Southgate Medallion Tribute
Welcome to our June Educator Newsletter Volume 49 Issue 6
Coordinator Corner
Hello Educators,
I hope you had a great May. Thank you to those who came to the Educator Appreciation Picnic. I had lots of fun connecting with you all, I hope you did too.
Educator Referral Program
The agency has decided to stop the educator referral program as we are now receiving many applications from people wanting to become educators.
Reflective Conversation Evenings
The agency has decided to stop these for the time being, but may consider offering these again in the future, should interest pick up again.
Brain Story Certification
AECEA received notice from the government of Alberta that the Brain Story Certification is once again going to be funded.
Air Quality Reminders
Useful Links:
This page offers you a summary of the air quality in the province at the time of accessing the link https://weather.gc.ca/airquality/pages/provincial_summary/ab_e.html
This page offers general information on the Air Quality Health Index
Click this link to access the weathercan app:
Using the infographic below you can see the scale which is rated from 1 to 10+. You should not be taking your children outside when the air quality is listed as higher than #4.
Interpreting the numbers:
Goodbye from me!
Sadly, this will be my last coordinator corner as I have taken the difficult decision to leave the Agency.
Thank you for all you do to offer quality childcare options for families in Edmonton and surrounding areas. I have really enjoyed my time at the agency and shall miss connecting with you.
Best wishes
Emma Dajavs
Educators' s achievements
-Congratulations to Radharani Behera who completed her Level 3 in Early Childhood Education.
-Also, congratulations to Arpana Kotturi for completing the Flight Course.
Educator Appreciation Picnic in the Park - May 2024
Despite the challenges brought by limited parking and access to Wilfred Laurier Park due to a running event, Educators and Agency Staff all met to network, play games, talk, have fun and eat some amazing food.
We were blessed with a beautiful sunshiny day, and it was so lovely to see many smiling faces enjoying the games and being in the company of other educators.
We were also lucky enough to have some educators bring their children and there was no shortage of volunteers to play with the children and cuddle the baby!
We were also honored to welcome Joyce Backstrom, one of the owners of Southgate Medallion, to the event.
Amarjeet was the lucky winner of our Tuff Tray and Resources. Congratulations Amarjeet, and well done for being resourceful and using your prize to carry your food home! That’s a unique way of using a tuff tray that I have never seen before!
Thanks to everyone who put aside a little part of their precious weekend to spend with the agency.
We look forward to meeting again at Capilano Park in August – watch this space for further information.
Consultants and educators enjoyed an opportunity to connect
Smiling faces
We engaged our Playing and Playful disposition!
Everyone enjoyed the amazing food - thanks Kirandeep for organizing this!
The children enjoyed the axe throwing game
Thank you for joining us Joyce.
Amarjeet was the lucky winner of the Tuff Tray door prize
Well done to Arpana for coming first in our game
Well done to Lana for winning the game
Documentation by Anupama Narangoda
Democratic Practices
Children Learn Environmentally and Socially Responsible Practices
My intention with this activity was to encourage them to learn about their role and
responsibilities as a citizen, and how to take better care of the environment by cleaning
their neighborhood. I let them pick up litter and let them throw it out into the garbage, to
give them an idea of where garbage is supposed to go, not on the floor, or the environment.
I find that doing this in the spring and summer time is most effective, because this is the
time where most animals like birds, and even plants are growing again, meaning that I can
actively educate them on why garbage in environments harm the animals and plants living
in the environment.
Reusing and Recycling
I wanted to introduce the blue bin as the recycling bin, and the green bin as a garbage bin.
So, we found a cardboard box on the ground, and I guided them toward the blue bin. Child
A said, “Strong,” while lifting the cardboard box by himself, as he was walking toward the
blue bin, and then put the box into the bin. Then, I guided them toward the green bin and
showed him and Child B that garbage went into the green bin, but cardboard did not.
