The Mustang Messenger
2024-2025 Season

Sunday, December 8, 2024
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A Message from Dr. Di Nicola
Good evening, JLS Mustang Families!
The first week of December 2024 brought us some brisk cold weather, but some warm, exciting school and community events alongside all of the great activities happening in class and amidst our after school club/organization teams!
We would like to extend a big thank you to our awesome PTO for organizing and engaging our 2024 PTO BINGO NIGHT! on Tuesday, December 3, 2024! We had a wonderful turnout for a great cause to bring funds back to JLS in support of educational initiatives for our entire student body! Our attending Mustangs and their families had terrific fun with their friends, playing a plethora of games for superb prizes along the way! We wish to extend our gratitude to the joyful Jennifer Herrin for being this year's emcee...you are simply incredible!
Our JLS guitarists collaborated with our former Mustangs at Loudoun County HS under the exquisite direction of Mr. Alphonso Young in a brilliant performance for the winter season on Tuesday, December 3. A big congratulations to all of our performers for such outstanding creative prowess as we kickstart our winter concert series with your spectacle!
Our 7th Grade Mustang Professional Educators, Ms. Devon Yorkshire, and Ms. Rebecca Denno introduced the renowned author Alan Gratz to our students on Thursday, December 5 as they provided him with a series of questions about his experiences as a writer as well as themes related to his award-winning novels. We are consistently amazed by how often we have author visits at JLS...and there shall be more to come this year alone!
The week of December 9-13 has a series of events occurring to which we are looking forward...Check them out later in this newsletter in addition to the brief summary below:
- Monty's Café returns for a December hot chocolate and treat-fest on Tuesday, December 10 from 8:00 AM - 8:25 AM as sponsored by our PTO. Students are permitted to enjoy their hot chocolate and treats in the cafeteria prior to heading to class!
- PTO will host a fundraiser night at Panera Bread on Fort Evans Road from 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM...so stop by there for dinner before heading to the JLS Choir Concert on the same evening!
- JLS Chorus performers will shine in their winter concert on Tuesday, December 10 at Loudoun County HS starting at 7:00 PM!
- 7th and 8th Grade Band will perform on Wednesday, December 11 at JLS starting at 6:30 PM, right in our own auditorium!
- 7th and 8th Grade Orchestra musicians shall present their winter concert on Thursday, December 12, commencing also at 7:00 PM!
RESOURCE LOCKER CLEAN-OUT!: Thursday, December 12 - Friday, December 13, 2024
On Thursday, December 12 (B Day) and Friday, December 13, (A Day), all Mustangs will perform a LOCKER ORGANIZATION / CLEAN-OUT during the first fifteen minutes of their resource / Spectrum classes.
Resource teachers + Ms. Wilfong will accompany their students to the locker bay area to supervise the process alongside any additional school leadership / house staff, ensuring the following:
- All lockers (house area and gym) are provided by the school as a convenience to the student, and they do not become the exclusive property of the student. They are provided for the express purpose of keeping clothing, books, lunches, and other materials through the school day.
No open containers of food or drink are permitted in the locker space.
- Lockers should be kept orderly. Defacing the locker (inside or outside) by writing, scratching, interfering with the lock mechanism, or pasting stickers/pictures is forbidden. Magnetic stickers and note clips/holders are permitted inside the locker. The use of portable locker shelves and dividers are also permitted.
Our awesome custodial team will ensure that extra waste cans are available for this process. It's always a good idea to organize our belongings to make sure we keep our lockers neat and tidy to maximize our success!
The midpoint of the second quarter has arrived as of this coming Friday, December 13, so be sure to perform a check-in with your Mustang this evening regarding their current assignments/assessments by perusing StudentVue and Schoology together! As we always suggest, please use the Grade-Level Weekly Academic Updates resource posted each week in the Mustang Messenger as well as your own Mustang's showcase of their progress in each class during your check-in to determine if your Mustang needs to reach out to a staff member for any support.
I am rather addicted to school spirit, as you know...and I believe that the contagion among our Mustang students and professional team (as well as many family members) is high in this domain for a very wonderful reason! Let's be sure to celebrate the finale of our December 2024 days together prior to the two-week winter break by ensuring 100% participation! Our themes are listed below and in poster format later in this edition of our Mustang Messenger:
Monday, December 16: Merry Monday Morning Pajama Day!
Tuesday, December 17: Candy Cane Day: Wear Red and White!
Wednesday, December 18: What Not to Wear: Ugly Sweater Day!
Thursday, December 19: Winter Wonderland Day: Wear snow / ski gear or your favorite wintry, icy colors!
We will also have the Monty's Tack Shop Holiday Movie Spectacle on the evening of Thursday,
December 19 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. More details to come soon!
Friday, December 20: Favorite Winter Character (film, TV, book, etc.)!
All students have received their agendas (courtesy of Legacy Orthodontics) and their Chromebook covers (courtesy of Hancock Orthodontics)...at last! Thank you for your patience in our receiving them due to an immense backorder that we have corrected for next year as we shall have both well in advance of the 2025-2026 season return. Students will be participating in an advisory lesson tomorrow focused on how they will be using their student agendas in each class block to keep track of their assignments by jotting them down on each calendar date as a one-stop shop for themselves when it comes to ensuring the completion of tasks all week long.
