The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings August 9, 2024 - August 23, 2024
Senior Campus Administrators
Dr. Ted Landry, Principal
Ms. Beth Wyrick, Associate Principal Operations
Ms. Jaime Cassidy, Associate Principal Curriculum
Assistant Principal Assignments
Mr. Clint Rushing, A-Car
Ms. Paige Jeanes, Cas-Fue
Ms. Laura Braun, Ful-Jai
Ms. Stefanie Roland, Jam-Med
Ms. LeighAnn Wolfe, Mei-Ramd
Mr. Craig Harbin, Rami-Sto
Mr. Chad Lanham, Str-Z
Senior Campus Counselor Assignments
Ms. Julie Emmons, A-Bru
Ms. Brittany Darden, Brv-Dew
Ms. Lisa Algaze, Dex-Gou
Ms. Keisha Clarke, Gov-Joh
Ms. Monica Frank, Joi-Mas
Ms. Jane Iribarren, Mat-Pag
Ms. Elizabeth Bowling, Pah-Ros
Ms. Venitra Bradberry, Rot-Tay
Ms. Tiffani Jaqua, Taz-Z
Ms. Kristi Tabor, Lead Counselor A-Z
Ms. Kayla St. Romain, College & Career A-Z
9th Grade Campus Administrators
Mr. Dennis Muehsler, Principal
Mr. Ryan Clapsaddle, A-L
Ms. Riqui Boyles, M-Z
9th Grade Campus Counselors
Ms. Vicky Woods, A-Gr
Ms. Allison Chambers, Gu-Pe
Mr. Matthew Kelley, Ph-Z
The College and Career Center Canvas page will be up and running at the start of school, but here are some helpful resources for seniors in the meantime:
Finding GPA and Class Rank in Naviance
Self Reported Academic Record (SRAR) Cheat Sheet
Transcript Request Instructions for Common App
Transcript Request Instructions for Apply Texas/college's website application
Recommendation Letter Instructions
Sending SAT and ACT scores to a college
Conroe ISD is offering test prep classes for both SAT and PSAT. Registration for these courses is through School Cash, and the course offerings can be found here.
Colleges will begin to visit the College and Career Center after Labor Day, and we already have a large number of great universities signed up. Juniors and seniors can register for these visits in Naviance using these instructions.
BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys basketball will be having open gym at the 9th grade campus this month on Mondays 4-5:30 p.m. Next one is this Monday, August 12th.
FFA: FFA parent/student meeting will be held at the senior campus in the LGI 1 on August 28th at 6:30 p.m.
JROTC: Welcome back returning cadets, and welcome to our new cadets! If you are interested in JROTC but did not yet enroll—we can still work with you but time is running out fast!
Congratulations to this year’s Flight Academy graduate, senior Ainsley Frye! Ainsley competed for, and was awarded, an all-expense-paid opportunity to earn her pilot license this summer (a $20,000-plus scholarship). She traveled to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona and completed her certification in just six weeks! We hope to see her fly over a school event or two this fall!
Our first Spirit Night of the year is at Chiller Bee Frozen Yogurt, 10868 Kuykendahl, all day on Saturday, August 24. Mention you are there supporting The Woodlands AFJROTC and our Booster Club will receive a portion of the proceeds. Encourage family and friends to attend and help out our Booster Club!
We are busy getting all the administrative requirements ready for this school year. Our Cadet Guide will be updated, as well as the various forms cadets and parents will need to sign and return for a major grade. We are still receiving updates from our AFJROTC Headquarters which we will incorporate. For now, cadets can check out the Cadet Guide, other documents, and information about our program and instructors at our Cadet Website, www.woodlandsjrotc.org.
JROTC parents, you will start receiving our weekly Parent Newsletter link via email on Wednesdays. We send it to the parent email(s) listed in the school’s system. If you are NOT receiving emails from Lt Col McMartin, 1) check your junk/spam folder, and 2) email cmcmartin@conroeisd.net to ensure you are on our mailing list.
ROBOTICS: TWHS Robotics is having a Shoe Drive August 1 - September 30. We are collecting new and gently used shoes. Drop off sites for the shoes are here at the school, South Regional Library at Lake Robbins Drive or Mitchell Library at Ashlane Way. Your shoe donations help support our robotics build projects and our community outreach programs, while improving the lives of people in developing countries through microenterprise. It's a win-win!
SNHS: Announcing our first Science National Honor Society (SNHS) Member Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year ~ Come to either the morning OR afternoon meeting on Friday, August 23rd. Morning meeting begins at 6:55 a.m. in LGI 1 and the afternoon meeting begins at 2:45 p.m. in LGI 1. Please choose which you would like to attend. Remember, Juniors and Seniors need to attend AT LEAST 12 meetings this year to letter. Juniors and Seniors who are interested in joining, please see Mrs. Parker in room 307. Sophomores who are interested in SNHS will be invited to join this January after taking their first semester of Honors Chemistry.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Attention Seniors! Come decorate your car on August 13th from 6-7:30 p.m. in the 5000s lot (behind the cafeteria). Materials will be provided, but feel free to bring more of your own. See you there!
Seniors are encouraged to wear a child's backpack for the first 3 days of school. Student Council will be collecting the backpacks for the next 2 weeks before donating them to Interfaith The Woodlands so that they may go to children who might not be able to afford a backpack.
All students are welcome to find out more about being involved with Student Council at our informational meeting on Monday, August 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the main campus cafeteria.
