The Colt Chronicles
Camden Elementary School - October 2024

A Message from Dr. Powers
November Calendar
1 - Fun Run Kickoff
- 4th Grade SEAGUL to Medieval Times
4 - Professional Development Day/ No School for Students
5 - Election Day/ Schools Closed
7 - 3rd Grade SEAGUL to Historic Camden
8 - 1st Grade Mock Election
- 4th Grade Liberty Live
11 - Veterans Day Program/ Breakfast
12 - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 5-8 pm
14 - Guys with Ties/Girls with Pearls
- 2nd Grade Marionette Theater
15 - Interims
- Colt Club Day
21 - Birthday Book Club
- SIC Meeting 7:45 am
25 - Fun Run
- Kona Ice Day
27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Colt Fun Run
Kick Off
We will kick off fundraising for our 2024 Camden Elementary School Colt Fun Run this Wednesday, November 6th! This year's goal is $17,500. The Fun Run will be held Monday, November 25th!
This is our school’s largest fundraiser, and it is important to help us fund schoolwide
incentives and celebrations, XtraMath program to support student math fluency, Pick Up
Patrol dismissal system, student enrichment, and school beautification.
Parents will receive an email from Camden Elementary Partners the afternoon of Nov. 6th
with your student's individual fundraising page link. The email subject will be: Ready, Set,
Go! 2024 CES Colt Fun Run Donation Site is Now Live!
Please share your link with family and friends. If you are accessing the fundraiser from the main fundraising landing page and not your student’s individual link, then please search by first name and first initial of the last name.
We will celebrate fundraising milestones along the way. Students will have the
opportunity to earn individual and class rewards for their levels of participation.
- Students earning $50 or more will participate in a December Cookie Decorating Party
- Students earning $100 or more will ride on Dr. Powers’s Principal Taxi.
- The class in each grade with the highest percentage of participation will receive a Classroom Popcorn Party.
School Milestones
$5,000 – Silly string Dr. Powers and Mrs. White
$10,000 – Pie in the Face Dr. Powers and Mrs. White
Over $15,000 – Slime Dr. Powers and Mrs. White
(the highest earning class will make the slime)
Chick-fil-A Night
The second grade team is raising funds to help with the cost of field trips and would love your support. Please come join the CES Colts for Second Grade Chick-fil-A Spirit Night on Tuesday, November 12th from 5-8PM. Present your flyer, and 15% of your purchase will go towards our 2nd Grade friends. We cannot wait to have dinner with our favorite Colts.
Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America
Library Life
Reading Rivals!
Counselor's Corner
Here are some practical tips to help understand and address your child’s emotions:
Ask open ended questions like, “Why are you feeling upset?” or “What’s going on?”
Acknowledge their feelings. Let your child know it's ok to feel angry or frustrated, even if they don’t understand why.
Explore possible triggers together. Gently suggest reasons for their behavior such as feeling overwhelmed or disappointed. This helps them identify what might be causing their distress and give them the language to express themselves. Teach them to communicate “I am frustrated because…”
Creating a supportive environment where your child feels understood and valued will result in improved behavior and will strengthen your connection with them.
Notes from Nurse Rhonda
November Creativity Challenge
Mrs. Miles Monthly Challenge
Use your Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills to Build a Dinner table out of paper!
- You may Use any kind of paper (Construction, Notebook, printer, newspaper...).
- You may use tape or glue.
- Your table can be any size, but should be no bigger than 12 inches (length, width, or height).
- Your table should hold one can of food without falling over.
Bonus Challenge: How many cans of food can your table support? Put your Engineering Skills to the test!
Bring your table and cans to Mrs. Miles by November 25th.
Canned Goods will be donated to Food For the Soul.
All monthly challenge participants will be recognized with a certificate.
Please reach out to Mrs. Megan Miles (SEAGUL) with any questions. meagan.miles@kcsdschools.net
Car Rider Line
Thank you for your cooperation in our car rider line. To help speed up the process please have your car tag displayed from the rear view mirror or visor so that it can be seen by all staff when going through the line in the afternoon.
Parent Survey
KCSD Parenting Newsletter
Please visit the Kershaw County School District’s parenting newsletter, Parents Make the Difference! This resource has great information and educational tips for parents and is available in both Spanish and English.
Procedures for Lunch with Students
We are excited to welcome families into our school to eat lunch with their CES Colts. When you eat with your child in the cafeteria, you will notice that we have routines, procedures and expectations for our students. To ensure the safety of all of our students in the cafeteria, we will follow the following guidelines for parent lunch guests in our school:
All lunch visitors will need to bring identification and check in at the front office to receive a visitor’s badge.
All lunch visitors will also need to be listed as a contact in PowerSchool for the child they are visiting.
Please email our Lunch Coordinator, jennifer.hetrick@kcsdschools.net or call us at 803-425-8960 to let us know you plan to eat lunch with your child at least one day prior to your visit.
Parents should arrive at your child’s exact lunch time to ensure that we keep all students on schedule. All students must eat at their designated lunch time.
Our school will have a special eating area for you and your child when you visit. Due to space constraints, please limit guests to 2 per student/per visit.
We welcome you to purchase food in our cafeteria or to bring food from home. The cost for a parent lunch is $5.30.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.
School Reminders & Information
Arrival and Dismissal
Field Trips & Volunteers
Be Great Academy
Candid Colts
There's a New Sheriff in Town!
This week, our fifth-grade students engaged in a hands-on learning experience by participating in a mock election as part of their Wild West module. Teachers represented Sheriff candidates, presenting their platforms, followed by students casting their votes. This activity not only taught them about the electoral process but also the importance of civic participation. Such initiatives foster critical thinking and prepare our young leaders for the future.
And the winner is.....Rowdy Rosie Thompson!!!!