The day is warming up rather nicely...already at 58 degrees Fahrenheit as I write this message to all of you...so you know I'm heading out for my run!
Thank you sincerely for your outstanding efforts to connect with our Mustang Professional Team as partners in our work to do our very best for our Mustangs each and every day.
Take care of yourselves and one another...and hope to see you at the school house soon!
Dr. Frank G. "Tripp" Di Nicola, III
JL Simpson Middle School
One More Week! December Spirit Week is Almost Here: December 16 - December 20!
This Week @ JL Simpson Middle School
Art Winter Exhibit in Main Hallway
Computer Science and Coding Week
Monday, December 9 - A-Day FLEX DAY: ADVISORY
- After School Activities
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - 7th Grade Choir Rehersal - Auditorium
Tuesday, December 10 - B-Day - FLEX DAY: B6
- Monty's Café: 8:00 AM - 8:25 AM - Main Entrance Hallway
- PTO Spirit Night at Panera Bread - 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- JLSMS Choirs Perform at LCHS - 7:00 PM
- After School Activities
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - 7th Grade Band Rehersal - Auditorium
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Empowered Girls - A17
Wednesday, December 11 - A-Day: FLEX DAY: A6
- 7th & 8th Grade Band Concert - 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Auditorium
After School Activities
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - 8th Grade Orchestra Rehersal - Auditorium
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) - Aux. Gym - Ms. O'Hara
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Level Up - B16 - Ms. Keefer
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Weightlifting Club - Gym - Mr. Dunbar
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Mad Scientist Club - C4 - Ms. Song
Thursday, December 12 - B-Day: FLEX DAY: B8
- Locker Clean-Out During Resoruce/Spectrum for Winter Break Preparation
- 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Concert - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Auditorium
- After School Activities
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Select Choir Rehersal - M6
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Harry Potter Club - A9 - Ms. Wence
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Intramural Volleyball - Gym - Mr. Carpenter
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Running Club - C10 - Mr. Peyton
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Level Up - Room B16 - Ms. Keefer
Friday, December 13 - A-Day: FLEX DAY: A8
- Interim Grades (halfway through the grading period)
- Select Choir Tours the Elementary Schools
- Strings Students Visit with Dr. Dietrich
- Locker Clean-Out During Resource/Spectrum for Winter Break Preparation
Check out our MUSTANG MOMENTS, a weekly newsmagazine created by students on our GOOD MORNING, MUSTANGS! news team under the guidance of Ms. Jennifer Burns, Instructional Facilitator, Technology and Mr. Aaron Thompson, Grade 6 English Teacher and School Musical Co-Director!
Click the image above to enjoy!
A Message from Mr. Fox, Our New Grade 7 Dean
Dear JLS Mustang Families,
I am very excited to enter the role of Grade 7 Dean and to be a part of our Mustang community.
As Dean of Students at Simpson Middle School, I envision my role as one that engenders a collaborative, respectful, and student-focused environment that benefits both staff and students where all achievements are celebrated. Drawing from my extensive teaching and leadership experience, I will prioritize the following:
Support for Students:
1. Maintaining a Safe and Inclusive Environment: My focus will be on ensuring that all students feel supported and safe, emphasizing cultural competence and inclusivity.
2. Promoting Academic Success: Using data-driven strategies, we will collaborate with teachers to identify and address barriers to student achievement, ensuring alignment with state standards and fostering critical thinking skills impacting academic success.
3. Building Positive Relationships: Drawing from my history of effective communication with parents and students, we will engage systems to address concerns proactively and celebrate student successes. We will use areas for improvement to build on positive relationships also.
4. Behavioral and Social Support: We will implement restorative practices to manage disciplinary issues while promoting personal accountability and growth. The goal in my role is that every Mustang, family, and professional team member feels supported and valued.
Engagement with Staff:
1. Collaborative Leadership: I will work closely with staff to align their efforts with schoolwide goals, providing opportunities for professional growth and shared decision-making.
2. Mentorship and Development: With a foundation in curriculum design and critical-thinking instruction, I will offer targeted support to enhance instructional practices and innovative teaching methods. I believe that when we look out for each other and share beneficial instructional practices, we can develop into the best versions of ourselves.
3. Data and Communication: I will ensure transparent communication and data-sharing processes to empower teachers in their instructional goals.
Community Integration:
1. Strengthening School-Home Partnerships: I will engage with parents to promote student success that extends to initiatives that bring families into the educational process, fostering trust and collaboration.
2. Building School Spirit: I will advocate for programs and events that reinforce school pride and student engagement, celebrating achievements and milestones together as a community.
Through these early efforts, my goal as dean of students will be to generate a learning environment where all members of the Simpson Middle School community feel appreciated, challenged, and supported in their respective roles.
I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday, December 16, 2024!
