OLIS CE Programs February 2018
Upcoming Programs
Urban Libraries Roundtable
Come to the inaugural meeting of the Urban Libraries Roundtable (ULRT) to connect with your colleagues and help chart the course of a new OLIS community of practice. The goal is to create a space where the staff who work in urban libraries can connect and discuss challenges, opportunities, best practices and current trends in the field – learning from one another or from other experts.
We will learn about Rhode Island’s response to the opioid epidemic and provide an opportunity to explore how libraries can support their communities with information and online resources. Jennifer Koziol, Drug Overdose Prevention Program Manager, RI Department of Health, will speak about Governor Raimondo’s initiatives for overdose prevention and intervention followed by a Q&A. In addition, libraries who hosted staff training for the administration of naloxone will share outcomes from their training.
Next, Danielle Margarida, OLIS Youth Services Coordinator, will give a short presentation how libraries can collaborate with the RI Department of Education on its Summer Food Service Program. The West Warwick and Cranston Public libraries will share their experiences with the summer meals program.
We will look ahead and discuss future programming for the ULRT. This is a member driven community of practice, so come with your ideas about the direction of the ULRT!.
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018, 10:00 AM
West Warwick Public Library
Tween Collections
Join us for a discussion about collection development for tweens (children ages 9-12). We’ll talk about print collections, your collection’s physical space, and collection development issues related to serving a tween audience.
Please come prepared to discuss your collection development policy for this age group as well as your experiences connecting tweens with "just right" books through book displays, readers advisory, and outreach.
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018, 01:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central
Teen Mental Health
Thursday, Feb 15, 2018, 09:30 AM
Westerly Public Library
How to Teach Coding (When You Don't Know How to Code)
Tuesday, Feb 20, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cranston Public Library - Central: C-Lab
Cross Cultural Competency: The Language
In an effort to make our libraries more welcoming and inclusive spaces for our diverse communities, the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) is partnering with Dorcas International Institute to provide a series of workshops on the topic of Cross-Cultural Competency. This first in a series of three workshops will provide an introduction to the language of cross-cultural competency, as well as break down the vocabulary, definitions, and contexts.
Brandon Lozeau, Community Relations Manager at Dorcas International Institute, will lead this discussion. Dorcas International Institute provides refugee resettlement, U.S.Citizenship, ESOL, adult education classes, and other programs designed to build a stronger and more connected community in Rhode Island.
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018, 09:30 AM
East Providence Public Library
Neshmayda Calderon
Email: Neshmayda.Calderon@olis.ri.gov
Website: https://olis-ri.libcal.com/calendar/olisce/
Location: One Capitol Hill, Providence RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9313
Facebook: facebook.com/olis.ri
Twitter: @olisri