WE Grow Here!
Welcome to Our Weekly Update!

💚💛Welcome to the S'more page for Mrs. Dancy and Mrs. Parker's Kindergarten class. Please read all information carefully so you are up to date on this week's events! Thank you! 💛💚
Welcome to March!
We are so proud of our students' progress! Springtime is a time of renewal and growth and we have shown so much growth this year! We are well on our way to being first graders! We look forward to a fun and busy month that includes learning about 2D and 3D shapes, measurement, St. Patrick's Day, Weather, the 4 Seasons, and continuing to grow as readers and writers!
Reminders for Week of March 10th-14th
~Please remember to send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child each day.
~Friday is Spirit Day! Send your child wearing their WES colors/attire!
~Don't forget to help us out with the School Store fundraiser! Many of our classroom tools came from this fundraiser over the years! It's super easy and all funds directly impact our classroom!
~PLEASE be sure you are sending your child with their folder, baggie book, and book bag each day to school.
~If you have not paid for field trips this year (either the full $60 or the installments) please make sure you do that ASAP. This is very important as our last field trip is coming up shortly.
~For a successful year, please make sure to check and return your child's green folder daily.
~Please don't forget to put all money you send to school in the pocket of your child's green folder. Please don't put money in baggies with baggie books or in your child's book-bag or pocket. It would help us tremendously if you would please put it in an envelope and label what it is for and with your child's name as well. We greatly appreciate your help!
~Remember to read baggie books each night with your child and return them EVERY DAY!
~Please check your child's folder each night for important papers and return folder EVERY DAY!
View the file above to join our class remind.
This is a MUST DO - this is replacing ClassDojo!
-March 11th - 5:30-7:00pm - Kindergarten Fun Times (for upcoming Kindergarteners)
-March 17th - St. Patricks Day
-March 27th - Report Cards Go Home!
What Are We Learning This Week?🧠
I can hear sounds in words.
I can segment and blend sounds in words.
I can recognize letters and their sounds.
I can recognize digraphs and name their sounds.
I can decode and encode CVC words.
I can name and describe 2D and 3D shapes and distinguish between the two.
I can identify different types of weather and give characteristics of each.
I can identify each season and give characteristics of each.
💚💛 Each night, please complete these things with your child (Monday thru Thursday):
1. Check their green folder
2. Read baggie book 2-3 times with child. Sign the log.
3. Go over "weekly words" with child. These will also be in the baggie book folder! These are important for reading fluency. We go over them at school as well.
Please check their green folders and take out any papers or work, send an empty folder back (free of keep home papers) back to school on Monday! 😊😊
This Weeks Words 🥰
See below for this weeks weekly words!
Spelling Homework!📝
Directions for Spelling Homework!
We will continue spelling homework. This ensures students are ready for Kindergarten encoding and spelling, and will get them prepared for First Grade.
Each week the structure will be the same:
- Monday: Read all words and sentence to parent 3 times.
- Tuesday: Write each word 2 times each. Write sentence once. (on attached paper. Students should tap out words before writing them. E.G: bed /b/ /e/ /d/)
- Wednesday: Write 3 sentences with any 3 of the words. (on attached paper, can be short sentences.)
- Thursday: Practice test — Parent calls out all words and sentence — student writes once. Student should not be able to see words while doing practice test. (on attached paper)
- Friday— Test at school—No homework! (Keep assignments in your child’s homework folder (green) —they will be collected on Friday!) 🙂
*If there are 4 day weeks, assignments for Monday and Tuesday will be combined (read words and write words combined into one night).
Spelling work will come home attached to the work sheet that students will use all week. What that looks like is attached below! :)
Front of homework sheet.
Back of homework sheet.
Test sheet students will use in class on Fridays. (Checked and sent home)
Our SEL Focus! 💛
See the newsletter below to read about our SEL focus for this month, Responsibility! The letter gives insights on what we will be talking about and how you can extend it at home.
Ice Cream Fridays🍦
Your child may purchase ice cream on Fridays during lunch in the school cafeteria. Please send $1.25 (or more for their account) in a labeled envelope with your child's name on it and please write "ice-cream" on it. Please put the envelope/money in your child's green folder.
We won't see it if it's in their book-bag. Thanks so much!
Amazon Wishlist and TPT Fund!📚
Contact Me! 🥰
The easiest and quickest way to get in contact with me is REMIND!
Email: dancyel@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: Call the school @ 336-838-4261, and ask for Mrs. Dancy (before 8:00am and after 3:30pm unless its an emergency).