Boulder Hill Elementary
April 21, 2023
About our School
Boulder Hill Elementary School
World-class schools serving caring communities.
We A.R.E. Boulder Hill
(Para ver el boletín en español, haga clic en el icono de funciones de accesibilidad.)
Location: 163 Boulder Hill Pass, Montgomery, IL, USA
Phone: (630)636-2900
Twitter: @boulderhill308
8:45 AM - DOORS OPEN FOR STUDENT ARRIVAL (there is no supervision prior to 8:45 AM)
9:00 AM - school starts / instruction begins
3:50 PM - end of school / student dismissal
Monday - Friday - 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM
April is National Autism Acceptance Month
As we come to an end to Autism Awareness Month I wanted to share some links to resources
- Youtube video read alound childrens story on Autism Awareness
- Link to Autism Parenting Magazine site with links to books
- Link to website "Autism Speaks" with information about Autism
Boulder Hill ABC Countdown begins on April 21
Sign up for Summer Connections Today!
If you have not signed up, please sign up today. Spaces are filling up quickly. (Kindergarten & 2nd grade Dual Language classes are full).
- Dates: weeks of June 5, June 12, June 19 & June 26
- Locations: Hunt Club (Dual Language classes will be held here), Long Beach & Wolf's Crossing
- Day(s)/Time(s): Monday- Thursday from 8:45 am - 11:45 am
Please see attached flier for program details.
You can visit the district website summer school page
Field Day Sign-up
Dear Boulder Hill families,
The 2023 Boulder Hill Field Day is just around the corner! The official date for this year’s field day will be Friday, May 19th. We are looking for volunteers to help run our Field Day stations. Field Day will be divided into 2 sessions. 3rd, 4th, & 5th grades will be from 9:15-11:15am and Kdg, 1st, & 2nd grades will be from 1:15-3:15pm. Please feel free to sign up for one or both sessions. To efficiently organize this event we are using an online volunteer website called
Estimadas familias de Boulder Hill,
¡El día de campo de Boulder Hill 2023 está a la vuelta de la esquina! La fecha oficial para el día de campo de este año será el viernes 19 de mayo. Estamos buscando voluntarios para ayudar a operar nuestras estaciones de Field Day. El Field Day se dividirá en 2 sesiones. Los grados 3, 4 y 5 serán de 9:15 a 11:15 a. m. y los grados Kdg, 1 y 2 serán de 1:15 a 3:15 p. m. Le invitamos a registrarse para una o ambas sesiones. Para organizar este evento de manera eficiente, estamos utilizando un sitio web de voluntarios en línea llamado
You have voice! Share your feedback!
2023-24 Parent Input Forms for Student Classroom Assignment
It's that time of year again! We will begin the process of classroom assignments for the 2023-24 school year. We value your input and want to give the opportunity for our parent(s)/guardian(s) to share information about their student that they feel is important to consider when assigning classroom placement.
Please submit the attached form below to provide your feedback.
Help show a Boulder Hill staff member how much you appreciate all they do!
Pass It On is a way to send a shout-out or thank you to any SD 308 staff member. Every day there are staff members doing great things for students, co-workers, parents, and our community. Let’s recognize these acts of kindness, big or small!
With the Pass It On system, you can take a few seconds to submit a note of recognition to someone in the SD 308 family. These notes will be sent to the recipient once a week. Notes can be sent from an individual, team, or anonymously.
Kindness is contagious, so we encourage you to Pass It On!
A little show of appreciation can go a long way!
Stay Informed! Get Involved!
Social Media Awareness for Parents!
I have received multiple reports from parents regarding Boulder Hill students use of technology and social media. Youth today are more technologically saavy than we were at their age. With the abundance of access to internet and social media platforms I wanted to encourage you to get informed and stay connected with your student and how they are using the technology they have. Though there are guidelines and expectations established in school board policy and the Student Code of Conduct, it's important that you as parents are actively involved and aware of what your child engages in.
Here are some resources for your reference:
- Common Sense Media website with a Family Tool Kit -
- Child Welfare Information Gateway website with information
- Link to Boulder Hill School website where you can find the Student Code of Conduct Handbook
Plank Jr. High Step Up Night
Please see the attached flier regarding Plan Jr. High Steo Up Night on April 26.
