Burke Bulldog Weekly Update
Important information and updates for learning
Message from Principal Rasmussen
Dear Burke High Families,
We are into the month of February already in this school year. We would like to congratulate all of our members of our instrumental and choir programs that were selected to participate in the All City Music Festival that was held on February 1-2 at the Holland Center. Our winter sports teams are in full swing and competing hard for us.
On Friday, February 14, our district teachers will be having a Curriculum Day and there will be no school for our students on February 14. Monday, February 17th is President's Day and there will be no school on February 17th. Our Stadium renovation is taking shape and will be ready for the State Track and Field Championships held on May 21-22-23-24. We've included pictures of the progress happening in our stadium.
As always, we have an open door here at Burke High School and value your feedback. It will be important for all of us to stay connected as we continue through the school year.
If you have questions about school, feel free to contact us at 531-299-2580.
Go Bulldogs!
We are providing updated information to this link weekly to help keep our students and families informed of information related to Burke High School and student learning for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you find this to be a valuable resource.
Parent Teacher Conferences Set for March 6
Our spring parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 6 from 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. in our gymnasium.
ACT Testing Day April 8 For All 11th Grade Students
On Tuesday, April 8, our 11th grade students will take the ACT Test here at Burke. There will be no school for students in grades 9, 10, or 12 as we conduct our ACT test.
Academic Recognition Program Set For April 16
Our Academic Recognition Program is set for April 16 from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in our gymnasium. This program recognizes students who have earned Honor Roll over consecutive semesters with our Seniors earning Gold Cords for our graduation ceremony. Students and families will be invited that have earned these awards. Look for the invites as we get closer to April 16th.
National Honor Society Induction Set for April 27
We will induct new members into our National Honor Society on Sunday, April 27th at 2:00 p.m. Students and families will receive an invite as we get closer to this date.
Senior Honors Night Set for May 12
Our Senior Honors Night is set for Monday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m. This event awards our senior students who have earned scholarships and recognitions throughout the school year. Senior students and families will receive an invite as we get closer to May 12th.
April 1st 2-Hour Late Start Day Schedule
Our final 2-Hour Late Start Day will be Tuesday, April 1st. Our bell schedule will be as follows with school buses running accordingly. It will be an Odd Day schedule with Blocks 1-3-5-7.
Senior Finals Schedule
Our seniors will have finals review days on May 5-6 with finals scheduled for May 7-8. May 9th will be designated as a make-up day.
Spring Finals Schedule for 9th through 11th Grade
We are communicating our Spring Finals Schedule for your planning. We have review days scheduled for May 13-14 and Finals Scheduled for May 15-16. May 19-20 are designated for make-up days. This schedule is for 9th - 11th grade students. Seniors have a different finals schedule.
Winter Activities
Our Winter Activities are in full swing and there are a lot of opportunities to support our students. We hosted many schools here for our Burke Bonanza Show Choir Invitational on January 18. Our Burke Synergy is in competition season and performed an exhibition since we are the host school. Our sports teams are competing in the Metro Conference. Our students are supporting each other as a community.
Restroom Use Procedures
We are sharing our restroom use procedures for students during the instructional day.
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters Did you know it takes an average of three days for students to catch up for every one day they’re absent? Omaha Public Schools is committed to working with our families to support student attendance every day, because we know every minute counts.
Our district has updated our action plan to follow state guidelines on assisting students who miss a significant amount of class time. Our student attendance team will meet with families of students who have 20 total absences, whether or not those absences are excused. The team will work with the family to create a collaborative plan to improve attendance.
You can make an impact on your student’s attendance now, and we’re here to help. If anything is getting in the way of getting your student to school, please contact your school’s principal, school support liaison, school counselor or bilingual liaison for help. These resources and contact information can be found in our staff directory of our school website.
Tardy Procedures for Students
We are sharing our Tardy Procedures here so our students and families know what to expect for students who are having difficulties being to classes on time. We generate reports each Thursday and begin the steps for addressing chronic tardiness using the procedures outlined here.
Important Calendar Items
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day; No School for Students
January 28: 2-Hour Late Start Day for Teacher Professional Development
February 14: No School for Students; Teacher Curriculum Day
February 17: President's Day; No School for Students
Student Transportation
The Omaha Public Schools and Zum, our new transporation vendor, are preparing for the school year with a continued focus on safe and reliable transportation. Our district communicates directly with famiies about bus routes and customer service resources. Anyone with questions about services can contact the Student Transportation hotline at (531) 299-0140.
The Burke Beat Student Online Newspaper
Stay up to date with what our Newspaper students are doing by clicking on the following link to access The Burke Beat!
Bell Schedule for 2024-2025
We are attaching the Bell Schedule for 2024-2025.
Omaha Public Schools District Calendar for 2024 2025
We are attaching our district school calendar for 2024-2025 for your advanced planning. There is also a PDF that can be downloaded.
Cell Phone Expectations Across All Instructional Classes
Dear Burke High Families
The students of the Omaha Public Schools all have been provided an iPad with wifi access to support learning in our classrooms. Our students have become familiar with the use of the iPad and the applications that are available to support learning and are doing a wonderful job. Our teachers and students are utilizing our district provided devices to engage students in learning. These provided devices include safeguards to reduce use for non-school purposes.
The use of cell phones in our classrooms and other personal electronic devices are not needed for instructional purposes and often times create frequent distractions to our students. We are not alone with addressing the challenges that personal cell phones and other electronic devices create in our instructional spaces. We began rolling out cell phone expectations in March of 2023 so most of our students and families understand the expectations for cell phone use.
Continuing this school year, Burke High will implement cell phone expectations and practices in all of our instructional classrooms. We are sending this communication to our families in advance so we can begin to work together to help our students and families have conversations about this practice.
