Willow Wolverine Newsletter
February/March 2025
🌟 Please make note of school calendar changes due to make-up days 🌟
⛄⛄Be Sure To Dress For The Weather⛄⛄
Principal Piece
Willow Elementary Families,
We are nearing the end of the third quarter and we hope your kids are coming home with a big smile each day after school! We want your kids to work hard all week and play hard all weekend! There is lots of information below you need to be aware of. Please call or pop in with any questions.
Mr. Porcello
Northern Elementary School Closure Make-Up Days
The following dates will be student contact days with students attending school:
- February 10 (Previously a Parent-Teacher Conference day)
- February 17 (Previously a Parent-Teacher Conference day)
- March 7 (Previously a Teacher Work Day)
- May 2 (Previously a Professional Learning day)
- May 21 (Previously a Scheduled Snow Day)
- May 23 (Previously a Teacher Work Day)
These adjustments will account for all six required make-up days pending School Board and State approval.
Student Led Conferences & Report Cards: Tue, March 4th 3:00 PM-6:00 PM (Title 1)
Come celebrate your child's success during a student led conference and bring home their report card. Every Willow Elementary student will be able to show how they're doing and where they are headed as learners. More info coming soon.
Safety Week February 3-7
Twice a year we practice building wide safety procedures. During this time we'll conduct a fire drill, earthquake drill, bomb threat drill, and an intruder response (ALICE) drill. Please call me with any questions.
Read In The Dark: Winter Reading Challenge
MSBSD Libraries are presenting a reading challenge from now until March 17th. A flyer with all the details was sent home and more are available at the front office. Grades K, 1, & 2 need to read 5 books by March 17th. Grades 3, 4, & 5 need to read 7 books by March 17th. Read and enter to win prizes! Mrs. Barkman our wonderful school librarian is taking care of all the details.
Make Sure Your Kids Are Dressed for Winter Weather
Please make sure your children come to school prepared for winter weather. A warm hat, mittens/gloves, a warm coat, snow pants, and winter boots are a must during the Alaska winter. We have outdoor recess to ten degrees below zero.
Attendance Matters!
To reach their full potential, we want your children to come to school every day. It’s okay to keep them home when they are sick. However, when they are healthy and well, send your child to school to be an active member of the classroom. Don't let inclement weather interfere with regular attendance. When school is open, get your children to school.
We have a drawing every two weeks for students with 100% attendance. They can win prizes on display in the front atrium! Once your child gets 100% attendance over two weeks, he or she will also have an opportunity to win a grand prize each quarter of the school year.
Perfect attendance in two-week intervals will also give access to additional privileges throughout the school year!
In Summary:
- For every two weeks of 100% attendance, each student gets their name in a drawing to win a prize. One student per class KG through 5th grade every two weeks.
- Each student is then eligible for a grand prize drawing each quarter.
- 1 grand prize per class each quarter.
Winter Weather: Closure and Delay Information
The arrival of winter weather also brings the potential for school closures and delayed start times. Please see the bullet points below to help your household tap into school and district updates.
- There is a snowflake on the far right of the district homepage. Click on the snowflake and you will be directed to district wide closure and delay information. Willow Elementary is in Region #6.
- You will hear from Willow Elementary with specific information on campus closures or delayed starts.
- If we have a delayed start, we will not serve breakfast but will serve lunch at the regularly scheduled times. We will not have preschool on delayed start days as well.
- If there are power outages regionally or locally, the district page is your best bet for up-to-date information.
Thank You Willow Elementary PTA
Thank you fabulous Willow Elementary PTA! We are so grateful for all you do for our students, school, and community. You make every day brighter for our kids and we can't thank you enough
Title 1 Information
Title 1 information is always available on the district website and in our front foyer. You can always stop in or call the school with any questions. Our Title 1 program is funded by the federal government to help with student achievement and success.
Important Dates in February/March 2025
2/3-2/7: Safety Week
2/10: Academic Day
2/17: Academic Day
2/21: Lion's Club Skate Night 5-7PM
2/25: PTA Meeting 3:30-5:30 PM
3/4: Student Led Conferences & Report Cards 3-6PM
3/7: Academic Day- last day before Spring Break
3/10-3/16: Spring Break
3/17: First day back from break-- Attendance Matters!
3/21: Lion's Club Skate Night 5-7PM
🎨🎯Coming Soon! 2025 Artist in Residence with Mrs. Korpi 🎯🎨
How to Choose “Just Right” Books:
Too Easy!
Have you read it lots of times before?
Do you understand the story very well?
Do you know almost every word?
Can you read it smoothly?
Just Right!
Is the book new to you?
Do you understand a lot of the story?
Are there just a few words on each page you don’t know?
When you read, are some places smooth and some choppy?
Too Hard!
Are there more than 5 words on a page you don’t know?
Are you confused about what is happening in this book?
When you read, does it sound pretty choppy?
Willow Elementary Math Masters
Ask your child if he or she is working on being a Willow Elementary Math Master. Your kids should be working on their math fact fluency every day throughout the regular school year. Mastery in math facts lays the foundation for success in mathematics.
School Day Start Times and Important Information
- Doors open at 9:10 AM every Monday
- Doors open at 8:10 AM Tuesday through Friday
- Students go directly to the gym upon arrival to eat breakfast
- 9:15 AM-9:30 AM every Monday
- 8:15 AM-8:30 AM Tuesday through Friday
- Students not eating breakfast at school will go directly to their classroom
- Willow Elementary will not serve breakfast after 10:00 AM Monday through Friday
- Remember, PE, Art, and Music Specials are always in the afternoon after lunch and recess
- Every school day ends at 3:00 PM
Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up
- Students must be dropped off at the car/drop-off line during morning arrival. Parents/guardians can then park and enter the building as needed.
- Students must be picked up from the gym via the car/pick-up line during dismissal. Parents can then park and enter the building with their kids under their care.
- Please call by 2:30 PM if you will be picking up your student or another person is picking up for you, this allows us to ensure proper communication to the classroom and pick-up line.
- Reminder - Only parents/legal guardians are allowed to call in any changes to a student(s) pick up status.
Busing/Bus Passes
- Please call by 2:30 PM if a bus pass is needed for your student, this allows us to ensure proper communication to the classroom and bus drivers.
- Any student walking unsupervised to and from the bus stop must have written permission on file at the school office.
Reminder - Only parents/guardians are allowed to pickup students unless specifically called to the office by a legal guardian.
Special Thanks To Our Community Partners:
- Newman's
- Valley Fuel
- Alaska Fireplace
- Willow Caswell Fire Department
- Willow Equipment Rental
- Willow Lions Club
- Three Bears at Pittman Rd
- Willow Museum
- Willow Elementary PTA
- Willow Food Pantry
- Alaska State Troopers
- Willow CERT
- Roni’s Deli
Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Brian Porcello, Principal
School Info
Email: brian.porcello@matsuk12.us
Website: matsuk12.us
Location: 31706 W Parks Hwy - Willow, AK
Phone: (907)495-9300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSBSDWLE/