Cape Elementary: Seahawk Sentinel
August 22, 2024
Cape's Mission & Vision
Vision: We believe that the most promising strategy for achieving the mission of Cape Elementary is to develop our capacity to function as a professional learning community.
PTO Fall Fundraiser!
Our PTO Fall Fundraiser began Wednesday, August 21 and ends Tuesday, September 10. Packets with details were sent home with students this week.
Culver's Night!
Early Dismissal!
Cape is an "A" School!
Cape Elementary earned an “A” for the third year in a row from the Florida Department of Education. We are also ranked 6th out of all 60 elementary schools by the US News and World Report. Way to go, Cape!
Performance Class Placement:
Cape Elementary students are grouped in classes based upon their educational performance. This structure enables our students to learn in an educational environment with students of similar needs and learning rates. At each grade level, we offer a continuum of classes ranging from intensive reading/language arts to enriched and gifted. In Grades 2nd to 5th we also have a co-teach model with two teachers in the classroom for a large portion of the day. Different resources and teaching strategies are used to provide optimal teaching and learning environments at every level. Your child’s academic needs and subsequent academic performance determine classroom placement. Teachers closely monitor student progress throughout the school year and may recommend a change in classroom placement to better meet the needs of a student.
A Message from Coach Harley!
Dear Parent and/or Guardian:
My name is Coach Harley, and I will be your son or daughter’s physical education teacher this year. There are many exciting things that will be happening this year at P.E. and I’m very excited to get started!
Your child will have the opportunity to experience many types of activities during their P.E. classes. They will learn various games and skills that will increase their understanding of game play and sport related content. Your child will gain vast knowledge in heart healthy activities, movement skills and exercises that will teach them how to be healthy. Sportsmanship and teamwork will be our focus in all activities.
In order for your child to be able to experience all of these activities, they must be properly attired. Tennis shoes must be worn for safe play. Also, ladies who wear a dress or skirt must have shorts on underneath. These two rules will help in keeping your child safe and ready for all activities.
Grades at P.E. are based on participation. Your child is expected to be dressed appropriately, participate in all activities, be respectful of themselves and others, and follow all rules. Failure to do so on a continued basis will result in a lower grade being earned. Also, if your child is unable to participate due to an injury or illness, you’ll need to send a note. If your child will miss more than three consecutive P.E. days, you’ll have to provide a doctor’s note.
I am looking forward to an awesome year at Cape Elementary, and I hope we can work together to give your son or daughter a great experience! Any questions or concerns you have this year, please call me at 239-542-3551. Thank you!
Coach Harley
P.E. Department
Early Sign Outs-Important!
If you must sign your child out prior to the end of the school day, your child must be signed out prior to 1:40 PM. After 1:40 PM students will be sent their usual way home. Thank you for understanding.
Communication is Key!
Student Planners go home each day. Teachers are required to sign each day and parents are required to sign each night. We encourage communication to be written in the planner or by emailing the teacher. You may also call the school and leave a message for the teacher.
Ice Cream and Southern SnoBall Sales!
Ice cream will be available for purchase on Wednesdays (starting – Wednesday, September 4th) and Southern SnoBalls will be sold only five times this year, also on Wednesday – dates in planner.
Parent Pick Up Numbers!
Each family has an assigned number for Parent Pick Up. If you pick up more than one student, they should have the same number on their pick up cards. If you have different numbers, please email Wendy Drotleff at WendyDR@leeschools or call her at 239-542-3551 and she will assign you ONE number.
Monthly Newsletter
We LOVE our Business Partners
C21 Sunbelt Realty
Jim Fischer
Quality Pest Control
Cape Coral First United Methodist Church
Vineyards Community Church (Cape Coral)
Papa John's Pizza
Rib City
Cici's Pizza
Dominoes Pizza
Cape Elementary
Location: 4519 Vincennes Blvd, Cape Coral, FL 33904
Phone: 239-542-3551
Twitter: @CapeElem
Lee County School Board
Board Members of the LCSD:
Samuel Fisher, District 1 (Chair)
Jada Langford Fleming, District 6 (Vice Chair)
Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2
Chris N. Patricca, District 3
Debbie Jordan, District 4
Armor Persons, District 5
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 7
Kenneth A. Savage, Ed.D.