The Acorn
A Newsletter for CSB/SJU Cooperating Teachers
Volume 5, no. 8--Sunday, December 11, 2022
Growing, Nurturing, and Supporting CSB/SJU Student Teachers
A Message from the Director of Student Teaching
For the final edition of The Acorn for this term, I reprise last fall's final edition article. In all of our busyness and scheduled days, we need time to pause for joy, for laughter.
Supported by both science and spirit, laughter is good medicine. As we approach a much-needed and much-deserved break, I offer you a few video links connecting you to amusing perspectives on the world of teaching.
In the Science of the Positive (Linkenbach, 2010), we are reminded of the importance of positivity, perception, purpose and passion. Certainly, laughter aligns with the intention of these ideas.
Many of us are familiar with Gerry Brooks and his videos from his car. We may not be familiar with two other educators:
Devin Seabold is a teacher from Orlando, Florida who hosts a podcast called Crying in My Car. He also has a series of amusing teacher-based videos linked here.
Jess Smith is a teacher and social media creator who humorously reflects on her work in and out of the classroom. In addition to the Hot Mess Express podcast, she also has a series of videos through Bored Teacher called Real Talk with Miss Smith.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your mentorship, support, and guidance of student teachers from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University. Your valuable presence, work, insights, and dedication are truly appreciated!
Weeks 15-17 for Student Teachers
For Candidates in 16-week placements:
Weeks 15 & 16-
Week 15--
- Conduct one formal observation
- Discuss transitioning back to your classroom
- Prepare a letter of recommendation to share with the student teacher and university supervisor
- Taper student teacher’s teaching down
- Complete all necessary forms (final evaluation and dispositions of student teacher, evaluation of supervisor)
- Participate in final triad meeting
For Candidates in 5-week placements:
Week 3--
- Work with the student teacher on planning, preparation of lessons and materials, monitoring of student work
- Allow the student teacher to teach up to full time for five consecutive days between weeks 3 & 4
- Conduct one formal observation and provide feedback
Week 4--
- Continue as in week 3
- Conduct one formal observation and provide feedback
- Discuss transitioning back to your classroom
- Prepare a letter of recommendation to share with the student teacher and university supervisor
Week 5--
- Taper student teacher’s teaching down
- Complete all necessary forms (final evaluation and dispositions of student teacher, evaluation of supervisor)
- Participate in final triad meeting
For Candidates in 8-week placements:
Week 7 of second placement--
- Conduct one formal observation
- Discuss transitioning back to your classroom
- Prepare a letter of recommendation to share with the student teacher and university supervisor
Week 8 of second placement--
- Taper student teacher’s teaching down
- Complete all necessary forms (final evaluation and dispositions of student teacher, evaluation of supervisor)
- Participate in final triad meeting
Final Forms to Complete for Student Teaching
Student Teaching Observations (by Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor/Director)
Please be sure you have completed at least FOUR observations for placements of 16 weeks. For placements of 8 weeks, TWO are required; for placements of 5 weeks, please try to complete TWO observations.
Additional Forms:
Cooperating Teacher Information (if not completed in the past three years)
Cooperating Teacher's Final Evaluation of Student Teacher
Cooperating Teacher's Dispositional Evaluation of Student Teacher
Evaluation of University Supervisor by Cooperating Teacher
Also to do:
A letter of recommendation/reference submitted digitally to the student teacher, university supervisor, and director of student teaching (
CSB/SJU Education Department
Director of Elementary and Secondary Student Teaching
Allison Spenader, PhD.
Location: 37 College Avenue South, St Joseph, MN, USA
Phone: 320-363-5709