Profesional Development Workshops
Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM
When: June 5th, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $28.55 (
it is eligible for PD grant and time release funding)
The Magic of Loose Parts: Promoting Play with Loose Parts
When: June 12, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Cost: $28.55 (it is eligible for PD grant and time release funding)
Shake, Rattle and Roll! Creative Music and Movement Experiences for Young Children
When: June 19, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Cost: $28.55 (it is eligible for PD grant and time release funding)
Meet the Staff:
Lisa Kosteriva
Receptionist/ Administrative Assistant:
I joined the agency in January 2017. I received my Level 1 in child care in 2003 and worked at a daycare. I have since then earned my Level 2 in insurance and worked at an insurance agency for 2 years.
I enjoy working with providers and parents and being part of the team here at Southgate Medallion Family Day Homes.
Standard Review:
Standard 5: Transportation Policy
To transport children in a private vehicle the following must be in place:
An up-to-date vehicle insurance under Educator’s name for a minimum of $2
million automobile liability coverage.
A current driver’s license.
A completed Transportation and Insurance Coverage form with parent’s
signature to be completed annually and every time any transportation related
information is updated (vehicle insurance, driver's license etc.).
*Note: The copy of the above listed items must be submitted to the office prior to
transporting children and every time any of the above is updated.
Educators must use properly installed car safety seats appropriate and adjusted for the
age and size of each child according to Transport Canada guidelines. Educators are
responsible for purchasing required car safety seats. The Educator must ensure the
tether straps, tether bolts and seat belts are properly installed, functioning and secure. It is
recommended that car safety seats be inspected for correct installation.
Educators intending to transport children must complete Alberta Child Safety Seat
Training Modules prior to transporting children. For more information visit
If a car accident occurs, the Educator must inform the parents and the agency
immediately. An Incident/Accident report must be completed and sent to the agency office
within 24 hours.
June recipe: Crispy Garlic Brussels Sprout Chips
June Celebrations
Father's Day
June 16th
June 17th
National Indigenous People Day
June 21st
Multi-Culturalism and Diversity in Your Day Home
Living in Canada means living in a country that is incredibly diverse. I wonder how many children from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds you have and are currently caring for?
It is important to consider whether and how you are offering a diverse and inclusive program to children, and whether there is more that you can be offering to families.
Adopting a positive and inclusive approach in which there is a promotion of understanding, acceptance and an acknowledgement of differences will lead to rich learning experiences in your day home.
What is cultural tourism and how do you avoid it?
Cultural tourism refers to a practice often seen in education in which the focus on a certain culture only occurs at the time of a festival, celebration, or traditional event.
The downside of this is that it only allows children “a brief glimpse into the true nature and traditions of a culture for a limited period of time, and is often highly generalized and not representative of the personal traditions of culture”.
Kali Kan, Feb 17th 2019.
Early Childhood Education Blog: Teaching diversity to preschoolers without the “tourist approach”
Steps to avoid this:
· Involve parents – ask about traditional words, songs, foods and celebrations that take place within their own family
· Remember, all families are unique and may have their own unique ways of celebrating a festival.
· Have a diverse selection of toys, books, dolls of different skin tones
· Show diversity in your music, instruments, menu
· Don’t just focus on one particular holiday – many festivals happen around the same time of year, so ensure you’re including all of them
· Refer to your family involvement form in the children’s registration paperwork.
Culture goes deeper than food, flags, festivals, clothing and music.
By having good conversations with your families, you may get the opportunity to go deeper and find out about different ideas of courtesy, manners, religion, raising children and much more.
Is diversity different to multi-culturalism?
Yes. Diversity refers to differences in gender, cultural identities, socio-economic backgrounds, family dynamics, differently abled people, neuro-diverse people, sexuality.
To support diversity, again, talk to the families in which you are currently working with, and seek to learn about their diversities.
Embracing differences, being curious about people’s diversities, can be an amazingly rich learning experience for everyone in your day home.