Jordan Parent Journal
May Edition
JMS Family Engagement Center
Welcome to a new year at Jordan Middle School. The Family Engagement Center is a place to get assistance with MyPaymentsPlus, learn about eClass, study skills, and check out academic resources to use at home with your child. It is open from 9:15am – 4:00pm.
If you need to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Sconiers, please call 470-564-2851 or email at felecia.sconiers@gcpsk12.org.
You can also use the following link: Parent Center Conference Request
You can visit our Parent Center Website here.
Centro de Padres
Bienvenidos a un nuevo año en Jordan Middle School. El Centro para padres es un lugar para obtener ayuda con MyPaymentsPlus, aprender sobre eClass, habilidades de estudio y consultar recursos académicos para usar en casa con su hijo. Está abierto de 9:15 am a 4:00 pm.
Si necesita programar una cita con la Sra. Sconiers, llame al 470-564-2851 o envíe un correo electrónico a felecia.sconiers@gcpsk12.org.
También puede usar el siguiente enlace: Solicitud de conferencia del centro de padres
Puede visitar nuestro sitio web del Centro de Padres aquí.
Mrs. Sconiers Ask Me Anything Sessions
Mrs. Sconiers, our JMS Parent Involvement Coordinator is hosting "Ask Me Anything" sessions every Tuesday from 11:00am-12:00PM. Bring any and all of your questions and Mrs. Sconiers will be happy to answer them. Click the Zoom link below to access the sessions.
Rising 6th Grade Building Tours
Mrs. Sconiers will be offering building tours to rising 6th graders and their parents. Below is the information and link to sign up for your tour.
There will be a brief meeting discussing important information about Jordan Middle School (expectations, academics, grading, and clubs.) I will take you on a brief tour of the school and answer any questions you may have.
Student Chromebook Return Dates
8th Grade: May 16th
6th Grade: May 17th
7th Grade: May 20th.
If your student is leaving JMS prior to these dates, please return the above items to the front office.
Todos los estudiantes deben devolver su computadora, cargador y bolsa de Chromebook.
Fechas de devolución de computadora:
8th Grade: May 16th
6th Grade: May 17th
7th Grade: May 20th.
CGHS Girl's Basketball Camp
Central Gwinnett High School would like to extend its Summer Camp to anyone interested.
If you are interested, please contact Coach Harris. Courtney.Harris@gcpsk12.org
Dues for the summer are $100.00 to participate.
Payment can be made in any of the following ways:
Cash which I will receipt
Money order made out to CGHS Black Knight Tip Off Club
Zelle- cghsladyknights@gmail.com
Cash app- $ladyblackknights
Click the flyer below for more information.
Parents First Initiative
Hello Parents,
Exciting news! Parents First Initiative is launching parenting workshops this fall throughout the Lawrenceville community!
In these workshops we'll explore vital topics like child responsibility, decision-making,
empathy, peer pressure, and conflict resolution. However, the best part about the workshop is you’ll find a community of other parents who are walking the same journey.
Beginning in September 2024 we will have a number of parenting workshops (in both English and Spanish) that will meet throughout the week on various days of the week and locations.
Here is a list of our upcoming workshops:
Sundays, early evenings at the Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry
Tuesday mid-mornings at Jordan Middle School
Tuesday evenings at Central Gwinnett High School
Thursday evenings at Moore Middle School
Other benefits include a meal, child care (as requested), potential tutoring, and other incentives to make your learning experience even more worthwhile.
For more info please visit the Parents First Initiative website or subscribe to our email list.
Questions? Contact Adam Witter at parentsfirstinitiative@gmail.com
Rising Black Knight Academy
If you have any questions please contact Tukesa Madison at Tukesa.Madison@gcpsk12.org or Felecia Sconiers at Felecia.Sconiers@gcpsk12.org.
For registration please click this link: https://forms.gle/SaQRJvT1YqN1qXZ76
For more information the flyer is linked below.
Back to School 2024 Vaccines for School
If you students need vaccines for the 2024-2025 school year GNR Public Health is offering appointments for vaccination. Appointments are REQUIRED for all services.
Call 770-904-3717 to schedule your appointment today!
For more information please see the flyers below.
GCPS Bookmobile Visits This Summer
The GCPS Bookmobile will be making weekly visits to Central Gwinnett neighborhoods for the months of June and July. Below is a listing of the stops the Bookmobile will be making. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Save the Date! JMS Food Drive June 22nd
JMS will be holding a Food Drive on June 22nd. Please stop by starting at 11:00am. We will remain at the school distributing food until we run out.
Lawrenceville Library Events
Featured Student Events:
VR Field Trip: Machu Picchu - Tuesday, May 14th @4:30pm
Words of Affirmation Button Making - Tuesday, May 21st @5pm
SOTA Best Day Ever
Come have the BEST DAY EVER! with Senior SOTA students. This SOTA Intensive is for one day, May 11th from 9am - 6pm. This is a great opportunity for rising 7th, 8th, and 9th grade theatre lovers.
Maxwell High School 2024 Middle School Summer Adventures
Tuesday May 28- Friday May 31
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Fee: $100 Non-refundable paid through MyPaymentsPlus
Current 5th-8th grades are eligible to participate in Summer Adventures.
Registration opens March 1 @ 12:00 AM through www.mypaymentsplus.com
For more information click HERE to visit the Maxwell HS Middle School Summer Adventures webpage.
Summer Adventures Forms will be emailed after spring break.
Grayson Tech: Summer Career Academy
Tuesday, May 28 - Friday, May 31
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
$100 nonrefundable through mypaymentsplus.com
Rising 6th - 8th graders are invited to spend a week at Grayson Tech!
