The Weekly Update #4
July 19th, 2024

1st PTA Meeting ๐
Join us for our first PTA meeting of the 2024-2025 school year. Meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
Our first meeting will be Tuesday, August 6th, at 5:30 pm at school in the faculty room. All are welcome to join. Parents will receive one service hour for attending. We hope to see you there!
Website Under Construction ๐ง
Miss Dueรฑas is currently working on updating our school's website. This year, it will be a great resource for our school calendar and past newsletters. This information is located under the "Current Families" tab.
The goal is to have the year calendar completed by Back to School night on August 29th.
Head Start: Service Hours ๐ช
We are in need of a few items for the start of the school year. If you would like to donate some items, you will be given 1 hour per $20 spent. Bring in your receipts to receive your hours.
Items needed:
- ice packs
- band aids
- white copy paper
- cardstock paper
Thank you in advance for your help!
Doing Any Cleaning? ๐
New Family/Student Scholarships ๐
We have been approved for our NEI (New Enrollment Initiative) Scholarships! This is for any new families at our school OR if you already had a child at our school and are enrolling their sibling.
Applications are available in the front office with Miss Jasmine. Please make sure you are completing and submitting these as quickly as possible. The faster we submit the applications, the faster you will know if you have been given the scholarship.
I recommend that all new families or families who are enrolling a sibling come in to complete an application. Along with the application, you must submit proof of income.
Miss Jasmine will be making calls to remind you to submit your application.
Summer Snapshots ๐
Though we can't wait for school to begin, we hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! We would love to know what our St. Anthony families are up to this summer break! If you are interested, please share your summer adventures with Miss Dueรฑas (via email) so that they may be posted on our school's Instagram. Let's make our feed as fun and sunny as your break! ๐ด๐โจ
Tuition and Registration ๐ค
Thank you to everyone making their tuition payments. We have quite a few families that have not yet completed their registration packet. Please come in and do so ASAP. We would like to get our emergency binders ready for the new school year.
Tuition is due the first of every month. If you have not yet paid tuition, you can pay online, call the front office, or come in and pay in person. If you have already paid, thank you so much!
Additionally, if you have not yet registered your child/ren you can do that as well. Registration is $350. Your child will not be on the class roster until registration is paid.
If you refer anyone to our school, we accept them, and they register, you will receive one month free of tuition per child registered!
Summer office hours are Monday - Thursday 9 am - 1 pm.
School Supply List ๐
This year we are transitioning to new uniform colors. We will now be wearing purple. This is a way for us to more closely align with the high school.
P.E.: Students can wear the P.E. shirt from Norman's or the Custom Ink Fundraiser shirt. Bottoms can be black shorts or sweats. They don't need a logo, can be any brand, and purchased anywhere.
Mass Uniform:
Girls PreK-5: white peter pan blouse with the jumper. On Mass day, the purple cardigan is the only option if you want to wear something on top of the white blouse.
Girls 6-8: white button down shirt, plaid skirt, and either long sleeve or short sleeve purple vest.
Boys PreK -8: white shirt, either long sleeve or short sleeve purple vest, and black pants.
Everyday uniform
Girls PreK-8: white, purple, or grey polo, black shorts, skort, or pants. Girls in 6-8 have the option of khaki short, pants, and skort.
Boys PreK-8: white, purple, or grey polo, black shorts or pants. Boys in 6-8 have the option of khaki short, pants, and skort.
Uniforms can be purchased at Norman's in San Pedro. They are giving parents a 10% discount in store until the end of the month.
371 W 6th St. San Pedro, CA 90731
They are open Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm.
If you prefer to shop online, here is the website. https://www.normansuniforms.com/collections/saint-anthony-elementary-school?page=2
First Week of School Dismissal๐
There will be 1:00 pm dismissal the first week of school (Monday, August 19th through Friday, August 23rd). There will be NO daycare Monday and Tuesday , however, daycare services will be available Wednesday through Friday. Daycare will be available from 1:15 PM to 6:00 PM.
Fundraising Time ๐ช
We will be kicking off our first fundraiser of the year on September 9th. Put it in your calendars. More information to come!
School Supply Drop Off
We will be at school from 9 am to 12 pm for school supply drop off. Come by and drop off supplies to make the first day of school easier! This is also a wonderful opportunity to meet your child's teacher.
Saturday, Aug 17, 2024, 09:00 AM
First Day of School
Students can be at school as early at 7:30 am. We will start our morning assembly at 7:50 am.
Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay. We will be creating a little "welcome bridge" that each class can walk through. We would love to have parents cheering them on for the first day!
Monday, Aug 19, 2024, 07:45 AM
Back to School Night
Back to School Night attendance is required. Parents will receive two (2) service hours per family for attending. We will begin in the Church, and then parents will be dismissed to go to school to meet with the teachers.