Classrooms will have a designated area within the room that is safe and visible if a student does not have a backpack or space that will keep their device off their person. Teachers will have professional judgment to determine if access to cell phones will be allowed and beneficial at any point during the instructional time and will communicate those expectations to our students.
The expectation of students entering the classroom is that personal cell phones and non-district electronic devices are put away in their backpack on silent or powered off. These devices should not be visible to the student or teacher. This includes ear buds or headphones.
If a student is accessing a personal electronic device during the instructional period without permission from the teacher, the following sequence of interventions will be applied. Compliance with any step along the way will prevent movement to the next step.
1. Teachers will ask students to place their electronic devices in the designated visible and safe location within the classroom. These will be numbered and align with student seating in the classroom.
2. Teacher will contact the assigned Dean of Students and the device will be collected and held in the Assistant Principal’s office for the remainder of the day. If the student refuses to turn over the device, the student will be removed from the classroom and our school will contact parents/guardians if this intervention is necessary.
3. If habitual non-compliance with these expectations leads to frequent disruptions to learning, teachers will refer the student to his/her administrator to work with the student and family to determine a personalized plan to meet the expectations.
Let us reiterate that our goal is not to confiscate cell phones and create additional power struggles with students and families. Our goal is to preserve the best instructional learning environment that we can and we believe that students will perform better, achieve at higher levels, and have better learning experiences in our classrooms.
This is where we need our parents/guardians help and support. Ensure communication between the parents and students during the school day goes through the attendance office or main office, such as reminders for appointments or changes in plans for after school. Students will still be allowed to use cell phones during passing periods and during the lunch periods, but the timeliness of response from your student may decrease from what you may have experienced in the past. Our attendance office can be reached at 531-299-2588 or via email at Burke-attendance@ops.org
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns via email (Darren.Rasmussen@ops.org) or phone 531-299-6831. Thank you for supporting Burke High and being a partner in the success of all of our students.
Darren Rasmussen
Frequently Asked Questions about our Cell Phone Expectations
Frequently Asked Questions about our Cell Phone Expectations
1. What about smartwatches? Smartwatches should not become a distraction from directing attention to our classroom teachers or classroom learning environment. They should be on silent mode while in classroom instructional spaces. We will work with our families if these devices become a distraction for individual students.
2. Are we requiring students to put cell phones in the classroom pockets upon entering the classroom? No. We are encouraging students to put their phones in their personal bags FIRST. A phone only goes into the wall pocket if they choose OR if the student must be redirected.
3. What about hallways and restrooms? Cell phones must be put away while students are on restroom breaks or on “passes” during the instructional blocks. Cell phones may be used before and after school, during the passing periods throughout the school day and in the cafeteria during lunch times. If students are using their cell phones in the hallways or restrooms during instructional blocks, they will be escorted to their classroom and asked to place their phones in the classroom pocket until the end of that instructional block.
4. What about during Homeroom? Cell phones must be put away during our daily Homeroom advisory time and have the same expectations as our instructional classroom spaces.
5. Can I have my earbuds in while my phone is off? We are asking students to put their earbuds away in a safe space during instructional class times.
6. Can students have cell phones during evacuation drills? Yes, our goal is to reduce distractions and preserve instructional time. Evacuation drills are already a disruption to the instructional time, so using them as a technology break is okay.
7. What if I do not have a backpack to store my cell phone? This would be a great opportunity to use the cell phone pockets within each classroom. Cell phones need to be on silent and out of visible sight of the student and teacher during instructional times, or in the safe, visible space within our classrooms.
8. As a parent, what if I need to get in touch with my child during the school day? Ensure communication between the parents and students during the school day goes through the attendance office or main office, such as reminders for appointments or changes in plans for after school. Students will still be allowed to use cell phones during passing periods and during the lunch periods, but the timeliness of response from your student may decrease from what you may have experienced in the past. Our attendance office can be reached at 531-299-2588 or via email at Burke-attendance@ops.org
9. What if my Ipad is lost or the battery is dead? It will be important for students to charge their Ipads nightly. Charging student Ipads at night should become a routine for students as we have limited charging spaces throughout the day.
Extracurricular Activity Fees Waived for 2024-2025
.On August 7 of 2023, our Board of Education approved waiving extracurricular
activity fees for the 2023-24 school year. This will continue in the 2024-2025 school year. Therefore, all students can receive an activity card at no charge. Our district will provide each secondary school with funding to account for this change.
We recommend that families submit an Educational Benefits Form to receive
additional services and benefits they may have previously obtained with the
free and reduced form
Academic Support and On-Line Tutoring Now Available
Free Breakfast and Lunch is provided for all students
Breakfast begins in our school cafeteria as early as 6:55 a.m. and students are assigned a lunch period within their schedule.
Standard Response Protocols for Emergency Situations
Safety is everyone's responsibility!
If you or someone you know is in need of support, or you would like to report a safety concern, Safe2Help Nebraska Hotline is available 24/7 at 531-299-SAFE or Safe2Help Nebraska.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Access
Online Payment Options within Omaha Public Schools
Online Payment is a reliable and secure electronic payment processing solution for fees and fines transactions. The Infinite Campus Online Payment has been launched and parents or guardians can set up a payment method and select fees to pay through their Campus Parent Portal account.
Parents or guardians must have a Campus Parent account to do this. If a parent or guardian needs to set up their account, they should contact their child's school. Please contact our school at 531-299-2580 for information on setting up the Campus Parent Portal Account if you haven't done so.
Omaha Burke High School
Website: https://burke.ops.org/
Location: 12200 Burke Blvd, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-2580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPSBurkeHigh/
Twitter: @OPS_Burke