Jeremy Fox
7th Grade Dean of Students
Breakfast and Lunch Menu at JLS
Click the above image to find out our breakfast and lunch menu items for this week and month!
Grade-Level Weekly Academic Updates
Click here --> JLSMS Grade Level Academic Weekly Update - December 9 - December 13, 2024
To Translate A Document to a Preferred Language Other Than English:
1. Click on the grade-level newsletter you wish to review.
2. In the top menu, click Tools and then Translate document.
3. Enter a name for the translated document and select a language.
4. Click Translate.
A translated copy of your document will open in a new window. You can also see this copy in your Google Drive.
Current 6th Grade Families - An Important Message From Nurse Pettit
Prior to starting 7th grade, all students are required to receive two immunizations: Tdap and MenACWY. Over the next 10 months, if your child has a doctor's visit and receives these immunizations, please email a copy to Nurse Pettit at Rene.Pettit@LCPS.org so that she can update your child's school records.
Quarter 2 Interim Grades
This week marks the halfway point in the Second Quarter Grading Period.
We have four instructional weeks remaining until Quarter 2 ends on Friday, January 24, 2025 (this does not include the two weeks of winter break). It is a good time to check in with your student on their academic progress. We encourage students to review their grades in Schoology, catch up on missing assignments and assessments, and talk with their teachers about any concerns they may have.
We will be here to support each and every Mustang along their journey to learning!
Tardies to School + Tardy Hallway Sweeps At Simpson
Overall, our Mustangs do an exceptional job of arriving to school and their classes early or on time each and every day at JL Simpson MS!
School starts for all Mustangs at 8:30 AM.
Please note the importance of ensuring that your Mustang is arriving at JLS by at least 8:23 AM in order to be on time or early to their first block class of the day. If this means setting alarm clocks a bit earlier in the morning, we encourage you to do so with your Mustang so that they are not arriving past the 8:30 AM start time. Students who are tardy to school on a repeated basis are receiving phone calls from our school leadership and possible meetings with our attendance officer to reduce these trends as they can lead to lower academic performance and decreased school engagement. We appreciate our Mustang families for their dedication to timeliness and organizing the morning routine for their children to promote this positive behavior for life!
Much as we have seen at many schools around the country, we will be performing unannounced Tardy Hallway Sweeps occasionally, meaning that school leadership will round up any students who are tardy to class at a given block in our auditorium for a positive discussion about how we can support their timely arrival to class and to make any phone calls needed to our Mustang families regarding supportive plans of action to improve this behavior. Our hope is that we have 0 students to round up eventually...which should be the reality by the time the tardy bell rings daily!
If a student is delayed by a Mustang professional, causing them to be late to a class, we always provide an excused tardy to class pass...so please know that we have this practice very well in place!
If your Mustang has a challenge arriving to a specific class on time, please feel free to contact your student's dean / counselor for support!
Last Chance To Donate To The Merry Mustangs Program
THANK YOU to those families who have already contributed to our Merry Mustangs program this year!
We will be collecting donations through Monday, December 9th.
Merry Mustangs is a program that strives to support the needs of students and their families at Simpson Middle School. We are collecting donations to provide families with retail gift cards for the holiday season. During this Season of Giving, please consider donating to the Merry Mustangs Program.
There are 2 ways you can contribute:
- You can purchase and donate gift cards in any denomination. Ideas for store gift cards include Target, Walmart, Kohls, Marshalls, and Ross. Donations can be dropped off at the Simpson front office Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. We will be collecting gift cards through Monday, December 9th. Please use this link to sign up for gift card donations.
- You can make a monetary donation (any amount) that will be used to purchase various gift cards. Monetary donations can be made here through School Cash Online.
It's Time for Simpson's Annual Winter Concert Series!
Come out and enjoy a magical evening of holiday music presented by our amazing Mustang performers and musicians!
PTO News and Events
PTO Silent Auction Extended Through Monday, December 9
The PTO has extended the silent auction!
The PTO silent auction is open until Monday December 9th at 6pm. Check out our amazon baskets to benefit the health clinic, SCA, the science department, the special education department, and the PTO.
Monty's Cafe Returns on Tuesday, December 10
Our PTO-sponsored Monty's Cafe returns on Tuesday, December 10th!
Students can purchase a hot chocolate or a donut for $2.00 each. We will have food options available for all of our Mustangs!
The cafe will be open from 8:00 AM and 8:25 AM, located near the front entrance of the school.
All proceeds support grade-level events at JLS...Can't wait to see everyone there!
PTO Spirit Night At Panera Bread - December 10
Grab some dinner at Panera Bread and help our PTO raise some DOUGH! Remember to mention Simpson, or use the code FUND4U when ordering!
Sweet Treats for the Simpson Staff!
Our Simpson staff is just the Sweetest!
The PTO would love to have lots of sweet treat options for the staff to enjoy starting on Monday, December 16th.
Sweet Treat Drop-Off Details: Please send the items in with your student to take to their house secretary, or drop off to the main office on Monday, December 16, BEFORE 11:00 AM. Remember to label the treats including the grade they are intended for, and if they are gluten free/allergy free.
