join the VISConti project community
VISConti is more than a project
It is a network with three main aims :
- to generate a virtual community in which teachers, students, professionals and entrepreneurs involved in science, technology, IT and related subjects all become VISConti players, who propose ideas, carry out peer assessments thereof and build profiles in scientific creativity, whilst functioning as a community of practice;
- to experiment and create tools with which teachers in vocational schools may adopt a more structured approach to assessment of projects that students already create as part of their assessment and that later on these tools become common ground for peer assessment of ideas and concepts in the VISConti community of players;
- to produce a new generation of students and teachers in vocational schools having a culture of interactivity with professionals / entrepreneurs in the fields of science, technology, IT and related subjects, rather than occasional internships or sporadic job fairs and other events.
Join the VISConti Community
There is a space on the project website where you can register as a user member.
This will mean you are a member receiving information about the developments of the project and how you can benefit from the project.
Email: visconti@vismednet.net
Website: viscontiproject.eu
Location: Europe
Phone: +35699013956
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VISContiproject
Twitter: @visconti_eu