Leopard Spots
Lowell Elementary
From the Desk of Ms.Griffitts
March 1, 2023
Dear Lowell Families,
Thank You!
Thank you to the Lowell PTSA and families for supporting the Lowell 100th Anniversary Celebration and Auction. The support of our students and school is amazing and we are truly grateful. Thank you!
Kinder Registration
We are excited to meet our incoming Leopards! Please plan to attend Kindergarten Registration on March 2nd from 4:00 - 5:30pm at Lowell. We ask that you register online at the following link before you attend Kindergarten Registration (please remember to select the 2023-24 school year at the start of your online application; and ensure that your child will turn 5 on or before September 1st of the 2023-24 school year).
Report Cards
Please watch for your child's report card. They will be sent home on Friday, March 31.
Lost and Found
With the change in weather, we often see a rise in our lost and found. Students wear their jackets in the morning, get hot and take them off, then leave them on the playground. Please label clothing and also encourage your child to check the lost and found if they are missing a jacket, or come into the building to look through it yourself.
Parent Input for Student Class Placement
As we approach the end of the school year, you will have the opportunity to share information about your child that we will consider when working on class placements. Those forms will be shared in the newsletter next month.
Important Upcoming Dates
- March 2, Kindergarten Registration, 4:00 - 5:30pm
- March 3, Breakfast and Books, 8:45 - 9:10am
- March 8, PTSA Meeting, 4:00pm
- March 16, Fun Run Event (11:00am - 3:30pm) and Track Ribbon Cutting, 4:00pm
- March 17, End of Third Quarter, early release, 1:45pm
- March 20-24, Spring Break, no school
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Abbey Griffitts
Principal, Lowell Elementary
Lowell Calendar
Check out the Lowell calendar for important dates and information.
Thursday, March 2
Kindergarten Registration 4-5:30pm
Friday, March 3
Breakfast & Books, parents invited 8:45-9:10am
Wednesday, March 8
PTSA Meeting at 4pm
Thursday, March 16
Fun Run
Friday, March 17
End of Third Quarter, early release
Monday, March 20-Friday, March 24
Spring Break, no school
Friday, April 21
No School
Friday, May 19
Early Release
Thursday, May 25
Last Day of School, early release
Dear Lowell Families,
If you are currently enrolled at Lowell, your student will automatically be rolled into the 2023-24 school year. If your child will not be attending, please contact the front office at 208.854.5480 to let us know.
Thank you!
To register online, visit the BoiseSchools.org website.
News from the Counselor
I encourage you to visit me at Lowell if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s needs. I can also be reached by phone: 208.854.5487 and email: dave.sica@boiseschools.org
Dave Sica
School Counselor
Lowell Elementary School
Dave Sica, M.Ed.
Office: 208.854.5487 dave.sica@boiseschools.org Lowell School Counseling Website
Just For Kids Program
Just For Kids is Boise School District's on-site childcare program providing before and after school services for Lowell Elementary students grades Kindergarten through 6th. For additional information visit Just For Kids.
News from the Nurse
Please notify the Health Office regarding any changes to your student's health history and current health conditions.
Don't hesitate to reach out! (208) 900-7209 or carrie.palermo@boiseschools.org
Carrie Palermo, RN
Food Services
Starting in the 2022-23 school year, Boise School District meals will no longer be federally funded. Families will need to fill out a meal application to potentially qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Payment Options
Cash or checks are accepted in the cafeteria or school office (made payable to the BSD Food & Nutrition Services and must include the first and last name of student). Alternately, for online payments please visit MySchoolBucks to add funds to your student's meal card. Please visit Boise School District Food & Nutrition Services for additional information.
Lowell PTSA
Hello Lowell!
March is around the corner & we've got fun stuff going on. CLICK HERE to read PTSA's March news & stay informed. Thank you for your time!
Lowell Elementary PTSA
Makerspace Cart
Lowell's Lunch Makerspace Cart provides students who prefer non-physical activities an outlet on Wednesdays & Thursdays. However, we need the manpower to run this program. That's where you can help. Thanks for considering giving a couple hours of your time. Details & sign up: https://bit.ly/3pDM1ly
Open Positions
As the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year approaches we continue to have opportunities to work as a paraprofessional in our special education programs. Across the district, we have over 30 different positions to apply for. If you are looking to get involved in the public school system, this is a great opportunity to give back. For more information about open positions please visit our HR website.
Parent SUBSTITUTES needed! As with most businesses, staff shortages & coverage is tough these days. If you can sub for Lowell, we'd love to have you. Here's the link for how to sub for BSD (you can mark preference for Lowell jobs once you're in the system).
The Boise School District complies with federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) as it relates to the release of student directory information to the public. To learn more, log on to www.boiseschools.org and navigate to Parents & Patrons > Parent Information > FERPA Form. Or, please call the Clerk of the Board at 208-854-4123 to obtain a copy of the FERPA form.
Lowell Elementary
Abbey Griffitts - Principal
Samantha Tyree - Administrative Assistant
Email: abbey.griffitts@boiseschools.org
Website: lowell.boiseschools.org
Location: 1507 N 28th St, Boise, ID 83703
Phone: 208.854.5480