Strings Students: A Visit With Dr. Dietrich, Director of Symphony Orchestra
Dr. Dietrich will be visiting our Strings students on Friday, December 13th during block A 7/8. The visit will include a performace, Q&A session, and student workshop.
We are excited to share this amazing opportunity with our Strings students!
8th Grade Families: Special Programs Application Window is Open
The Special Programs application window is now open for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, Health and Medical Sciences (HAMSci) Program and the Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Program.
Eighth-grade students and their families are encouraged to explore these educational opportunities and apply by Jan. 31, 2025. Students can access the application by selecting Student Opportunities from their LCPSGo.
Please note that Simpson students who are zoned to attend Loudoun County High School and are interested in NJROTC are not required to apply.
Learn more about LCPS Special Programs and Academies.
Please contact the 8th Grade Counselor with questions:
Makeup and Retake School Photos Available Online
Retake/Makeup day images are now online. Families will have received a reminder email to view images from Victor O'Neill Studios.
If you do not see your email, please check spam folder. If you need help ordering/viewing contact underclass@vosphoto.com
Yearbook Early Bird Pricing Ends December 31!
Order your Simpson yearbook today! Early bird pricing ends on December 31st!
Lost & Found - We Need Your Help!
Our lost and found keeps growing! We have several misplaced sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, lunch boxes and agendas that are looking for their home! Please remind your students to look throgh the lost and found in all grade levels for missing items.
Unclaimed lost and found items will be donated over winter break.
After School Clubs and Activities
Please check this section often as we continue to add new activities!
We have been busy planning some amazing after school opportunities for our Mustangs!
Here are our current JLS Clubs/Organizations set for after school on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays.
Please remember that after school activity participation requires permission from parents/guardians!
Please use the link below to complete the PERMISSION CLICK document.
Activity buses are available every Wednesday and Thursday for students needing transportation home from an after school activity. You can view the activity bus route stops using this link.
Intramural Basketball Registration is OPEN!
There is still time to register for JLS intramural Basketball! Game play begins February 13.
Intramural Volleyball Update
The upcoming dates for Intramural Volleyball are as follows:
Game Play - December 12 – 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - JLS Gym
Game Play - January 9 – 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - JLS Gym
Game Play - January 16 – 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - JLS Gym
LCPS Tournament - January 25 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Heritage HS
After School Activities + Student Pick-Up / Bus Transportation
After school activities run generally from 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM with our LCPS Transportation team citing that our two activity buses will arrive by 5:00 - 5:05 PM.
We acknowledge that on a few occasions recently that our activity buses have arrived later than the above time frame. Please know that JLS School Leadership is working closely with members of LCPS Transportation to improve activity bus arrival time to support our students themselves arriving home in a timely fashion.
Parents/families who are waiting to pick up their Mustangs from after-school activities are encouraged to park in our large staff/guest parking lot adjacent to our school in lieu of lining up in a car line format.
We also are working very closely with LCPS Transportation to improve the arrival of a few of our AM buses to Simpson so that our students are comfortably in their classrooms by the 8:30 AM tardy bell.
If you have any questions/concerns with your Mustang's LCPS transportation to JLS, please feel free to contact the LCPS Transportation team by using the LET'S TALK! option seen at the right of the page at this website. (See image below...)
LCPS Department of Transportation: Update on Late Bus Arrivals
The LCPS Department of Transportation sends a Connect Ed to families when a student's bus is due to be late arriving home.
We recognize that there are several buses at JLS that are currently doubling up due to a shortage of drivers available for the routes, causing your Mustang to arrive home later than the typical schedule. Please know that the LCPS Department of Transportation is working daily to resolve these matters.
When changes are made to a route, parents are notified through our routing system and emails come from a NOREPLY@TRANSFINDER.COM email address.
We encourage parents to check ParentVue or Stopfinder regularly, including on Friday evenings, for any route change notifications. We also encourage parents to check SPAM and DELETE folders at the same time in the event filters have been set up and emails are not going into your Inbox.
If you have any questions/concerns with your Mustang's LCPS transportation to JLS, please feel free to contact the LCPS Transportation team by using the LET'S TALK! option seen at the right of the page at this website. (See image below...)
Teen Skate Nights at Douglas Community Center
The Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services will be hosting Teen Skate Nights at the Douglass Community Center.
- Admission is $2 per person
- Teens are encouraged to bring their own skates if they have them
- Skate rentals are available for $3, walker rentals are $5.
- No pre-registration needed
Step Up Loudoun Registration
The Step Up Loudoun Youth Competition presents middle and high school students an opportunity to identify an issue in their communities and implement a solution as they contribute to the world around them. The goal is to encourage, support, and reward the youth of Loudoun County for making positive changes in their own lives and the lives of others.
In the past few years, we have seen projects delve deep based on things already being done in school as part of Project Based Learning and Personalized Learning methods. These provide the perfect place for students to make their project work public by explaining, displaying and presenting it to people beyond the classroom. As in the past, students will create a five (5)-minute team video due on March 5, 2025, and then the top 20 teams will present live to judges at the LCPS Admin. building on March 26, 2025. The Finals and Awards Ceremony will be on April 3, 2025, where the top teams will be invited to present for cash prizes.
