Milton Elementary School

September 7, 2024
Dear Milton Elementary School Families,
I want to thank everyone again for your patience and support over the last couple of weeks as we pivoted to our new learning plans to support the mold remediation. In addition, we had to navigate difficulties with our busing which added another layer of frustration and worry. We are excited that this week we can open back up our A hallway and move in our first graders, school nurse, grades 1/2 special educators, and 4 of our second-grade classes. We hope each week brings more good news and that by the end of next week everyone is settled back into their classrooms.
Last year, aligned with our Vision for Student Learning, our goal at MES was to provide joyful learning experiences for all our students. We believe that for real learning to happen, our classrooms need to be positive, respectful, and inclusive communities where every student can thrive. This year, our focus will continue to be on creating joyful learning experiences and fostering classroom communities that are positive, compassionate, and inclusive, ensuring that all our students feel a sense of belonging.
Please feel free to contact me via email at the address below or call to schedule an appointment to discuss any ideas you have that can make this school year the best one yet! You are also encouraged to visit our website and sign up to volunteer in your child’s classroom this year.
It is going to be an awesome year at Milton Elementary School!
Take care, and we will see you soon!
Busing Information
Milton PTA
We would like to invite you to join the Milton VT PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! There is a small $8 fee to cover the annual dues of becoming part of not only the Milton VT PTA but also becoming a member of the larger Vermont PTA and National PTA!
The link to join is:
Calling all Volunteers!!
Join us on Monday Sept 9th, any time between 9am-1pm to help set up 4th grade classes in the gym and move 1st grade into their classrooms! The Activities Fair needs volunteers to help vendors set up and help visitors navigate the event. Please email the PTA if interested.
Meadow Farms Fundraiser:
Packets went home, but you can set up an online shop using Group ID 1001667. Proceeds fund the PTA’s enrichment grant program and other PTA events/programs. Sales end Oct 4th. All fundraising is strictly optional, you do not need to participate. Donations can be accepted through our PTA website.
Milton VT PTA Board of Directors,
Victoria Herman, President
Holly Peet, Vice President
Brian Singh, VP of Membership
Karen Stout, Secretary
Jaime Nichols, Treasurer
Celebrating Learning
Ready to go in the MMS gym!
Second grade classrooms
Our first grade team planning.
Milton Elementary School New Teachers
Highlighting our New Music Teacher
Justin Morrison is our new Music Teacher! Justin taught elementary and preschool for 8 years. This will be Justin's first year teaching music and we are so excited that he has joined our team.
School Resources
Lunch Program
Mark your Calendar
- PTA Meeting 9-10-24 from 6-7pm
- Open House on September 24th 5:00-6:00
Milton Elementary School
Location: 42 Herrick Avenue, Milton, VT, USA
Phone: 802-893-5400