FPNS Parent Link
March 2024
A Note From Ms Adams
- GAA coaching with Erin's Isle.
- Taking part in an archaeological dig with The School of Irish Archaeology.
- A very fun Lá Glas to celebrate St Patrick's Day.
- A wonderful bake sale.
- Pyjama Day.
- Dressing up for World Book Day.
- Getting creative for Crazy Hair Day.
- Spotting signs of Spring and filling the school with beautiful daffodils.
- Eating yummy pancakes on Pancake Tuesday.
We look forward to an equally busy and happy term three and wish you all a peaceful Easter break.
Student Council
Our Student Council ran a bake sale in the school this week. They did a fantastic job and raised a little over two hundred euro. They are planning how they want to spend this and will update the pupils soon! Thank you most sincerely to all of the parents who were busy baking up a storm for the Bake Sale and who were so mindful of the allergies we have in the school. It was so lovely to see such kindness and support in action. Thank you from all of us!
Home School Community Liasion
Our HSCL is Ms. Niamh Holohan. Niamh is here with us in the school one day per week. Much of her role is to support our pupils by supporting you as their parents. In line with this, Niamh visits the homes of many of our pupils to link in with parents and to support them during their child's educational journey. This is standard practice for a HSCL teacher whose role is to facilitate a strong relationship between home and school. Thank you to all of the parents who have welcomed Niamh so warmly into their homes to date and she looks forward to meeting more families in the future.
Pancake Tuesday
There were lots and lots of pancakes made in our school on Pancake Tuesday! The children enjoyed delicious pancakes with many different toppings on the day. Thanks to all of the staff for making more pancakes than they could count!
Our Amazing Infants!
This has been a very busy and exciting term for our Infants! Lots of our youngest pupils are starting to make wonderful progress with their reading after lots and lots of literacy work by Ms Foley in term one. It is always amazing to see the children getting to grips with reading and we are so proud of them! Our Senior Infants are doing equally wonderful work and are becoming excellent readers. Ms Foley's hard work and dedication, along with having some of the best pupils in Ireland, has her whole class making huge strides in literacy!
Ms Reilly's Class Are Stars!
Ms Reilly's class had such a great term and were busy bees every single day! They really enjoyed Ms Reilly's Irish dancing lessons in PE and it was lovely to see their happy faces as they learned new steps and dance sequences. They also worked on a super play, all through the Irish language! However, Ms Reilly's most popular lesson this term was most likely her literacy lesson which involved lots of oreos and chocolatey goodness! Thanks to Ms Reilly for making her lessons so engaging and to our 1st and 2nd Class for being all round superstars!
School of Irish Archaeology
One of the highlights of this term was a visit from the School of Irish Archaeology. The children loved participating in an archaeological dig and were excited to find lots of treasures! All of our pupils from Junior Infants to Sixth Class had a wonderful day of learning and fun.
Ms Adams' Class Get Creative!
My class were very busy this term working on literacy and numeracy. However, we always make time to let our creative sides out! This term, 3rd and 4th Class created some beautiful pieces of art, which included heart collages, solar system dioramas, and constructing their very own daffodils. I am very lucky to have a class full of wonderful children who are always willing to take on a creative challenge!
Fabulous Learning in 5th and 6th!
I was so impressed to hear about the wonderful work that Ms O'Keeffe's class did on the poem 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth. Ms. O'Keeffe is always so creative when it comes to her lessons and it was so lovely to hear directly from the children about how much they enjoyed this unit of work. Thank you, Ms O'Keeffe, for using your amazing creativity to bring literacy alive for our pupils!
Building Updates
Our new heating system went live this term! Thanks to the Board of Management and the Department of Education, we now have a fully modernised heating system in the school that keeps us all very cosy on cold days! The Board of Management has facilitated a huge amount of work to the school over recent years and it is wonderful to see it all coming together. The children have really noticed the change with the new heating system and we all look forward to lots of cosy winter days ahead. ⛄
Ní Neart Go Cur Le Chéíle!
A special thank you to our lovely SNA's Sheila, Sara Jane, Niamh and Ciara for their dedication to supporting the work in our classrooms. Having access to SNA support allows our pupils with additional needs to reach for the stars!🌟 And to Tracy, our school secretary, who keeps our school ticking over seamlessly while juggling a hundred different things throughout the day🥰