Oley Valley School District
Digital Newsletter - OCTOBER 2024
A Letter From Our Superintendent
Greetings! I just want to begin with saying thank you to all the staff, students, and community members who have taken time out of their day to stop and talk with me. I firmly believe that building and maintaining positive relationships are the key for any team, organization, and/or community to thrive. I look forward to getting to know everyone. Oley is an amazing place, and I am so fortunate and thankful to be here.
I have been in public education for nearly three decades. Until I joined the Oley family, my entire career was spent serving the Delaware Valley School District. During my tenure at Delaware Valley, I worked at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. While I will always love and appreciate my time at DV, returning to this area and joining Oley is a dream come true.
Sports, music, and the outdoors have always been a special part of my life. I have coached, tutored, advised the school newspaper, and helped out with drama productions. Student involvement in school programs is a passion of mine. Schools should continually create new opportunities and activities in which students can participate and explore their interests. It is my goal to create a school culture where every student feels valued and connected with the school community.
Again, thanks to everyone who has stopped and talked with me! I look forward to meeting and working with everyone else.
Aaron Weston
Our Coach of the Year
Art at Oley Valley Middle School
Blanche McIlwain (currently in 9th grade at the High School) created this beautiful acrylic painting in her 8th grade art class with Mrs. Usner. It became so popular at the annual Middle School art show that it was used as the middle school yearbook cover for the 2023/2024 school year. Blanche is blessed creatively and has been a creative inspiration to others since her elementary years. Blanche was part of the MIddle School Art Club and spent hours in and out of school perfecting her craft. Blanche is determined and dedicated to the visual arts. Fortunately, Blanche is actively pursuing a career in the arts and we can all look forward to her artistic journey.
September with the Oley Valley FFA
The Oley Valley FFA had quite an eventful September with the FFA favorite Oley Fair and a presentation by Ag podcasters, Natalie and Tara.
On September 18th, FFA members went over to the fairgrounds after school to set up our favorite FFA tradition, the Farmer for a Day tent. This year we had the usual sorting of the food into the correct ingredient categories, spinning the wheel and picking what animal the food came from, gathering eggs, apples, and potatoes, and milking the cow. We also had many of our Ag classroom rabbits and guinea pigs down at the tent for the kids to pet. This year we had one of our FFA members bring their tractor into the tent for kids to sit on and take pictures with. Overall, we think our Farmer for a Day tent was very successful this year and we hope the kids enjoyed our tent and all the new features it had to offer!
On Friday night, we had a blast with the much-anticipated line dancing in front of the fair center. We saw many current and past FFA members show up and have a great time line dancing.
We had many FFA members enter crops, photos, art, baked goods, and more in the fair. Along with entering their wares into the fair, we also had many members show goats, cattle, and more. Everyone that entered or showed did amazing and we would like to congratulate everyone for their hard work! We especially want to celebrate five outstanding FFA members: Leah Walters for winning High Point Exhibitor, Showmanship, and Fitting in Goats; Kalina Rhoads for winning Supreme Dairy Heifer; and John Allmendinger, Eleanaa Arrowsmith, and Bailey Hornig for winning the FFA Marcy Henderson Award.
On September 26th, we had the honor of welcoming Discover Ag podcasters, Tara Vander Dussen and Natalie Kovarik, to Oley Valley. During our sixth and seventh period of the day they talked to our FFA chapter about their podcast, Discover Ag, and how they talk about current issues and give the agricultural side to these situations. After their presentation, we had some of our FFA members give Natalie and Tara a tour of our Ag facilities. We showed them our food science room, greenhouse, aquaponics system, vet tech room, and many other aspects of our Ag wing. Members had a great time hearing about their podcast and showing them everything Oley has to offer in the agriculture field. We hope Natalie and Tara enjoyed it as much as we did!
September was an exciting month for Oley Valley FFA, but we are not done yet. We hope to make every month as fun and engaging as possible and I can say October already looks like it will be full of great experiences.
(L to R) Eleana Arrowsmith-FFA Marcy Henderson Award, Kalina Rhoads-Supereme Dairy Heifer, Leah Walters-High Point Exhibitor Goats, John Allmendinger-FFA Marcy Henderson Award (2)
Natalie and Tara Learning About Oley Valley
Natalie and Tara Touring Food Science
Natalie and Tara's Presentation
Class of 1974 Tour
On October 5th, the Oley Valley High School Class of 1974 gathered for their 50th reunion, beginning their day with a tour of the school. National Honor Society (NHS) members Elizabeth Bronson, Molly Stroupe, Samantha Wagner and FFA student Bailey Hornig guided the alumni through various parts of the building. The tour included a stop at the FFA hall, where the alum met Future Farmers of America (FFA) and NHS members: Natalie Baum, Wesley Hoffman, and Leah Walters. The group also explored numerous parts of the STEM pathways, where NHS member Arabella Smith showcased the technological and scientific advancements made since the inductees’ time at the school. The Class of 1974 found the stops to the cafeteria, gym, and classrooms most nostalgic because many memories of their high school days were shared and remembered. The tour concluded in the library where the class could look at articles, pictures, and books from when they were students at Oley Valley High School.
