baby understand that a word (“strawberry”) stands for a thing (a sweet red fruit).
you can point out the fruits and vegetables when at the grocery store. Soon, your baby may be pointing out the ones she recognizes all by him/herself!
you can let your baby play with the food, touch it, lick it or taste it. Through exploration your baby becomes familiar with different tastes and textures of foods.
Toddlers: 1-2 years
- you can talk about the different fruits and vegetables you and your child are eating. Ask your child which he/she likes best.
- talk about their colors and textures of the foods your are eating, picking from a garden, or getting at the grocery store
- you can let your child pick one new fruit or vegetable from the grocery store to take home and try to eat. Ask your child what the fruit/vegetable feels like, smells like, or if they like the new taste?
Preschool: 3 to 5 years
During mealtime,
- you can talk about the different fruits and vegetables you and your child are eating. Ask your child which he/she likes best.
- talk about their colors and textures of the foods your are eating, picking from a garden, or getting at the grocery store
- you can let your child pick one new fruit or vegetable from the grocery store to take home and try to eat. Ask your child what the fruit/vegetable feels like, smells like, or if they like the new taste?
DuPage Children's Museum: ADAPTIVE PLAY TIME
Did you know that the DuPage Children’s Museum is dedicated to being an accessible, inclusive environment for children to thrive through extraordinary learning experiences. Adaptive Play Time provides a modified environment for play and learning for children and their caregivers.This program is intended for families with disabilities, on the autism spectrum, and/or sensory processing disorders.
- Pre-registration is required.
- Attendance is limited.
- Some exhibits may be closed. DCM reserves the right to close exhibits as needed for the safety of our guests.
- The Adaptive Play Time schedule is subject to change.
- Upcoming dates: Sunday from 5:30-7 (June 23rd, July 14th, August 11th, September 15, October 20th, November 17th, and December 15th))
$19 Children | $19 Adults | $18 Seniors
Free: Infants under 1 year and DCM members
Financial Assistance is available Learn More!
Take a look here to access more information and see what other opportunities are available.
"Play and Learn With Me From Birth to 3" playgroups are returning in the fall 2024
Have A Child Between The Ages of 2 and 5?
Please contact the CCSD93's Early Childhood Center (630-307-3750) at any time to discuss how we can work together to support your children and your family.
We can:
monitor your infant or toddler’s growth and development in your own home
answer your questions about available birth to 3 screenings and 3 to 5 year old preschool screenings
answer questions about development and available resources
share upcoming coalition events and support groups
What is the CCSD93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition?
As a Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Community Consolidated School District 93 (CCSD93) , in partnership with many community agencies and businesses, strive to work with children and families from birth to five to improve each child's school readiness. We focus on the needs of the “whole child”. To that end, our coalition partners work together to identify the supports and services available in our community that speak to a child’s needs or the needs as a family. Priority is given to families who may experience barriers related to language, income level, limited or low level literacy skills, limited access to transportation, or unfamiliarity with processes related to accessing social/community services. I
If you would like to learn more about the Coalition or our outreach events, please feel free to call us, visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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