The Buzz
Summer Term - 11th May 2023

Message From The Executive Head of School
I hope you all enjoyed the Coronation celebrations last weekend, we have heard all about the parties the children attended. The celebrations in school were very much enjoyed by the children, thanks particularly to the HISNA team for the crowns and to Mrs Lucy Connolly who coordinated the school celebrations.
Our principle this week is challenge and we have certainly seen that in year 2, the children are currently completing the year 2 SATs and this will continue over the next couple of weeks. The children are all doing their very best and we are pleased with their positive attitude towards these assessments. The results will be shared with parents in the end of year reports. We have also been so impressed with the learning of year 1 pupils on our learning walks. The progress the children have made this year is clear and their maturity and readiness to learn is impressive.
I am very pleased to let you know that the reception playground is scheduled to have a summer revamp, with a new playframe and the step up will be removed. The reception team are excited and looking forward to the updated equipment. This is a major investment and I am delighted that this has been part funded by you through HISNA, we couldn't do it without you!
This week, Lazerlions have started delivering a weekly session on Circus skills with each class and the children are very much looking forward to learning new skills.
Finally, you will be aware that HJS was visited by Ofsted prior to the Easter break, the Ofsted report is now ready and it gives me great pleasure to share that with you. It is a wonderful report and a testament to the hard work of the staff and children. This will be sent out tomorrow.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
During the pandemic cases of domestic abuse increased in our local area. Here are some links to services available in Richmond to support those who are suffering domestic abuse. The definition of domestic abuse now includes coercive and controlling behaviours.
The class with the best attendance last week was 2T with 99%
The classes with the no lates last week 2A, 2D and RF
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of OPPORTUNITY
RDC Reuben
RF Bella
RC Willow
RK Adam
1B Wren
1C Saoirse
1H Musa
1K Livia
2A Olivia L
2D Elianna
2J Cinar
2T Anabel
This week we introduced 'Drawing Club' to the children which is aimed at encouraging children to enjoy mark making, develop their fine motor skills, imagination and creativity. We have been amazed at how incredible the children's drawings have been and how unique each of their creations are. We had lots of fun drawing the characters from Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the story setting and a map to help the bears find Goldilocks.
In maths we have begun learning about positional language and enjoyed listening to Rosie's Walk and acting the story out in our small world play. The story follows Rosie the hen as she goes for a walk and is followed by a sly fox. We are working on using positional language in our play using words such as in, on, under, behind, in front and on top of.
Each day the children have been eager to check on the progress of our caterpillars and observe how they have grown. They have been fascinated to watch the caterpillars eat, spin silk and grow larger. The caterpillars are now much bigger and we are patiently waiting for them to progress into the chrysalis stage of the life cycle. This has led to lots of questions and conversations around growing and what will happen when the butterflies are here.
Another brilliant week here in Reception. We have been delving deeper into our story of the week: Goldilocks. The children have loved adding drama to their learning as they hot seat some of the characters from our story. They really got involved and asked some brilliant questions to find out how Goldilocks felt when she was startled by the three bears or how Baby Bear felt when he saw that his chair was broken. The creative energy kept flowing during Drawing Club too. The children immersed themselves into the story and really used their imaginations to draw their own versions of a chosen character. We saw lots of interesting characterisations such as Daddy Bear being sucked up by an alien's lazer beam at the wonderful age of 101!
The children have loved sharing their weekend celebrations of the King's Coronation. It was lovely to hear that many attended street parties and ate lots of cakes, just like our tea party we had at school on Friday. The children chatted about how big and jewelled the King's crown was and really got into the Royal spirit as they discussed what they would do if they were King or Queen for a day.
In maths this week, we have been using our knowledge of numbers to create number stories following a 'First, Then and Now' template. The children set up a bus stop using 10 chairs and every time a new passenger got aboard, we had a think about how many we 'First' started with, 'Then' how many have hopped on to figuring out how many we have 'Now'. The children were brilliant at using their maths language to explain their thinking and even noticed number patterns as each number increased by 1 passenger.
Kings Coronation Flag Making
Kings Coronation Crown Making
Coronation Tea Party
As the weather begins to warm up, we have been having lots of fun in PE learning to throw a variety of sports equipment with accuracy. After exploring the technique to throw under arm and over arm we applied our knowledge in throwing games.
Phonics, we have been recapping the ‘ow’/’ou’ sounds (e.g. brown, cloud) and the ‘or’/’aw’/’au’ (e.g. haunt, horn, claw) sound alongside reading lots of alien words in preparation for our quiz soon!
We have been learning about William the Conqueror, the first Norman Monarch of England, in History this week. We learnt about William’s role in the Battle of Hastings using the Bayeux Tapestry before working in pairs to create freeze frames from the Bayeux Tapestry depicting the Battle of Hastings.
In Science, we have been learning about animal groups in our topic ‘Amazing Animals!’. We have been discussing the features of different animals and what different animals eat. We thought about ways we could group animals together on the carpet before heading off to group animals as a table. We noticed that sometimes animals could be in both groups or in neither.
We have begun learning about fractions in Maths. We began by practically making halves and identifying a half and a whole. We looked at various types of representations to develop our understanding of a half, including halves of shapes and objects in different ways. For example, a square can be split in half vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Kings and Queens
1B in their Coronation Crowns
Building Castles
Year 2
Science: We have been lucky to use our outdoor areas this week to explore microhabitats and alive and never alive features in our environment. Using magnifying glasses and clipboards we have found out what minibeasts we have in our playground and how this can be affected by the change in weather.
Art: In our learning of textiles, the children have used a range of material including those they have dyed to create a loom rug. Through weaving fabric between strings they have created a colourful patterned material.
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815