Submitted by Sam Wagner, 12th grade
Scattered throughout the High School campus are memorial plaques, benches, and stones dedicated to deceased students, alumni/ae, and faculty.
Where the outside wall of the gym hallway meets the outside wall of the auditorium foyer can be found a stone honoring Mr. Dennis C. Bowersox, a Middle School Social Studies teacher who died in service in 1995
A short distance further down near the outside wall of the auditorium are the model of an eagle and a bench bearing a plaque memorializing Daniel Correll, who would have graduated in 2003.
To the right of the driveway which runs past the outside steps leading to the band room are two small trees, each the location of a memorial stone: one is in memory of Mr. Paul F. Steinman, Elementary Principal, 1967 to 1972.
The other memorial stone is dedicated to Carrie Bock, who would have been a 1996 graduate.
Mrs. Marsha (nee Robetrson) Bartholomew (Class of 1970 and faculty member).
Further on, at the entrance to the boys’ baseball field, is where a bronze plaque honors the field’s namesake, Mr. Robert H. Rentschler, physical education teacher and boys’ baseball coach.
Adjacent to the right of the baseball field lies the artificial turf field. At various locations around it can be found memorial benches with plaques and stone
Preston T. Rowe (2018)
Marc M. McKently (2011)
T. Channing Mauger (2013)
Mrs. Marsha (neé Robertson) Bartholomew (Class of 1970 and faculty member).
On Friday, October 4, 2024, we proudly recognized 6 outstanding individuals during our annual Distinguished Alumni and Service Awards ceremony.
Congratulations to this year's 4 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients:
- Eric Clemmer, Class of 1991
- Robert Kissinger, Class of 1972
- John Noll, Jr., Class of 1996
- Denise (Cronrath) Wagner, Class of 1992
And to our 2 Distinguished Service Award Recipients:
- Dawn (Levengood) Roman, Class of 1987
- Robert Heckman
Each honoree shared heartfelt memories of their time at Oley Valley, reflected on their accomplishments, and offered inspiring words of wisdom to future graduates. The event was attended by past award recipients, family, friends, school district administration, and Oley Valley High School students, making it a memorable celebration for everyone.
Click here to watch the recording of this year's ceremony:
Our 2nd Annual "Swing Fore Education" Golf Tournament was held on Monday, October 21. It was a gorgeous day for golf, and we would like to thank our sponsors and each of the golfers for making it an incredible day that surpassed our fundraising goal. We are beyond grateful to the businesses and individuals who believe in and support our mission.
Mark your calendars now for next year's event: Monday, October 20, 2025.
Golf may be over for this year, but our 2nd Annual Silent Auction is still going on through November 8, so check out the great items we have available for you to bid on:
- 2 Eagles vs Panthers Tickets for December 8, 2024
- 2 Steelers vs Browns Club Lounge Tickets for December 8, 2024
- 6-Course Dinner for 8 at Chef Tim's Table
- Exclusive Family Portrait plus Luxury Hotel Stay
- Golf 4-some at Berkshire Country Club
- Golf 4-some at Iron Valley Golf Club
- Golf 4-some at Moselem Springs Golf Club
- R-Phils Exclusive Game Day Experience
Check out the auctions and bid at: www.32auctions.com/OVCEF2024
Have you ever wondered if you could get involved with the Oley Valley Community Education Foundation? The answer is YES! There are various ways you can volunteer with our organization, and we also welcome students who can earn service hours for graduation for their help, too. Please visit our website and complete our Volunteer Form to get started: https://www.oleyvalleycef.com/get-involved
We are thankful for our awesome teachers who seek every opportunity to prepare our students for life after high school and give them tools to explore different career paths.
We want to thank all the individuals and businesses who financially support OVCEF and our mission of enhancing educational opportunities for students, residents, employees, and alumni of the Oley Valley School District while encouraging community support and participation.
Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
For families and students who may experience homelessness, information on the McKinney-Vento Act is available on the Oley Valley School District Website or see below.
OVSD Homeless Liaison and Unaccompanied Youth Contact:
Mia K. Pietsch, M.Ed
Director of Student Services
Oley Valley School District
17 Jefferson Street Oley, PA 19547
610. 987.4100 ext. 1187 or ext. 1188
Please Visit the Sites below for information:
Oley Valley School District Board of Directors
Jamie Freed, President
Dawn Zackon, Treasurer
Maria Bogdanova-Peifer, Member
Candice Corle, Member
Mary Harris, Member
Zachary Moore, Member
Christina Moyer, Member
Levin Legal Group, P.C., Board Solicitor
Oley Valley School District
The Oley Valley School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator who fully and actively supports equal access for all people regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Gender, Age, National Origin, Veteran Status, Disability, Genetic Information or Testing, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression and prohibits Retaliation against individuals who bring forth any complaint, orally or in writing, to the employer or the government, or against any individuals who assist or practice in the investigation of any complaint, or otherwise oppose discrimination. Compliance issues/questions should be directed to the Office of the Superintendent.