Spruce Elementary!
2024-2025 School Year

Dear Spruce Elementary Families,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you and your child had a restful summer and I encourage you to begin the routine of sleeping at an early time as we come close to returning to school.
***I am testing out this new platform of communication for this school year to better reach our families. You can translate into the language of your choice at the top of this page.
***Estoy probando esta nueva plataforma de comunicación para este año escolar para llegar mejor a nuestras familias. Puede traducir al idioma que elija en la parte superior de esta página done dice "Translate."
We look forward to seeing all on THURSDAY AUGUST 15TH, our first day of school.
School Starts at 8:20am
OFFICE HOURS August 6-9 9am-2:30pm
Who is my child's teacher this year?
Letters with class assignments will not be sent home this year.
Since our district has moved to Infinite Campus Online, parents will login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Where you completed your Annual Enrollment or New Registration) and be able to see your child's schedule there.
Practice logging in to Infinite Campus Portal!
Schedules will go LIVE next week. I will follow up when they are posted and ready to view next week.
If you need assistance with resetting a password, you may call the office at 650-877-8780 or email scruz@ssfusd.org
Changed your phone number or address?
Contact Spruce Elementary Office at 650-877-8780 to inform of any changes so we can direct you and you do not miss important updates. All phone numbers and addresses must be up to date.
TK/Kindergarten Information
Here are a few notes to review:
- Bring all supplies according to the supply list (attached and found on our website).
- Students are to be in uniform everyday (All Fridays will be Free Dress!)
- Gates will open at 8:10am. Please do not drop off your child before 8:10am.
- Children who will eat breakfast only may go directly to the cafeteria starting at 7:45am. Students in TK/Kindergarten will be walked to the classroom before school begins at 8:10am and be monitored by noon duty supervisor.
- Arrive before classes start at 8:20am (aim for 8:15am).
- Arrive early to look for parking on the street and most importantly DRIVE CAREFULLY.
- Entrance is ONLY through Spruce Avenue walking gate and Tamarack walking gate.
- Students line up outside their classroom starting at 8:10am when gates open.
- Parents are to wait with students at their line everyday.
- When students start to walk in parents must leave campus. A quick goodbye is the best! Tell them you love them and will see them later!
- Keep all children off of play structures at all times.
- TK:
- August 15 - September 27 release is at 12:30pm.
- Week of September 30th will be conference week and minimum day schedules
- 1:20pm release begins on October 7th
- Kindergarten:
- August 15 - August 30 release is at 12:30pm.
- Starting September 3 release is at 1:20pm.
See below for TK/Kindergarten Welcome Hour on August 14th!
1st Grade-5th Grade Information
Here are a few notes to review:
Bring all supplies according to the supply list (attached and found on our website).
Students are to be in uniform everyday (All Fridays will be Free Dress!)
Gates will open at 8:10am. Please do not drop off your child before 8:10am.
Children who will eat breakfast only may go directly to the cafeteria starting at 7:45am. Students in TK/Kindergarten will be walked to the classroom before school begins.
Arrive before classes start at 8:20am (aim for 8:15am).
Arrive early to look for parking on the street and most importantly DRIVE CAREFULLY.
Entrance is through Spruce Avenue walking gate and Tamarack walking gate.
1st - 5th Grade
Students will line up outside starting at 8:10am when gates open.
Parents may wait with children at their line.
When students start to walk in to class, parents must leave campus.
Keep all children off of play structures at all times.
All 1st-5th students will line up on the playground yards. Class numbers can be found painted on the playground.
1st-3rd Upper Playground
4th-5th Lower Playground
DISMISSAL: On August 15th school will end at 2:40pm for 1st-5th. 2:40pm will be the regular dismissal time. Wednesdays will be 1:40pm.
1st-3rd Grade: Dismissal is in front of the Main Office
4th & 5th Grade: Dismissal is at Tamarack Gate
PreK information will be sent to individual families
Supply Lists
Start to label your child's water bottle and lunch boxes/bags please!
If you need assistance, contact Spruce Office at 650-877-8780
Please ensure your child is on time and present every day. We want all of our children to be successful and that means coming to school on time and every day! 😃
TK/Kindergarten Welcome Hour August 14
Welcome to TK/Kindergarten at Spruce Elementary!
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 01:00 PM
Kindergarten Yard at Spruce Elementary
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