Special Education For Home-Schooled Students Virtual Meeting
A meeting will be held April 25 at 3pm to discuss the District’s plans for providing special education services to students with disabilities who are being home-schooled within the district for the 2023 - 2024 school year. As a parent of a home-schooled student who has been (or may be) identified with a disability and who resides within the boundaries of SD308, you are urged to attend. This meeting is in compliance with the Illinois State Board of Education regulations. Please email to obtain the Google Meet Invitation to attend the meeting. For questions, please contact Dr. Denise Hildebrand, Executive Director of Special Education, at (630) 636-4370.
Medicaid Renewals
Does your student have #Medicaid coverage? If so, listen up! Renewals may have been on pause due to #COVID19, but they’re making a comeback. Be sure to check, you may need to reapply. Learn more at
National Library Week April 23 - 29
Celebrate National Library Week the last week of April. Learn more about everything the library has to offer. Stop by during that week, fill out a card about why you love the library, and you'll be entered for a chance to win a prize!
Representative Underwood's Congressional Readers Program
Applications for Rep. Underwood’s Congressional Readers program are now being accepted! This program for is K-5 students who live or go to school in the 14th District of Illinois.
How does it work? Congresswoman Underwood's Office will send the student’s parent or guardian a book log sheet and additional information including deadlines and information on how to submit the student's finished book log to the office. Students must have their parent or guardian complete this form giving the student permission to participate.
Students will have until Friday, July 14, to read at least 10 books. Families and students can find books at schools, libraries, early childhood centers and community centers.
All participants will be invited to a special celebration with the Congresswoman in August. The student in each grade who reads the most books will receive a special recognition from the Congresswoman!
Below is a link to the reading program page on the Congresswoman’s website as well as the sign-up link.
Reading Program Page:
Sign Up Form:
BPAC Mother's Day Brunch
Teacher Appreciation Week May 1 - 5th
Boulder HillTrivia Night - Sign-up Today!
Does anyone want to represent Boulder Hill at trivia night? Please go to the sign up genius link below to register. Please fill out a slot, 1 per person. When you get your confirmation email, print it out and send your money to the school by April 19 3:00 pm to secure your spot.
Anyone interested in donating raffles prizes for adults please contact the PTA through email at
Sign-up Genius Link
Thank you,
Boulder Hill PTA
PTA Calendar
SD308 Parent Update
Kendall County 2-1-1
211 is a new, free, confidential information and referral hotline. Get info on help with food, shelter, clothing, counseling, transportation, child care, health care, employment and much more. Help is available in 150+ languages. For Assistance: text (898211), call (888-865-9903), or visit the website:
Important Upcoming Dates
- April 1-30 - National Autism Acceptance Month
- April 21 - May 26 - ABC Countdown (see attached flier above)
- April 23-29 - National Library Week
- April 27 - PTA Trivia Night (Adult Only event)
- May 1 - 5 - Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 3-5 - Boulder Hill Spring Book Fair
- May 5 - Student Council Spirit Day (Beach Day)
- May 5 - Watch Dog Day
- May 5 - Final Day for student LRC book check-out
- May 9 - Final PTA meeting 2022-23 SY
- May 10 - PTA Culver's Night
- May 11 - Final day for Student Council Store
- May 12 - PTA Bingo Night
- May 17 - Alumni Walk
- May 19 - Field Day
- May 19 - Fun Run
- May 26 - 5th grade Acknowledgement Ceremony
- May 26 - Last Day of School - 12:30 PM Dismissal
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health & Wellness are important, but often overlooked. Remember that there are a number of resources available to SD308 students and families.
- - District website
- Here is information on mental health and welness groups that are offered through OswegoWellnes & PlainfiledWellness
COVID-19 Information
- COVID-19 cases are not reported by specific classroom, however school data can be found on the metrics page of our website. Cases of COVID-19 are self-reported, these numbers do not contain students/staff who may be out sick but did not report a positive COVID-19 result.
- To report a positive COVID-19 case in a student or staff member, please click here.
- The district's Safety Plan and Metrics can be found on the COVID-19 information page.
- Free Testing is available at several loctions across the state, learn more here.