Use this link to check out top projects from previous years:
Use this link for additional information and registration. Registration Closes January 15, 2025.
Looking Ahead: Events and Opportunities in 2025
Curriculum and Extracurricular Fair Night for Rising Students
Mark Your Calendar for the Curriculum and Extracurricular Fair Nights for our Rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade families!
Join us to learn about the academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, and student leadership initiatives available at JLS!
Rising 7th and 8th Grade Families - Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Rising 6th Grade Families - Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Rising 6th Grade Mustang Field Trip Visits to JL Simpson MS Scheduled!
Grade 5 students from Catoctin ES, Sycolin Creek ES, Evergreen Mill ES, and Frederick Douglass ES will be visiting JL Simpson MS to engage with their future Mustang peers, professional staff, and even Monty the Mustang himself via a collection of fun activities to begin the onboarding process to the middle school experience in February and early March 2025!
All elementary school principals + teams have been notified as well...so you will likely see this information in their newsletters too!
ANY QUESTIONS?: Please e-mail Mica.Thomasson@lcps.org, our rising 6th Grade Counselor for 2025-2026!
Rising 6th Graders Instrument Test Drives
JLS Instrument Test Drive!
We are busy preparing for our future Mustangs!
If you have a current 5th grade student headed to Simpson next August, be sure to mark your calendar for the JLS Instrument Test Drive!
6th graders for the 2025-2026 school year are invited to come to Simpson on either Tuesday, January 21 or Wednesday, February 5, 2025 to try out Band and String instruments! You will have have the opportunity to meet Mr. Paz (Band teacher) and Ms. Kanakry (Strings teacher), and talk with current Band and String members to help you in making a decision on your musical instrument for 6th grade.
We can't wait to see our future Mustangs!
Student Success Talks With The Superintendent - Coming to Simpson in April 2025
Student Success Talks with Dr. Spence will begin in November and run through May. Each election district will host one event from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on its scheduled day. Families and staff are encouraged to attend the Talk in their district.
Student Success Talks are family engagement meetings that are all about open communication, sharing useful tips, and giving families practical advice to help their kids succeed. Each session will cover important topics related to students' academic, social, and emotional well-being. The goal is to create a space where families, staff, and the Superintendent can share ideas and resources together.
The Student Success Talk will take place at JL Simpson Middle School on Thursday, April 3, 2025.
Second-Step Program
We will be implementing the LCPS-sponsored Second Step® Middle School program during our resource blocks this season.
From the LCPS Department of Student Services:
We want your child to be successful in school, and that means supporting and encouraging their
whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, students also need skills for
learning challenges, making good decisions, handling strong emotions, and getting along with others.
Second Step® Middle School is a research-based social-emotional learning
program designed to improve students’ social-emotional skills, such as emotion management,
impulse control, problem solving, and empathy. Second Step skills and concepts are designed to
help students both in and out of school. These include:
Mindsets and Goals: Students learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-
based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
Developing a Positive Sense of Self: Students learn to identify their guiding principles,
work toward becoming the person they want to be, and learn strategies for building
Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions: Students learn how to recognize strong emotions
and unhelpful thoughts, and apply strategies to manage their emotions and reduce stress.
Managing Relationships and Social Conflict: Students learn strategies for developing
and maintaining healthy relationships, perspective-taking, and dealing with conflict.
If you have any questions about Second Step® Middle School, please don’t hesitate to contact
Sarah.McIntosh@lcps.org or Mica.Thomasson@lcps.org for more information. Thank you for your support as we work to build a safe and supportive school community!
JLS is proud to share that we have received SHINE -Spotlighting Heroes in Education submissions highlighting a very special teacher!
Kimberly Lee: "She's amazing!"
CONGRATULATIONS, Thank you for SHINING for our Mustangs! Simpson is lucky to have you!
If you have a staff member you would like to nominate for SHINE, please complete the submission form (It’s short and easy!).
Simpson Student Selected for the Senate Page Program
One of our Mustangs is headed to Capitol Hill!
Darwin McCray, an 8th grade student at JLS, has been nominated to serve as a Senate Page for the 2025 legislative session.
The Senate Page Program is a dynamic, engaging and educational experience that honors and preserves the tradition of service to the legislature. Senate Pages have served the upper chamber of the legislature since at least 1850.
CONGRATULATIONS, Darwin! Great things are coming your way!
For additional information about the Senate and House Page Programs, visit the website:
Simpson Students Help LCPS to Earn Top Honors at the VJCL State Convention
Three Simpson Middle School students joined nine other LCPS schools at the 2024 Virginia Junior Classical League State Convention in Richmond. LCPS had a combined total of 76 high school students, and 17 middle school students participating in the event this year. LCPS schools in attendance included Mercer MS, Simpson MS, Harmony MS, Heritage HS, Independence HS, John Champe HS, Lightridge HS, Rock Ridge HS, and Woodgrove HS.
