WMS Weekly Update Sept. 27, 2024
September 27th, 2024
Good Afternoon WMS Families:
- Please be on the lookout for the Feinstein Jr. Scholar cards in your child's backpack. The card offer discount to many area businesses.
- As of September 30, 2024, students that have not completed a Transportation Application will not be allowed to ride the bus. If a student is at a bus stop in the morning, they will be brought in to school but will not be able to take the bus home if they are not registered. There is no waitlist so any new applications will have a 72-hour turnaround for the bus to be assigned. Families can learn more and apply on the APS Transportation webpage.
- Please join parents of other English Learners for an ELPAC meeting on October 17, 2024, at 5:30 PM. Parents/Guardians who attend will learn about school communication, school calendars, and the services available to students in the English Learner's program.
- If you need an interpreter, you must inform your student's ELL Teacher by Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- Childcare will NOT be provided for this meeting. Children may attend and sit quietly at the table with their parents in the meeting
- Each family who attends will have the chance to win a GIFT CARD
- Click the link for more information: https://www.smore.com/n/um3yf
- We are pleased to inform you of Attleboro High School’s participation in the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy for the 2024-2025 School Year. The Seal of Biliteracy is offered to any student who demonstrates proficiency in English and any other language, whether they speak or sign the language other than English at home or learned it at school or in the community. The State Seal of Biliteracy aims to:
Encourage students to study and master languages;
Certify attainment of biliteracy skills;
Recognize the value of language diversity;
Provide employers with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills;
Provide universities with a method to recognize and give credit to applicants for attainment of high-level skills in languages;
Prepare students with skills that will benefit them in the labor market and the global society; and
Strengthen intergroup communication and honor the multiple cultures and languages in a community.
In order to earn the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy, students must:
Demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English by earning a minimum score of 472 or higher on the Grade 10 ELA MCAS,
Demonstrate a high level of proficiency in a world language by attaining a minimum score equivalent to Intermediate-High on an assessment approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and
Satisfy all other graduation requirements.
The Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction is available to students who:
Earn a score of 501 or higher on the Grade 10 ELA MCAS
Demonstrate a proficiency level of Advanced Low or higher on a Department-approved assessment, and
Satisfy all other graduation requirements.
We will be administering the ELA MCAS throughout the year including in November and March. We will also administer AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages) Measure at select times during the school year.
We look forward to honoring the language expertise and diversity in our district through this initiative. If you have any further questions, please contact Robin Frank at rfrank@attleboroschools.com.
Have a great weekend!
03 School Council & PTO 6:30PM
11 Early Release 11:30AM Dismissal
14 No School Columbus Day