The Hiawatha Buzz!
September 27th, 2024

March 21st, 2025
*Click on the Hiawatha Buzz image above for a mobile-friendly view or table of contents on a computer
Principal's Message
Dear Hiawatha Community,
We have been busy since returning from break, focusing on the transition to Hiawatha becoming a K-2 building next year. I have been working closely with Colleen Birner, the principal at Summit Street, and Matt Roy, the principal at Fleming.
Our full staff meet this Wednesday to begin to plan meaningful transitions for our second and third-grade students. These plans will help celebrate our traditions here at Hiawatha at the end of the year, while also generating excitement for their move to Fleming.
I also want to acknowledge the many emotions, including sadness and anxious feelings, that families and students may be experiencing during this transition. Change can be both exciting and challenging, and I want to assure both Hiawatha Elementary and Summit Street School families and students that we are here to support each and every one of you. We are a welcoming community, and we will approach this change with open arms, honoring the strengths and traditions of both buildings.
As we bring together our two communities, I truly believe that we will create an even stronger, more connected community. At the heart of our success are the people—students, families, and staff—who make our community so special. Together, we will continue to foster a caring and supportive environment for everyone.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you every step of the way.
I hope to see many of you tonight at our PTO Enchanted Forest Dance!
Have a great weekend,
Important Dates
Friday, March 21 - PTO Dance - 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Monday, March 31, 2025 - Eid - NO SCHOOL - Please plan accordingly
Tuesday, April 8 - Budget Vote
Georgie, our special bee friend! 🐝
Message from Nurse Reyna
Hello Hiawatha Community,
We are asking for donations of NEW WINTER GEAR for our winter closet that we use to support students that need of winter clothing. If you would like to help, please sign up to donate items you'd like to donate using this SignUp Genius Link. You can drop off your items to the Main Office or to the Nurse's Office by March 28th.
Thank you for your support.
Nurse Reyna
Message from Ms. Gengras in Art
All Hiawatha artists have been busy creating masterpieces for our annual Square1Art fundraiser. For those new to Hiawatha, Square1Art is a fundraiser where students produce 2D artwork, and families can order products featuring this artwork. Every student will receive five free stickers. If you have any questions about the art, please contact me at cgengras@ewsd.org. For inquiries about the ordering process, please contact Gillian Bergeron at Gillian_Bergeron@ca2.uscourts.gov. Stay tuned for more information when catalogs are sent home in April!
While students can choose any subject for their drawings, they follow specific guidelines to ensure high-quality work. We cover steps such as sketching and practicing, starting their drawings in pencil, adding a border, outlining in Sharpie, and filling their papers with color. It’s wonderful to see students engaging with subjects that are important to them. Students will complete their Square1Art projects next week and begin glazing their bisque ware. Once I fire the bisque ware in the kiln, it will become glaze ware. While I will select some pottery pieces for display at Fine Arts Night, most students will take their projects home next month. Fine Arts Night is Thursday, April 10th, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. If your child's artwork is selected for the show, they will receive a postcard after April 1st. I hope to see you there!
Cassandra Gengras, M.Ed.
Art Educator
Hiawatha School
Room B2/ext. 7765
VTCAP Testing for All Third Graders April 1-4
Our third grade students will be taking the State's annual academic assessment in mathematics and English language arts, the Vermont Comprehensive Assessment Program , or VTCAP, on April 1-4th. The students will be testing in the morning from 8:30-10:45 AM.
Please make sure your child is rested and comes to school on time.
PTO Update
Today is the day! Our Enchanted Forest dance is tonight at 5:30 PM! We look forward to seeing you there!
Don’t forget that this Tuesday, March 25th is our first Hiawatha Speaker Series event. Garry Scott is the Director of Facilities and District Safety for the Essex Westford School District. If you have ever wondered about what our district is doing to keep students and staff safe, then this is the event for you. It’s free, so please join us, 6 PM.
FUNDRAISER ALERT! We’ve got two big fundraisers happening this spring.
Keep an eye out for your child’s Square One Art packets that will be sent home in their Friday Folders very soon. This fundraiser allows you to purchase your child’s art on a variety of items. It’s a fantastic way to support our school, capture a memory or find a unique gift for a loved one. The Hannaford Helps Schools fundraiser has begun! Check out their website: https://www.hannaford.com/about-us/hannaford-helps/schools to learn how your purchases at Hannaford can turn into money for Hiawatha PTO.
Ashley Arcovitch
Hiawatha PTO President
Hot Lunch Menu
Please click this link to see the hot lunch menu, be sure to select the correct month you need and select lunch in the drop down in the top of the page. The menu can also be found on our website :-)
Email: hiawathaoffice@ewsd.org
Website: www.EWSD.org/HIALocation: 30 Hiawatha Avenue, Essex Junction, VT, USA
Phone: 802-878-1384