The Junior Classical League is a national organization of high school students who study Latin, Greek, and the classical humanities. With members nation-wide and in several foreign countries, it is the largest classical organization in the world.
Academic contests at the convention include mythology, derivatives, Roman history and life, Latin vocabulary and grammar, and Latin literature. Artwork can be done in a variety of media. Crafts include such areas as posters, models, mosaics, textiles, maps, charts, sculpture, dolls, and jewelry.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Mustangs, and the other LCPS students who won a combined total of 206 awards, placing TOP 10 in the state!
Simpson Students Awards:
- Aurelia Aylsworth:
- Derivatives Intermediate (4th place)
- Black Pencil 8 (8th place)
- Small Model 8 (8th place)
- Alexander Barnhart:
- Large Model 8 (9th place)
- Shireen Elahi:
- English Oratory 6-8 (5th place)
- Roman Life 1 (6th place)
6th Grade History Projects: Our Mustangs Are So Creative!
Student Engagement With Visiting Author Allen Gratz
Propel: Level Up!
JLS Guitar Winter Concert 2024!
JL Simpson Middle School Bell Schedule for SY 2024-2025
SY 2024-2025 JLS A-B Day and FLEX Schedule
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders: Safety Is #1
As mentioned in last week's Mustang Messenger, in order to improve student and staff safety, we are asking students who are morning car riders to no longer enter the building at the side door marked B2.
Students will continue to be dropped off at the B2 door, but will walk on the sidewalk toward the front of the school and enter through the main entrance as the only entryway into JLS for all visitors/guests and morning arrivals. This allows our safety and security team to ensure that all students, guests, and family members proceed to the correct locations of our building without worry of multiple entry points to our facility creating possible security concerns.
Here are some additional updates and reminders for you regarding our AM/PM carline:
- DROP MUSTANGS OFF ONLY AT THE B2 DOOR and CROSSWALK in the MORNING: All family members dropping off Mustangs in the car line are expected to proceed to the B2 Parent Drop Off location before opening their doors to drop off their Mustangs. Dropping students off in other areas of the car line reduces the efficiency and speed of the car line, potential safety hazards for students, and even causing a back-up to occur at times on Evergreen Mill Road.
- PLEASE STAY IN THE CAR LINE AFTER DROPPING OFF YOUR MUSTANG: Once you drop off your Mustang at the B2 Door, please continue stay in line and do not pass other cars on the left. This can be a tremendous safety issue if a student or staff member should happen to be in the crosswalk in front of the B2 door.
- USE THE SMALL LOOP WHEN DR. D OPENS IT UP!: Dr. Di Nicola will open the small car loop close to the front entrance of the building around 8:20-8:25 AM to allow our Mustangs to make it to their classes on time as the tardy bell rings at 8:30 AM.
- PICK UP YOUR MUSTANGS in the CAR LINE AFTER SCHOOL: Please proceed through the car line in a safe, linear manner, picking up your Mustang at the B2 door, the same location where drop-off occurs in the morning. All safety expectations listed above for morning arrival are still in place in the afternoon at pick-up time!
- PLEASE DO NOT PICK UP STUDENTS ON TOLBERT ROAD or EVERGREEN MILL ROAD: We have one car line for picking up our Mustangs after school...and these two locations are public roads where safety hazards can occur should our students be moving to these areas where many cars and buses are in motion.
Thank you for your partnership to ensure the safety of our students and our JLS community by proceeding through our CAR LINE in the AM and PM in an HONORABLE, ENGAGED, RESPECTFUL, and DETERMINED (HERD) manner! You're the best!
Bus Pass Protocol
All bus pass requests should be addressed to your grade level secretary. You can request a bus pass for your student via email, a written note with parent/guardian signature, or a phone call to your grade level secretary. Requests should be received no later than NOON on the day the pass is needed.
Whenever students have a change in dismissal transportation (ie. bus rider to walker or bus rider to car rider), please be sure to notify your house secretary the morning of the change via email or a written note.
6th Grade Administrative Professional - Molly.Steinbach@lcps.org
7th Grade Administrative Professional - Stephanie.DeWan@lcps.org
8th Grade Administrative Professional - Laura.Ridings@lcps.org
Activity Bus Information
Our activity buses are rolling! Students who participate in after-school activities have the option to ride an activity bus home. Use this link below to view the route sheets for the activity buses, including the bus stop locations and approximate drop-off times.
Tardy To Class Protocol
Students are expected to use their time effectively during our five-minute class change to ensure they are in class before the bell. School administration will implement student behavior administrative and accountability measures to address excessive tardies to class.
1st and 2nd Tardies to Any Class: Teacher and Student Conversation + General E-mail to Families Through ParentVue Communications
3rd Tardy to Any Class: Teacher and Student Conversation / Reflection Opportunity to Focus on Improving Timeliness to Class + Phone Call to Parent/Guardian
4th+ Tardy to Any Class: Teacher Referral to Dean + Phone Call Home to Parent/Guardian with Student Behavior and Accountability Measures Continuum:
- Lunch / After School Detention w/Teacher / Dean
- Loss of School Privileges (i.e. Recess, Intramural Sports, Clubs/Activities, etc.)
