Hansen Weekly Update
Dec. 8th, 2024
Hansen Holiday Shop Excitement!
On Friday Hansen students enjoyed the CAPT Holiday Shop, made possible by the hard work and volunteer spirit that CAPT continually provides for the Hansen School!
Hello Hansen Families,
Well, one week into December, and it has certainly been feeling like winter! Parents, we had a few a.m. and lunch recess periods last week that were too cold to be outside, and even when it's 'warm' enough (around 32 degrees or higher), students need to be well dressed. Please make sure your student comes to school with a winter jacket, and hat and gloves if need be - we don't want them to have to borrow a coat from our lost and found and we don't want to see them too cold to enjoy recess - thank you!
We'd like to thank our wonderful CAPT organization for their hard work on a very successful Holiday Shop on Friday! From the set-up to the hard work by all the many parent volunteers, this year was a big success so on behalf of our students and staff, one last Thank You to our CAPT team!
Thank you very much if you have completed our Parent / Guardian Survey! The purpose of this survey is to gather valuable feedback from caregivers regarding recent educational experiences. The patterns and trends identified from the data will help us improve day-to-day operations, inform strategic planning, and guide professional goal setting, as well as contribute to the monitoring of our School Improvement Plan and Action Steps this year. If you haven't yet, please help us improve the Hansen School by taking our Parent / Guardian Survey, clicking on the link below:
Hansen Fall Parent / Guardian Survey
Thank you,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
More Holiday Shop Fun...
Coming Soon...
Dec. 11th: Early Release, Staff Professional Development
Dec. 13th: African Storytelling Reimagined assemblies
Dec. 20th: Early Release, Winter break
Dec. 23-31: No School: Winter break
The big moment for the GMS Building Project is here!
This is a community reminder that the Town of Canton will be holding a Tuesday, December 10th Ballot vote for final approval of the GMS Building Project. Every vote counts!
To learn more about the GMS Building Project, please visit www.galvinmsproject.com.
Last Week at Hansen...
Canton High School students entertain students with a 'Pete the Cat' character visit and story time.
Ms. Harding introduces Ms. Fahey for story time!
The Hansen French Club is Returning in April!
We're excited to announce that our French Club will be returning this April! For more details, please click on the pdf linked below.
Thank you!
Around Town Events
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Mary E. Wentworth Recreation Facility Master Plan & Feasibility Study
This webpage will be updated periodically.
Support the Project 351 Food Drive!
Project 351 Canton Ambassador Olivia Feldman is leading a food drive to donate to the Canton Helpline’s Food Pantry. Project 351 is an organization that gathers one student from every town in Massachusetts’s to lead various service projects throughout their ambassador year. Leading this food driving would help serve the over 200 families that utilize the Canton Food Pantry every week. This food drive will help lesson these families food insecurity during the holiday season.
CAPT Corner
CAPT Holiday Shop
THANK YOU to all the many, many volunteers who gave your time, hard work, and good cheer at the 2024 Hansen Holiday Shop on Friday! A special thank you to Holiday Shop Organizer Extraordinaire Erin Bosco. CAPT cannot express how much it means to the CAPT Board, and most importantly, all the students that had so much fun today because of you. We couldn't do it without you!
Also, another huge thanks to those of you who donated wrapping supplies from the Amazon wishlist! This year, for the first time, we received ALL the supplies we needed. Your generosity is so very much appreciated! And lastly, a great big thank you to the staff and teachers of Hansen! We know this is a major disruption in your routines, but you were all fantastic. A special shout out to Barbie and Janel!
CAPT Holiday Movie Night: Friday, December 13
Doors open at 5:30pm and the movie - Dr Suess' The Grinch (2018) - starts at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria. This event is open to Hansen students and their families. Pajamas are encouraged! Please purchase entry tickets by Thursday, December 12 here: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/2024-december-movie-night.
Food: Pizza is also available for pre-order only at the ticketing link. Popcorn, candy, and hot chocolate will be available for purchase.
Volunteers: Help us make this night a success: https://evite.me/CYxWHcW1Se
Hansen Spiritwear Is Now Available Online
You can now order Canton Spiritwear online! Order through this link: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/hansen-capt-spiritwear .Our spiritwear coordinator will be in touch for pickup. Please note that we use the Zeffy platform for purchasing. Payments are made online with no fee charged to the Hansen CAPT. At checkout, you have the option to donate a fee to Zeffy for their services. This fee can be adjusted to as low as $0.
GMS Building Project Vote
There is one vote regarding bringing the new GMS Building project forward. It is included in the ballot on Election Day: Tuesday, December 10. All residents will vote at their local precent or ahead of time at the Town Hall. A 50% vote is needed to carry the project forward.
Fall Book Fair Raffle Winners
We are happy to announce the winners of this year's Fall Book Fair Raffle. Each student will receive a $50 credit to spend at the Spring Book Fair. Thanks to the generosity of Hansen families, over 100 books were purchased and donated to the Hansen school library!
K - Sophia Cipriano - Ms. Dunphy
1st - Leon Groudas - Ms Corrigan
2nd - Wyatt - Mrs Walsh
3rd - Coleman Walker - Ms. Eckler
4th - Declan - Ms. Capozzi
5th - Leela Matthews - Ms. Cawley
Save the Date:
Special Someone Dance - February 7, 2025
Join CHS Performing Arts on Tuesday December 17th!
SEPAC Resource Fair - Vendor Sign-up Info
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
Housing Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741