Seniors, join us on August 23rd from 6:45-7:15 a.m. in the large courtyard for Senior Sunrise. We will welcome in our senior year and watch the sunrise as we enjoy a Torchy's breakfast taco. (Tacos served on a first come first serve basis.)
Your TWHS nurses are Alana Ansley at the Senior Campus, aransley@conroeisd.net or 936-709-1076, and Erica Falcon at the Ninth Grade Campus, efalcon@conroeisd.net or 832-592-8209. Our clinic hours are 7:00-3:00 on school days. We are looking forward to a happy and healthy year with your students!
As we are completing enrollment for this school year, we will be emailing or sending letters home if your student has any overdue vaccines or expiring Conscientious Objector exemptions. If you receive one of those letters, please take care of any missing vaccines promptly so that your student may begin school on August 14th and remain enrolled.
Please be aware:
● All medication must be checked in to the clinic or athletic trainers by a parent or guardian. State law does not permit students to transport medication to and from school, even if they are 18 years old.
● The clinic does not provide any medication to students, even cough drops.
● The only medications that may be self-carried are inhalers, Epi-pens, and diabetic supplies, WITH a new doctor’s order/action plan on file for the current school year.
● If you have already turned in doctor’s orders for the current school year with your child’s physical, the clinic does still need to receive a copy of those orders.
Forms and more specific medication guidelines are available on the clinic website, https://twhs.conroeisd.net/departments/department-home/clinic/. If you are checking in multiple medications, please complete a Medication Permission Form for EACH medication.
Feel free to follow us on our Instagram account, @twhsclinic.
AP TESTING: Please find ALL information about AP testing, registering for tests, etc. on the NEW AP Testing wesbite: https://tinyurl.com/twhsAPexams
ATTENDANCE: To report an absence, call:
9th Grade: 832-592-8025
10th Grade: 936-709-1236
11th Grade: 936-709-1233
12th Grade: 936-709-1234
Early Releases: If your student needs to leave early, please send them with a note to be delivered to the Attendance office before school. Doing so will ensure that the check-out process will be as quick and efficient as possible. There are no early releases after 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to call the Attendance office with any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!
LIBRARY: TWHS Library is ready for you! Here are some things to know:
We open at 7 a.m. every school day and stay open after school until 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday. On Friday, we close at 3 p.m.
Students can print items for 10 cents a page. If it is a color print, it will cost 50 cents. They can pay in cash or with a print card. Print cards are purchased on School Cash Online for $2.00. After purchase, bring a picture of the receipt to the library to pick it up. It won't be automatically delivered. Print cards can also be bought in the library in cash. We do not accept credit/debit/gift cards in person.
We have a basic selection (pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, glue sticks, etc.) of school supplies that can be purchased if needed throughout the year.
Any books that were not returned in previous years can be brought in and turned in here even if it's from a different campus in CISD, AND there is no late fee!
When a student checks out a book, the parent will receive an email daily for notification purposes. It does not mean the book is overdue. If you want to turn off this notification, please see how at https://www.conroeisd.net/library-services/
YEARBOOK: Order your 2025 TWHS Yearbook now at jostens.com. Yearbook underclass pictures are scheduled at the Main Campus on Sept. 3 & 4 and the Ninth Grade Campus Sept. 5 & 6.
The Woodlands High School Calendar
August 9 - August 23, 2024
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Band Rock-A-Thon
Volleyball Parent Meeting 11:30 Main Gym
Band DCI Finals Watch Party 5:00 LGI 1
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Band Rock-A-Thon
Monday, August 12, 2024
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Vanderbilt University Registration Night 5:30 Auditorium
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Vars Tennis v College Station 4:00 TWHS
Vars & JV Volleyball @ Bridgeland 4:00
9th Volleyball @ Cinco Ranch 4:30
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Vars Volleyball Tournament - Rockwall
JV Tennis v Grand Oaks 3:00 TWHS
Thespian Meeting 3:00 Auditorium
Friday, August 16, 2024
Vars Volleyball Tournament - Rockwall
Vars Tennis @ Grand Oaks 3:00
9th & JV Volleyball @ Klein Cain 4:30
XC Pasta Dinner 5:00 Cafeteria
9th Football v Kingwood 6:00 TWHS
Band Exhibition Performance & BBQ 6:30 Cafeteria/Band Hall/Parking Lot
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Vars Volleyball Tournament - Rockwall
Football - Meet the Players 8:00 TWHS
PSAT 8:45 Rooms 203 & 206
Monday, August 19, 2024
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Student Council 5:15 Cafeteria
Robotics Parent Meeting 6:30 Room 170
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
9th Choir Welcome Party 2:45 TWHS9
Vars Tennis v Willis 3:00 TWHS
9th Grade Open House 6:00 TWHS9
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Tennis Booster Club Meeting 6:00 LGI 1
Thursday, August 22, 2024
JV Tennis @ Willis 3:00
Swim Team Parent Meeting 5:00 LGI 1
XC Pasta Dinner 5:00 Cafeteria
Band Booster Club Board Meeting 5:30 LGI 2
Senior Campus Open House 6:00 TWHS
Band/CG Parent Meeting 7:00 Band Hall
Friday, August 23, 2024
Science NHS Meeting 6:40& 2:40 LGI 1
Vars Tennis @ Caney Creek & Clements 3:00
Volleyball v Katy Jordan 4:30 TWHS
JV & Vars Football Scrimmages 5:30 TWHS
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Website:Main Campus http://twhs.conroeisd.net/
9th Grade Campus https://twhs9.conroeisd.net/
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: Main Campus @TWHSCISD 9th Grade Campus @TWHS9thCISD