- Friday School
- Conferencing With LCPS Attendance Officer + Family + Student Support Advisor + School Leadership / Unified Mental Health Team
Please talk with your Mustang about the importance of arriving to class on time to BE PRESENT and POWERFUL in their learning!
Remember that we are here to support all of our Mustangs if they need help to strategize ways to arrive to class in a timely manner so that they can maximize their performance in each and every one of their classes! THANK YOU for your wonderful support!
Need To Talk To Your Mustang's Counselor?
Please contact your student's grade-level counselor if you have scheduling questions.
School Counseling Team Contact Information
6th Grade: Sabrina.Jeane@lcps.org
7th Grade: Alison.Hyman@lcps.org
8th Grade: Mica.Thomasson@lcps.org
Grades 6-7-8 Combo: Ana.L.Castro@lcps.org
Need To Talk To Your Mustang's Dean?
Please contact your student's grade-level dean if you have questions or concerns.
School Dean's Contact Information
6th Grade: Brandon.Filsinger@lcps.org
7th Grade (Interim Dean): Noah.Rogers@lcps.org
8th Grade: Brent.Washburn@lcps.org
LCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for Families & Code of Conduct
Where can I find LCPS level information on general information and expectations for students and their families?
LCPS has updated this information for this year with the release of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for Families and Student Code of Conduct.
As Simpson will be aligning completely with this useful guide, please take time to review it with your Simpson Mustang prior to the start of the new school year and save it for future reference.
LCPS Policies 8650 and 8655: Please read carefully with your Mustang!
Please note the following in terms of Student Personal Device Use:
Middle school students must keep their devices silent and not visible, stored in their locker during the school day. Personal devices may be used before or after the school day.
The above includes any and all devices, including cell phones, earbuds, wireless headphones, iPads, etc. :)
NOTE: Students may have wired earbuds/headphones for classes in which their teachers permit them to use these devices. The devices may only be connected to the Chromebook.
We also request that all families refrain from texting or calling our Mustangs' personal devices during the school day to help support this new LCPS policy and our engagement of its content at JLS.
- Please contact us at 571-252-2840 if you need to speak to your Mustang. We can always find them for you!
- We will allow any of our Mustangs to call home to their families as needed using our school lines...never a problem!
- Teach your Mustangs to use their e-mail accounts regularly alongside our own school expectations for academic engagement and communication with their teachers. You are more than welcome to touch base with them in that manner!
Fentanyl Awareness and Resources for Our LCPS Students and Families
LCPS middle and high school students receive information about the dangers of opioids and other illicit drugs through health and physical education classes. Student Assistance Specialists who have mental health and substance abuse expertise provide these targeted presentations and partner with their respective schools to plan additional opportunities, including assemblies, student-led campaigns, and classroom lessons.
More information can be found on this site - Student Assistance Services / Fentanyl and Opioid Awareness
NEED A TUTOR? JLS Tutoring Program Support Services Request Form
Click here and work with your Mustang to complete this Google Form to request a tutor and we will be in touch super soon!
Please read all instructions in the Google Form carefully to learn about the expectations for our tutoring support program...and reach out to JLS-Tutoring@lcps.org with any questions!
SHINE! Spotlighting Heroes in Education Recognition Program
HRTD is excited to launch SHINE! Spotlighting Heroes in Education, a new recognition program that aims to tell the stories of the incredible work happening throughout the division. We encourage schools to promote SHINE both inside their buildings between peers as well as with their school communities through newsletters, websites and social media as all parents, students, staff and community members are welcome to submit a nomination. Each month, Loudoun Education Foundation will choose one submission to provide additional acknowledgement and a special gift.
How it works:
We are seeking submissions for LCPS staff members at schools, central office and support locations who:
Have gone above and beyond in a situation
Have inspired others or have a heartwarming story
Are doing something unique or creative that is leading to results
In general, ANY great news!
Complete the submission form (It’s short and easy!)
The Employee Recognition office notifies the nominee as well as their supervisor of the submission
The story may be placed on the Employee Recognition webpage.
Our goal is to place a spotlight on the hundreds of positive interactions taking place in LCPS each day...and especially at JLS! We look forward to seeing your celebrations of our JLS Mustang Professionals throughout 2023-2024!
* LCPS Events and Announcements *
YOUTH AFTER SCHOOL (YAS) Program Registration for SY 2024-2025 Available!
Parent Coaching and Resources
Loudoun County Public Schools is offering new resources for all staff and parents/guardians to use to support students through www.parental guidance.org. You can learn more about this initiative by clicking here.
These resources include easily accessible video-based courses on difficult parenting topics, individualized parent coaching for any LCPS parent/guardian, on their schedule in their home, and weekly interactive webinars to let parents know the mental health needs of our students are a critical concern of Loudoun County Public Schools. Your unified mental health team members are ready to assist parents in accessing the support. You can watch this video about the services available.