Programs Offered:
- Commercial Photography
- Culinary Arts
- Graphic Design
- Music Production
- Networking & Cloud Computing
For more information see the flyer below.
Articles of the Month
Parenting Poem
You are the person who has to decide whether you’ll do it, or toss it aside.
You are the person who makes up your mind whether you’ll led or linger behind.
Whether you’ll try for a goal that is far or be contented to stay where you are.
Take it or leave it, there’s something to do just think it over---
It’s all up to you!
--Kaplan, Marcia & David. Smiles.
Georgia: Atlanta, 1982
Tú eres la persona que tiene que decidir si lo harás o lo dejarás a un lado.
Tú eres la persona que decide si te guiarás o te quedarás atrás.
Ya sea que intentes un objetivo que está lejos o que te contentes con quedarte donde estás.
Tómalo o déjalo, hay algo que hacer, solo piénsalo---
¡Todo depende de ti!
--Kaplan, Marcia y David. Sonríe.
Georgia: Atlanta, 1982
Learning at the Homeport/Aprendizaje desde casa
Let’s work together to ensure your child has a successful end of the year. If a parent is a teacher, too –and by now we hope you realize the two are inseparable – then the reinforcement a middle-schooler gets at home is still another key to success at school.
Just being together with a child and talking about a school day is one way to encourage your child’s interest in school. Other shared activities – doing homework together, reading some of the same books, talking over subjects and issues that come up in the classroom – can also pay off in higher student achievement.
Is it a coincidence that the characteristics of effective schools and successful families are similar? Hardly. Since schools reflect the values of society, it should be no surprise that the best of family values will show up in the best learning environments.
If you still need convincing that a good parent is a good teacher, too, consider the similarities between them once more. Both successful families and successful schools exhibit:
- Strong leadership
- High expectations
- A sense of purpose
- Order
- A close, loving eye on progress.
Even if your time is limited, you can encourage learning in your middle-school child with a close relationship at home. Make sure your life at home is orderly, purposeful and positive. Don’t overlook the importance of small things and good routines – things like eating meals together or sharing chores.
Trabajemos juntos para asegurarnos de que su hijo tenga un final de año exitoso. Si un padre también es maestro, y a estas alturas esperamos que se dé cuenta de que los dos son inseparables, entonces el refuerzo que recibe un estudiante de secundaria en casa sigue siendo otra clave para el éxito en la escuela.
Simplemente estar junto con un niño y hablar sobre un día escolar es una forma de fomentar el interés de su hijo en la escuela. Otras actividades compartidas (hacer la tarea juntos, leer algunos de los mismos libros, hablar sobre temas y problemas que surgen en el aula) también pueden dar sus frutos en un mayor rendimiento estudiantil.
¿Es una coincidencia que las características de las escuelas efectivas y las familias exitosas sean similares? Apenas. Dado que las escuelas reflejan los valores de la sociedad, no debería sorprender que los mejores valores familiares se muestren en los mejores entornos de aprendizaje.
Si aún necesita convencerse de que un buen padre también es un buen maestro, considere las similitudes entre ellos una vez más. Tanto las familias exitosas como las escuelas exitosas exhiben:
- Fuerte liderazgo
- Altas expectativas
- Un sentido de propósito
- Orden
- Un ojo cercano y amoroso en el progreso.
Incluso si su tiempo es limitado, puede fomentar el aprendizaje en su hijo de escuela intermedia con una relación cercana en casa. Asegúrese de que su vida en casa sea ordenada, útil y positiva. No pase por alto la importancia de las cosas pequeñas y las buenas rutinas, cosas como comer juntos o compartir las tareas.
Gwinnett County International Newcomer Academy/Academia Internacional para Recién Llegados del Condado de Gwinnett
The Newcomer Academy guides newcomer families through the ins and outs of Gwinnett County Public Schools. The academy is made up of a series of informative sessions on the topics of School Culture and Navigating the School System, GCPS Family Resources, Community Resources, and Rights and Responsibilities. The goal of the Newcomer Academy is for families to develop a greater understanding of the processes associated with GCPS resources. These workshops are taught in Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and English. Information on the dates and times of classes is available in the INC Communication Center.
What: Newcomer Academy
When: Fall and Spring Semester
Where: International Newcomer Center (INC), 495 Maltbie Street, Lawrenceville If you have any questions, please call 678-985-5200
Helpful Math Websites / Sitios web de matemáticas útiles
Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/
Figure This : https://figurethis.nctm.org/index.html (cool challenges for families to do together)
Spanish Link: https://figurethis.nctm.org/espanol.htm
Math TV: https://legacy.mathtv.com/ (Explains how to work out math problems with videos…. Available by 3 different instructors and one speaks Spanish. )
Helpful Reading Instruction/Instrucción de lectura útil
Students can benefit and increase their language arts skills by going into their Student Portal and accessing one of the following programs:
- Amplify
- iReady
- Sadlier Vocabulary
The best way to increase your students' skills is to encourage them to have a set time to read every day, visit the library, listen to audio books on Audible/Kindle and digital book websites such as Epic!
Los estudiantes pueden beneficiarse y aumentar sus habilidades en artes del lenguaje ingresando a su Portal de estudiantes y accediendo a uno de los siguientes programas:
- Amplificar
- estoy listo
- Vocabulario más triste
La mejor manera de aumentar las habilidades de sus estudiantes es animarlos a tener un tiempo establecido para leer todos los días, visitar la biblioteca, escuchar audiolibros en Audible/Kindle y sitios web de libros digitales como Epic.
Thank You JMS Volunteers/Gracias voluntarios de JMS
Si desea convertirse en voluntario de JMS, por favor click here (Spanish form)
If you would like to learn more about the JMS Parent Center please click here.