Hawk Pride News
G W Harby Junior High - August 16th, 2024
It was a great week back!
Thank you parents for trusting us with the most valuable part of your lives. This year our theme is "Going for Gold" and we are excited to instill a culture of mastery in your student. A big shout out goes to our National Junior Honor Society Members and Cheerleaders who volunteered to help support 6th graders on their first day back to campus.
Tardies will begin on Monday of next week!
On this coming Monday, August 19th, we will begin our tardy sweeps after the bell to start class begins. If a student gets two or more tardies in a single day we will be assigning an after school detention for that same day. If a student is in an UIL activity or any school sponsored activity that meets after school that day they will not be allowed to participate. If you have any questions about our tardy policy, please call the main campus number at 281-585-6626.
Community in Schools Program
Communities In Schools here at GW Harby JH provides supportive services to not only the students, but also their families. Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS offers our students and families services, which meet real needs and provide real opportunities. Our services include: Supportive Guidance, Academic Support, Enrichment Activities, Health/Human Services, Parent and Family Engagement, and College/Career readiness. We also provide lunch groups, which focus on a variety of topics. Everything from focusing on social skills, to encouragement, to building self esteem, and giving the students a safe place to socially interact with their peers and participate in a variety of activities. If you would like to enroll your student, please follow the button below and once you fill out this parental consent, you will receive an email from Adobe confirming your signature, which may go to your junk folder, and once you confirm your signature your student will be enrolled in our program. Johnnie La Quay - Site Coordinator jlaquay@alvinisd.net or jblaquay@cistxjv.org.
Hawk PTO needs Volunteers!
Harby Hawk PTO
Looking to get involved? Please complete the following survey using the QR code:
Please find our 2023-2024 Hawk PTO Board
President- Jorge Yarbrough
Email: alvinhawkpto@gmail.com
Location: PO Box 2982 Alvin, TX 77512
Facebook: facebook.com/HarbyHawkPTO
With Kids in Mind
This is the district newsletter shared with parents and families to inform and provide resources and times on social emotional learning, mental health awareness, and education! Check out all the awesome resources they have to offer!
Schedule Change Request
Please use the link below to request a schedule change. Our Counselors will prioritize correcting core content classes first. All elective placements are based on students course cards that were completed and signed by a parent at the end of last year. If you are requesting and elective change, it will depend on the space available in that class. Most electives are at capacity at this point. Please do not email your request as the counselors are working based on the google form linked below.
Harby Jr High Band Updates
Updated Cell Phone Policy for 2024-2025
Alvin ISD Announces New Stopfinder Transportation App
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, Alvin ISD will be using the Stopfinder app for students who utilize Alvin ISD transportation to and from school. The app allows parents and guardians to track their child’s school bus in real-time. The app is secured and protected and also serves as a two-way communication tool, allowing parents to quickly and easily communicate with district transportation officials and receive real-time notifications. Notifications can be focused on specific users based on their child’s bus route. For example, if a road is closed, causing a bus to be late picking up or dropping off children, only parents and guardians of students on those specific routes will be notified. The Alvin ISD Transportation Department will send invites 2 weeks prior to the start of school to family members of students who ride the bus to and from school. The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store. For more information on how Stopfinder works, take a look at this brief 30-second informational video. More information on Stopfinder is also available on their website. If you are an eligible bus rider that is either new or has had a change of address, please reach out to your child's campus and ask the registrar to input a request for transportation for your student. These items should be completed no later than August 1st. Once the “verification” has been completed, the registrar will assist with ensuring your child is registered for bus transportation. If your child will be a bus rider, you will receive the route information and approximate pick up times through your skyward account and Stopfinder. Please be looking for an e-mail from Stopfinder in order to monitor your child's bus service information in late July or early August. Also, please monitor your student’s skyward account for transportation information as well. If you have any questions, please call 281-245-3101.
Official Harby Jr High - Closes September 25!
We have partnered with the Downtown T-Shirt Factory again for our Harby Jr High Gear. The online store will close on Sept 25th, 2024. Picking up some Harby gear is a great way to show your Hawk Spirit all year long!