The Weekly Update #10
October 13th, 2024
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We have now made it to the 2nd quarter of the school year! This nine-week period will include field trips, district assessments, PBIS activities, 1st 9-week Honor Roll celebration, along with several holiday celebrations!
With all of this, we are still looking to begin after school tutoring for our traditional students. At this point, we do not have enough students to begin. However, we will continue to accept information through the Google Form that will be attached to this newsletter and/or hard-copy information sheets. We want to provide our students the opportunity to improve their learning through any means that we can provide.
The students had an awesome time at our first PBIS activity. We want to continue the momentum during Homecoming week! On Friday, students who have not had any suspensions will be able to attend the in-school dance. On Wednesday, ALL students will be able to attend the Pep Rally to cheer on our football team as they gear up to battle against McKinley Middle. There was a last minute change by the district that has moved the game to McKinley Middle at 2:40 PM. Currently, our team is UNDEFEATED, and we want to show up and show out for our student athletes!
Parents, we are beginning to have issues with students going into the belongings of other students. This is highly unacceptable and will be dealt with through discipline. Please speak with your students on remaining vigilant on ensuring that their belongings are properly locked up during P.E. and placed properly in class. Cell phones are not allowed in pockets, nor should they be on during school. We are asking that ALL electronic devices remain at home in order to avoid any possible theft, loss, or confiscation.
Please note that Southeast Middle is also celebrating 50 years of serving the educational needs of students in East Baton Rouge Parish. We are looking to celebrate this occasion with an activity. Please be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks.
Lastly, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Remember, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office during regular business hours from 6:45 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.
Educationally yours,
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
Football Schedule
Please note that the location for the game for this week against McKinley has been changed. We will play at McKinley Middle at 2:40 PM.
Basketball Information for girls
If there are any girls interested in trying out for the basketball team, please get with Coach Ross or Coach Hill for information regarding tryouts and physicals.
Homecoming Schedule and Information
Homecoming begins upon our return from Fall Break on Tuesday, October 15!