FHS PTSA Updates
September 2022
President's Message
Welcome Back to School!
I hope everyone is excited to begin a new school year filled with endless possibilities! It was great to meet so many of you in person at Fallston Fest! This year’s PTSA membership drive is in full swing. Please stop by our website, fhsptsa.org to learn more about joining and helping us to make a difference in our school community. Money raised from membership and community events goes directly to support programs and events throughout the year. Please read through this newsletter, which contains important information about meetings, events, ways you can get involved, and stay connected. You can find us on social media for updates and event reminders.
I hope you and your family have a fantastic year!
Andrea Richie
2021-2022 PTSA Highlights
Just a few ways the PTSA got involved last year:
· $2,000 towards a teacher wish list
· $1,000 towards the teacher lounge renovations
· $500 to school clubs
· 4 Scholarships given to FHS Seniors
· Hosted a community wide bingo, Substance Free Post Prom Party, Post-Graduation Party, and Baccalaureate ceremony
PTSA Board Members for 2022-2024
President - Andrea Richie
Vice President - Jacki Amato
Treasurer - Janine Perez
Secretary - Melissa Ward
PTSA General Membership Meeting Thursday October 13th 6:30
Back to School Night
Back to School night will be on September 22, 2022 from 6:30p to 8:30p. This is a virtual event.
This virtual format will allow parents to “meet” teachers in a video format and to engage with them to ask questions through Teams Meeting links, families can now do this from home and enter into Q and A Office Hours with staff without the rush or a 10 minute timeframe or running from one room to the next.
We will also present presentations specific to Grade 9 families, Mental Health Supports, Counseling, Canvas, school vision, mission, and policies, as well as specific programs like Advanced Tech, Business Education, PLTW, and Dual enrollment.
All presentations and teacher videos will be available after the 22nd to review or to view for the first time if you cannot that evening.
Spirit Dine Night - Wednesday September 21st 5p-9p
Order online for pickup using code NM7KVGY or
show the flyer, which can be found on our website (link below), at the restaurant.
Wednesday September 21st 5-9pm
Thank You
2022-2023 FHS PTSA Membership includes:
Family Package - $60
2 PTSA memberships
2 Cougar T-shirts
2 Pairs of Cougar socks
2 lanyards
Individual Package - $30
1 PTSA membership
1 Cougar T-shirt
1 Pair of Cougar socks
Partner Package - $15
1 PTSA membership
Seniors MUST be a PTSA member to apply for the FHS PTSA Scholarship
(4 - $500 scholarships)
Volunteers Needed - Get Involved with the PTSA
Post-Graduation Night/Casino Night - Committee Chairperson and Committee Members needed to assist with planning, prizes, games, and volunteer the night of the event.
Post-Prom Party - Committee members needed to obtain donations, prizes, and volunteer the night of the event.
Fallston Cup Soccer Tournament - Committee members to help the Chairperson create the menu for the event and volunteers the days of the event.
Newsletter - Volunteer needed to update monthly newsletter with all PTSA information. We need someone to shadow the current volunteer and take over for the 2023/2024 school year.
New Event Planning Committee - The PTSA is committed to creating a new event which is not Senior focused. We need a group of people to brainstorm and report back to the Board with ideas. Ideally that same group would then work together to plan and coordinate the event.
2023 Senior Packages
It won't be long before it's time to turn the Senior tassels to the other side, so let's celebrate!
FHS PTSA offers senior banners and mailbox bows to recognize your student's success. Plus, we are committed to providing a fun chemical-free environment for our Seniors during the prom and graduation season with the Post Prom Party and post graduation Casino Night, both featuring thousands of dollars worth of prizes for your Senior to win!
First cut-off for banner orders is October 15, 2022. Banners will go to print shortly after and be hung in the main hallway of the high school. A second order will be placed in the beginning of 2023)
Join in the fun - let's celebrate Class of 2023!
Click Here to Purchase a whole Senior Package or any item a la carte.
Senior Package Includes:
Senior Banner
Senior Banner - 18" x 24" custom, one-sided, vinyl banner, hemmed with two (2) grommets on top corners. The banners hang in the main hallway (hanging from the ceiling), during the Spring. The students arrive to school and are "wowed" by the banners. High quality vinyl banners, lifetime memento that you can use for your graduation party, college send-off, or just to hang on your house to announce to your neighborhood, "Job Well Done!"
Those banners purchased by October 15 will be hung in the school by Thanksgiving, and then through the Spring. Orders after that date will not go to print until early 2023 and hung late Winter.
Post Prom Party
Casino Night
Mailbox/Front Door Bows
Reflections - National Arts Program
FHS PTSA Website
Remind App
Join by texting 81010 and entering your class code above.
Let's Get Social
And follow us on Instagram to stay updated with the PTSA: https://www.instagram.com /fallstonptsa/
Fallston High School
Harford County Public Schools
Fallston High School PTSA
Thank you to our business partners that offer year-round fundraising for FHS PTSA!
Every time you choose our community partners your purchases support FHS PTSA!
If you would like to become a business partner of the FHS PTSA please email fallstonhighschoolptsa@gmail.com for more information.