Slide deck with additional information: Coaching CCHC LCPS 2024.pptx
* Community Events and Announcements *
SNAP Provides Eligible Families Access to Healthy Food
The SNAP in Schools initiative from the Virginia Department of Social Service, which is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), helps develop partnerships to bridge the gap of food insecurity among school-aged children. The objectives of SNAP in Schools are to reduce food insecurity in school-aged children, to increase the number of students directly certified for free school meals through SNAP, and to increase the number of students eligible without application for the summer EBT program.
Please advise families who could benefit from this program to access the CommonHelp portal link to submit online SNAP applications.
Please also share the flyer below with your families:
* Simpson Middle School PTO *
How do I join the Simpson Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)?
Are you trying to figure out how to stay involved during those middle school years?
There are small and big ways that really make an impact on our AMAZING school! Please reach out to Natalie Sutter at JLSimpsonPTO@gmail.com if you are interested in helping with our PTO activities in any way. You can also sign up to help by clicking here!
The PTO has many things planned for our staff and students! Check out our Volunteer Signup! A board member will reach out with more details!
- FREE Grade Level Events for each grade
- Monty's Cafe (Coming back for a 3rd year)
- Family Bingo Night w/ Silent Auction and Concessions
- Enhance our social media platforms
- Lots of Appreciation Days / Weeks for Staff
- Joint 5K with other middle schools
Click here for the Official J.L. Simpson MS PTO Webpage.
We look forward to engaging all of our Mustang families in PTO in service and support of all of our children!
Become a Small Business PTO Sponsor!
If you own a small business and would like to support the PTO this year, please email JLsimpsonPTO@gmail.com for our detailed tiered sponsorship letter!
Upcoming Dates to Remember - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Quarter 2 - Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - Friday, January 24, 2025
Dates to Remember + More!
Be sure to check here often as we will continue to add dates and events as they become available.
December 9: Choir 7 Rehersal - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Auditorium
December 10: Monty's Cafe - 8:10 AM - 8:25 AM
December 10: Empowered Girls - 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - A17
December 10: 7th Grade Band Rehersal - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - Auditorium
December 10: PTO Spirit Night @ Panera - 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
December 10: JLS Winter Choir Concert @ LCHS - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - LCHS Auditorium
December 11: 8th Grade Orchestra Rehersal - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - Auditorium
December 11: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) After-School Club - 3:30-4:30 - Aux. Gym
December 11: Mad Scientist Club - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - C8 - Ms. Suttie/Ms. Weddle
December 11: Weightlifting Club - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - Gym weight room
December 11: Level Up - 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM - at the Academies of Loudoun
December 11: 7th/8th Grade Band & Jazz Band Concert - 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM - JLS Auditorium
December 12: Select Choir Rehearsals - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - M4
December 12: Intramural Volleyball - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Gym
December 12:Harry Potter Club - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - A9
December 12: Running Club - 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - C12
December 12: Level Up Showcase - 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM
December 12: 7th & 8th Grade Band Winter concert - 7:00 PM - Auditorium
December 13: Select Choir Tours the Elementary Schools
December 13: Dr. Dietrich Visit with Strings Students - 2:00 - Auditorium
December 16: SPIRIT DAY! Merry Monday Morning Pajama Day!
December 17: SPIRIT DAY! Candy Cane Day: Wear Red and White!
December 18: SPIRIT DAY! What Not to Wear: Ugly Sweater Day!
December 18: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) After-School Club - 3:30-4:30 - Aux. Gym
December 18: Mad Scientist Club - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - C8 - Ms. Suttie/Ms. Weddle
December 18: Latin Students Association (LSA) - 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Ms. Lopez
December 18: Weightlifting Club - 3:30 PM-4:30 PM - Gym weight room
December 19: SPIRIT DAY! Winter Wonderland Day: Wear snow / ski gear or your favorite wintry, icy colors!
December 19: Project Lit during lunches - Library
December 19:Select Choir Rehearsals - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - M4
December 19: Harry Potter Club - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - A9
December 20: SPIRIT DAY! Favorite Winter Character (film, TV, book, etc.)
December 23 - January 3: No School (Winter Break)
- January 15: Rising 7th and 8th Curriculum and Extracurricular Fair Night - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
January 20: No School - Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
January 21: Rising 6th Graders Instrument Test Drive - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
January 24: End of Quarter 2 Grading Period
January 27: Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
January 28: Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
January 29: No School - Holiday (Lunar New Year)
February 5: Rising 6th Graders Instrument Test Drive - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
February 12: Rising 6th Grade Curriculum and Extracurricular Fair Night - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
February 17: No School - Holiday (Presidents' Day)
March 31: No School - Holiday (Eid al Fitr)
April 3: End of Quarter 3 Grading Period
April 4: Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
April 7: Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
April 14 - April 18: Spring Break Week
May 26: Holiday (Memorial Day)
June 13: Last Day of School and End of Quarter 4 Grading Period
Follow Us On Social Media!
Email: Tripp.DiNicola@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/jlsms
Location: J. Lupton Simpson Middle School, Evergreen Mills Rd, Leesburg, VA, USA
Phone: 5712522840
Instagram: @jlsimpsonms_official_ jl