Miner Message
February 25, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
Wednesday, February 28th: PTO Meeting 6-7pm @ Miner
Saturday, March 9th: PTO Bowling Outing 2pm-4pm @ Arlington Bowl
Wednesday, March 13th: 8th Grade Picture Day
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!
PTO Bowling Outing
Flyers went home regarding the PTO Bowling Outing. It will be Saturday, March 9th from 2PM-4PM at Arlington Lanes. Cost is $10 per bowler which includes two games and shoes. RSVP is needed by March 4th. Cash or check made payable to Miner PTO can be sent to school with your child or you can Zelle minerptopresident@gmail.com
Quick Updates
Miner Message gets a New Look!
Cookie Friday!
Last week, Miner Staff had a little visit from the Cookie Fairies for our Fun Friday! Staff (and a special student) were certainly come Cookie Monsters as they enjoyed a variety of cookies to help with that final push to the weekend!
Miner's New Moon Room is Now Open
After some teasing and previews, the Miner School Moon Room (located in 216) is ready for use. This space was made possible by a grant from the NSSEO Foundation. I want to thank Dr. Tiffanie Jeffery, Dominique Guza, Lauren Olson, Maria Chiakulas, Matthew Pike, Krishna Patel, and Mitch Tsukinari for their input and assistance in not just submitting the grant, but their invaluable input on how to use this new space. Thank you sincerely.
The Moon Room has been conceived and designed as a calming area that promotes student independence in usage and sensory deprivation. Inside the Moon Room area of 216, you will find blackout tents (they are legit), comfortable rugs, tap lights and a light strip that change colors with remote controls, headphones, plushies, pillows, blankets (one weighted), and timers with even more to come. While we can't do an awful lot about the sun coming through the windows (...yet...), the room is being kept intentionally dark to promote a soothing space.
Martin Chlapecka
Building Assistant / Moon Room Mastermind
Staff Spotlight
Literacy in Action with Ms. Schaffer!
Aligning with the Miner School goal of Literacy for All, Evyn Schaffer led her students through a very engaging reading lesson. Evyn and her staff assisted all of the students in the class to make connections to the story, used their communication devices (and other visuals) to support responses, and incorporated activities that promoted interactions with one another. Ms. Schaffer finds ways to have fun, keep her kids engaged, and meet their needs while they are at school. She builds excellent relationships with her team and families and it is clear that she loves teaching her students. Way to go Evyn!
PTO Corner
PTO Meeting
The next PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, February 28th from 6pm-7pm at Miner School. We would love to see you in person, but understand if that is not possible. The Zoom link will be open for those to join if needed.
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024, 06:00 PM
Miner School, East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
PTO Updates
The PTO is hoping to organize a few Dine & Share events at local restaurants in the communities where Miner families reside. If you have any ideas of restaurants that would participate, please send them our way!
Miner Moms - Coffee dates will be on hold for the month of February. If there are any moms who would like to join the Miner Mom’s group at the NSSEO Foundation Bingo Night, please contact Erin Rohlena at ErinE683@gmail.com
We will be starting to work on getting donations for the Roll N’ Stroll. If you have any connections to businesses that would be willing to donate prizes for our raffle, please contact Michelle Manfredi at minerptopresident@gmail.com
Miner Student Gotchas!
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or dguza@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 28th: PTO Meeting 6-7pm @ Miner
Saturday, March 9th: PTO Bowling Outing 2pm-4pm @ Arlington Bowl
Wednesday, March 13th: 8th Grade Picture Day
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!